九年级英语上册 Unit 3 Teenage problems Reading(1)精品学案 牛津译林版.doc

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1、九年级英语上册 Unit 3 Teenage problems Reading(1)精品学案 牛津译林版课题9A unit 3 Reading 1学习目标知识目标学习对问题和自己感受的表达。能力目标学习向别人征求意见。情感目标培养勇于面对挫折和烦恼的勇气。学习重点词汇,短语。学习难点学习如何表达自己的问题和感受。课前自学一、写出下列单词的汉语意思,理解其用法并举例题或例句。1. deal _2. choice _3. complete _4. refuse _5. accept _6. hardly _7. spare_8. doubt _9. whether _10. worth _11.

2、offer_12. suggestion _13. value _14. plenty _15. allow _16. strict _17. achieve _二、文中找出下短语并把他们翻译成汉语,理解其用法并举例题或例句。1. 没有选择_2. 熬夜_3. 感到疲劳_4. 第二天_5. 拒绝做如此多的工作_6. 上交_7. 准时_8. 空闲时间_9. 比如_10. 值得如此努力工作_11. 期盼_12. 给我一些建议_13. 收到你的来信_14. 我对足球的爱_15. 感到有压力_16. 不时,有时_17. 在我们的业余爱好上花一些时间_18. 使我们的生活更有趣_19. 得到父母的支持_2

3、0. 找到平衡_课堂交流展示一、在组内和班内展示预习任务。看看哪位同学能够口头翻译预习作业中的第二题。二、下面我们开始学习课文。首先请大家根据实际情况回答下列问题。Do you have a problem?_What is your problem?_三、Millie和Simon 同样也有各自的烦恼,并且他们分别写信向别人求助。现在就让我们一起来读一读他们的信吧。请读第一封信回答下列问题。1. What problem does Millie have? _2. Why does Millie accept to do so much work although she does not w

4、ant to? _3. Does Millie have any hobbies? What are they? _4. What do you think of her problem? Can you offer her some advice? _四、请阅读Simon的信,回答下列问题。1. When does Simon play football? _2. How do his parents think about it? _3. Does Simon agree with his parents? Why or why not? _五、再请大家读一读Millie和Simon的信,

5、然后分别向大家介绍一下他们各自的烦恼。分小组准备,然后在每一组中任选一位同学,看看哪一组说得最好。六、课后请各小组再读课文,找出文中难以理解的句型。课堂达标检测一、根据课文内容判断下列句子正误。( )1. Millie and Simon are both Grade 9 students.( )2. They wrote to their teacher about their problems.( )3. Millie spends a lot of time on homework.( )4. Millie has many hobbies, she likes reading best

6、 now.( )5. Millie doesnt know when to do her homework and when to spend time on her hobbies.( )6. Simon is crazy about football. he often gets home very late.( )7. He often plays football after school and forgets when to stop. He spends too much on football, this makes his parents angry. ( )8. Simon

7、 thinks hobbies can help people relax and make our lives interesting.( )9. Simon sometimes feels stressed and angry.( )10. Its good to stay out late to play football.二、翻译。1、吃得太多对你的健康不利。_2、我没有充足的时间睡眠。_3、我们家的电视机总是开着。_4、为了集中精力学习,Tom不得不放弃了自己的爱好。_5、你能告诉我如何在这两者间达到平衡吗?总32课时一、TFTFTTTTTF二、1. Eating too much is bad for your health./To eat too much is bad for your health.2. I dont have enough time to sleep.3. Our familys TV is always on.4. In order to focus on study, Tom has to give up his hobbies.5. Can you tell me how to achieve a balance between the two.4


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