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1、1 课时作业 3 . 单句改错 1. We should deal with the problems in the terms of the peoples interests. _ 2. At a rough estimate, our new library is three times as larger as the old one. _ 3. I dont need to pay to go inside because I was belonged to this club. _ 4. My uncle raises about 100 head of cattle on his

2、 farm. _ 5. Comparing with ordinary dolls, Barbie Dolls sell well, whose prices range from 5 dollars to 100 dollars. _ 6. On the one hand, I have to work;on other hand, I have many visitors to see. _ 答案 1删掉第二个the 2.largerlarge3. 删 was 4head heads 5.ComparingCompared 6第二个on 后加 the . 单句语法填空 7Is a ques

3、tionnaire answered by 500 people truly_(represent) of national opinion? 8Who was it that_(government) the country in the 19th century? 9The crowd_(head) south, believing that they can find water there. 10Andy and Ben both major in politics but they often hold_(oppose)political views. 11 In the agree

4、ment I saw his name_(sign) in larger letters by chance. 12 How are their talks going on? Have they made any_(agree)? 2 They only seemed to have agreed to set another date for further discuss. 13 Tomorrow we are going to have a meeting to discuss the problem_terms of relationship between nature and t

5、he development of our society. 14 On the one hand, theyd love to go abroad, but_the other hand, they dont want to leave their hometown. 15 As long as you study each day, little_little your English vocabulary will increase. 16The dictionary as well as the grammar books that have bookmarks in them bel

6、ongs_Jane. 答案 7representative 8.governed 9.headed 10 opposite 11.signed 12.agreement 13 in 14.on 15.by 16.to . 完形填空 Many people who work in London want to live outside it and to go to their offices, factories or schools every day by train, car or bus, even though this_17_they have to get up earlier

7、in the morning and reach_18_later in the evening. One benefit of living outside London is that houses are_19_ Even a small flat in London without a garden costs quite a lot_20_ With the same money, one can get a little house in the country with a garden of_21_own.Then, in the country one can be_22_f

8、rom the noise and hurry of the town._23_one has to get up earlier and spend more time in trains or buses, one can sleep_24_at night, and, during weekends and_25_summer evenings, one can enjoy the_26_clean air of the country.If one_27_gardens, one can spend ones_28_time digging, planting, watering an

9、d doing the hundred and one other jobs which are_29_in the garden.Then, when the flowers and vegetables_30_, one has the reward of a person who has shared the secrets of_31_ Some people, however, take no interest in country things; for them,_32_lies in the town, with its cinemas and theaters, beauti

10、ful shops and busy streets, dance halls and restaurants.Such people would_33_that their life was not worth_34_if 3 they had to live it outside London.A walk in one of the parks and a visit_35_the sea every summer is all the country they_36_ 17. A.shows Bexpresses Cmeans Dneed 18 A.home Bfamily Cflat

11、 Dhouse 19 A.cleaner Bnicer Cbigger Dcheaper 20 A.money Bto lend Cto borrow Dto hire 21 A.him Bits Cones Dtheir 22 A.free Bfar Cout Dabsent 23 A.If BAlthough CBecause DAfter 24 A.little Bless Clonger Dbetter 25 A.on Bfor Cat Dby 26 A.cold Bwarm Cfresh Dpleasant 27 A.prefers Blikes Cwants Dinterests

12、28 A.day Brest Cspare Dwhole 29 A.made Bbrought Ccarried Dneeded 30 A.come on Bcome to Ccome up Dcome over 4 31 A.work Bsociety Cscience Dnature 32 A.health Bhappiness Cwealth Dfuture 33 A.know Bfeel Cunderstand Dhope 34 A.wasting Bfinding Cliving Dspending 35 A.for Bto Cof Dat 36 A.hope Bwish Cask

13、Dwant 答案与解析 本文是议论文,介绍在伦敦工作的人对是在市里居住还是在乡下居住所持的不同看法和 态度。 17 C 考查动词词义和上下文。住在郊外就意味着早晨早起去上班。 18 A 考查固定搭配。reach home 到家,其中, home前不加冠词。 19 D 考查上下文。从下文内容可知,郊外的房屋便宜。 20D 考查词义辨析和上下文搭配。房子不是借而是租用。若选 A ,则 a lot后应加 of 。 cost a lotcost a lot of money花费很多钱。 21C 考查人称代词的固定搭配。与句子主语一致, of ones own意为“属于自己的”。 22B 考查固定搭配和

14、上下文。句意:住在乡下, 人们可以远离市区的尘嚣和繁忙。far from 意为“远离”。 23B 考查上下文逻辑和连词用法。句意: 虽然你必须早起,花更多的时间在火车或公 共汽车上,但你可以在晚上睡得更好,而且,在周末和夏天的晚上,你可以享受乡村清新的 空气。根据下文内容可知,此处应是让步关系,although 尽管。 24 D 考查上下文语境。从上文“from the noise and hurry of the town. ” 可看出, 晚上可以睡得更好。句意见上。 25 A 考查介词用法。具体哪一天的上午、下午、晚上,要用on。 26 C 考查形容词辨析和上下文语境。乡下的空气清新、无污

15、染。 5 27 B 考查动词词义。喜欢花园才会有下文的种花、种菜。 28C 考查上下文语境。spare time 意为“空闲时间”,spend ones spare time doing sth. 花业余时间在上。句意:如果一个人喜欢花园,你可以在你的闲暇时间去挖挖土、 种种花、浇浇水,还有做些其他需要干的活儿。 29D 考查上下文。 前面列举的 “digging ,planting,watering and doing the hundred and one other jobs”都是花园里所需要干的活。句意见上。 30 C 考查短语搭配。come up 意为“长出来,发芽”。 31 D 考查名词词义。the secrets of nature大自然的奥妙。句意:然后,当鲜花和 蔬菜长出地面时,那他就得到了


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