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1、1 Section Warming Up you can think of both the pros and cons of changing, but they balance each other out.In the preparation stage ,you know you want to take action ,you realize the pros of weight loss outweigh the cons,but you arent sure how to begin.” Believe it or not,Dr.Nash even says that now i

2、s not always the right time to begin a weight-loss program. “If you jump into the action stage before youve done enough thinking in the preparation stage deciding when to do this , how to do this , and what the potential barriers arethen you can actually set yourself up for failure.Thats when people

3、 who start a diet fall off it,and pretty soon arrive at the notion,I cant do this.Im a failure.Ill never be able to do this.” Surprisingly,Dr.Nash says that about one-third of all the people who come to see a psychologist such as herself, for help with an eating disorder, are binge eaters , and they

4、 are usually overweight. Dr.Nash explains that binge eating is “eating an amount of food that is larger than most people would eat under similar situations,and an experience of not being able to stop it or control it.” 【解题导语】本文是说明文。文章介绍了一本关于指导人们成功减肥的新书。 1According to Dr.Nash,more and more Americans

5、_. 3 Aare asking her for help Bare living a healthy life Crealize they need to lose weight Dsucceed in their weight-loss efforts 解析: 选C 推理判断题。由第二段的“ tens of millions of Americans are dieting.are actively trying to lose weight”可知,越来越多的美国人意识到他们需 要减肥。 2Which of the following descriptions is about the c

6、ontemplation stage? AIt refers to how to balance the pros and cons. BIt usually happens before the preparation stage. CIts usually more important than the action stage. DIts a time when people always trust themselves. 解析: 选 B 细节理解题。第三段解释沉思期时你可以考虑到改变的利弊,但无法权衡 出孰重孰轻,而准备期时你已能意识到减肥的利大于弊但却不知如何开始,由此可知,沉 思

7、期一般发生在准备期之前。 3What can we learn about Dr.Nash? AShe has an eating disorder. BShe used to be overweight. CShe has a very small stomach. DShe offers psychological guidance. 解析: 选 D 推理判断题。由倒数第二段的“ one-third of all the people who come to see a psychologist such as herself”可知,很多暴饮暴食者向Nash博士这样的心理 学家求助,故Na

8、sh博士提供心理咨询方面的指导。 4What is the authors purpose in writing the text? ATo help people start a diet. BTo show how to lose weight. CTo p resent a weight-loss program. DTo introduce a new book on weight loss. 解析: 选 D 写作目的题。由文章首段即主旨段,和下文提及Nash 博士对于人们在 减肥节食方面的观点可知,本文旨在介绍她写的这本关于指导人们成功减肥的新书。 . 完形填空 People att

9、ach more and more significance to a balanced and healthy diet at the present time.When it comes to smart eating for your health,stop thinking about short-term fixes (解决方法) or simplify your life with a straightforward approach 4 that will serve you well for years to come. Smart eating goes beyond ana

10、lyzing every bite of food you lift _1_ your mouth.“In the past we used to believe that _2_amounts of individual nutrients ( 营养物 ) were the _3_ to good health ,” said Linda Van Horn, chair of the American Heart Associations Nutrition Committee.“But now we have a _4_understanding of healthy eating and

11、 the kinds of food necessary to _5_ not only heart disease but disease _6_ general,” she adds. Scientists now _7_ on the broader picture of the balance of food eaten _8_ several days or a week _9_ on the number of milligrams ( 毫克 ) of this or that _10_ at each meal. Fruits, vegetables and whole grai

12、ns, for example , provide nutrients and plant-based compounds ( 混合物 )_11 _ for good health.“The more we learn , the more _12_ we are by the wealth of essential substances they _13_,” Van Horn continues ,“and _ 14_ they interact with each other to keep us healthy.” Youll automatically be _15_ the rig

13、ht heart-healthy track if vegetables, fruits and whole grains _16_ three quarters of the food on your dinner plate._17_ in the remaining one quarter with lean meat,chicken ,fish or eggs. The foods you choose to eat as well as those you choose to _18_ clearly contribute to your physical well-being.Wi

14、thout_19_,each of the small decisions you make in this realm can make a profound _20_ on your health in the years to come. 【解题导语】本文为说明文, 作者讲述了我们该如何合理地选择食物以保持身体健康。 1A.between B through Con D to 解析: 选 D 考查介词。根据语境可知,明智的饮食远远不止分析你送到嘴边的每一口 食物。 lift.to.表示“把举到”,故选D。 2A.serious B splendid Cspecific D separat

15、e 解析: 选 C 考查形容词。根据语境可知,在过去,我们常常认为,某一种营养成分的 具体的量才是身体健康的关键。故选C。 3A.key B point Clead D center 解析: 选 A 考查名词。 the key to sth.“的关键”。根据上一题的分析可知, 应选 A。 5 4A.strict B different Ctypical D natural 解析: 选 B 考查形容词。根据语境可知,以前我们认为某一种营养成分的具体的量是 健康的关键,而现在我们的想法有了变化,故使用different。故选 B。 5A.rescue B prevent Cforbid D offend 解析: 选 B 考查动词。此处指我们现在认为健康的饮食不仅仅可以预防心脏病而且还 可以普遍地预防其他的一些疾病。prevent在此意为“预防”。 6A.in B upon Cfor D by 解析: 选 A 考查介词。 in general“普遍地”。根据上一题的分析可知,A项正确。 7A.turn B put Cfocus D carry 解析: 选 C 考查动词。根据语境可知,科学家们现在的关注面更为广泛,不仅关注每 一餐饭所吃的这种或那种食物的量,还关注几天里或一周所吃的食物之间的平衡。turn on“打开”; put on “穿上”; focus on “关注”; carr



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