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1、第 1 页 共 7 页 基础知识梳理 一、 重点单词。 (英汉互译 )(10 分) 1. 第一(的)_2. 第二 (的)_ 3. 第三(的)_ 4. 第四 (的)_ 5. 第五(的)_ 6. 第十二 (的)_ 7. 第二十 (的)_ 8. 第二十一 (的)_ 9. 第二十三 (的)_ 10. 第三十 (的)_ 11. special_12. show_ 13. kitten_ 14. diary _ 15. still _ 16. noise_ 17. fur_ 18. open _ 19. walk_ 20. festival_ 二、重点短语。 (英汉互译 )(5 分) 1. 在星期天_ 2

2、. 在十月一日_ 3. 第二个星期天_ 4. special days_ 5. talk about_ 三、重点句子。 (汉译英 )(10 分) 1. 儿童节是哪天 ? _ 2. 儿童节是六月一日。 _ 3. 你们在端午节都做什么 ? _ 4. 你的生日是什么时候 ? 第 2 页 共 7 页 _ 5. 她的生日在五月五日。 _ 四、核心语言点。 (9 分) 数词分为基数词和序数词。请你观察表格中的规律,补全表格。 one two three five 4th six seven eight nine ten 8th 单元强化检测 五、用所给词的适当形式填空。(12 分) 1. My house

3、 is on the _ floor. There are _ rooms in the house. (three) 2. My father is _ years old. Today is his _ birthday. (thirty- one) 3. There are _ months in a year. December is the_ month. (twelve) 六、给下列句子选择正确的图片。(10 分) ()1. The sports meet is on September the fifteenth. ()2. Childrens Day is on June th

4、e first. ()3. Chinas National Day is on October the first. ()4. Fathers Day is on June the twenty-first. ()5. My mum s birthday is on July the third. A. B. C. D. E. 第 3 页 共 7 页 七、单项选择。 (12 分) ()1. _is your birthday? It s on March 5th. A. WhatB. WhenC. Where ()2. The fifth month of the year is_. A. M

5、arch B. April C. May ()3. _will you do for your mum on her birthday? A. What B. When C. Where ()4. Fathers Day is on the_ Sunday in June. A. second B. first C. third ()5. Mikes birthday is_ May 25th. A. on B. in C. at ()6. _is on October 1st. A. Christmas B. Thanksgiving Day C. China s National Day

6、八、连词成句。 (8 分) 1. when, birthday, brothers, your, is (?) _ 2. Day, on, Tree Planting, March, is, 12th (. ) _ 3. after, football, you, with, lunch, play, me, will (?) _ 4. sing, will, we, and, dance, on, Day, Childrens (. ) _ _ 九、选择正确选项补全对话。(10 分) A: I like October best. B: 1. _ A: There are some spec

7、ial days in this month. 第 4 页 共 7 页 B: 2. _ A: Chinas National Day, Mid-Autumn Day and my birthday. B: 3. _ A: It s on October 25th. B: 4. _ A: I will have a birthday party. Please come then. B: 5. _ 十、阅读日记,完成任务。(14 分) July 4th The mother dog has two new babies today. They are so little. And they do

8、nt have any fur. Im very happy. July 14th The baby dogs are ten days old. They are brown. They can drink milk. But they sleep for a long time every day. July 20th Their eyes are open now. And they can hear. But they cant stand or walk. August 4th The baby dogs are one month old now. They can stand a

9、nd run now. They can play with their mum. (一) 将相对应的日期写在横线上。(8 分) 1. _ 2. _ 3. _ 4. _ A. When is your birthday? B. Sure. C. Why? D. What will you do on that day? 第 5 页 共 7 页 (二) 判断下列句子正 (T)误(F)。(6 分) ()1. The baby dogs open their eyes on July 14th. ()2. The baby dogs are brown. ()3. The baby dogs sle

10、ep for a long time when they are one month old. 第 6 页 共 7 页 答案 基础知识梳理 一、1. first2. second3. third4. fourth5. fifth 6. twelfth7. twentieth8. twenty- first 9. twenty-third10. thirtieth11. 特殊的 12. 展览13. 小猫14. 日记 15. 仍然16. 声音; 响声17. 浓密的软毛 18. 开着的 19. 行走20. 节日 二、1. on Sunday2. on October 1st 3. the secon

11、d Sunday4. 特殊的日子 5. 谈论关于 三、1. When is Childrens Day? 2. Childrens Day is on June 1st. 3. What do you do on Dragon Boat Festival? 4. When is your birthday? 5. Her birthday is on May 5th. 四、 one two three four five 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th six seven eight nine ten 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 单元强化检测 五、1. third; th

12、ree2. thirty- one; thirty- first3. twelve; twelfth 六、1. E2. A3. C4. D5. B 七、1. B2. C3. A 4. C点拨:父亲节是6 月第 3 个星期日。 5. A点拨:在具体的某一天前用介词on。 第 7 页 共 7 页 6. C 八、1. When is your brothers birthday? 2. Tree Planting Day is on March 12th. 3. Will you play football with me after lunch? 4. We will sing and dance on Childrens Day. 九、1. C2. E3. A4. D5. B 十、(一)1. July 14th2. August 4th3. July 4th 4. July 20th (二)1. F 2. T 3.


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