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1、 1 20172017 年贵州省黔东南州中考英语试卷年贵州省黔东南州中考英语试卷 一、第一部分:一、第一部分: 听力( (听力( (3030 分)分)I I、听力(此题由四节组成,共、听力(此题由四节组成,共 8 8 小题,其中第一、二节每小题,其中第一、二节每 小题小题 2 2 分,第三、四节每小题分,第三、四节每小题 2 2 分,共分,共 3030 分) :分) : 听句子两遍选择正确的应答语,完成听句子两遍选择正确的应答语,完成 1 1- -5 5 小题并用小题并用 2B2B 铅笔把答题卡对应题目的答案标号涂黑铅笔把答题卡对应题目的答案标号涂黑 1 (2 分)AYes,its six B

2、Yes,its the third CYes,its 6625678 2 (2 分)AHe works BHe is an English teacher CHe works hard 3 (2 分)AWonderful BMe,too CThats right 4 (2 分)AMy pleasure BYoure right CThanks 5 (2 分)AI want to take the train BI plan to climb the mountain CI will go to Zhengyuan 6 (10 分)听对话两遍,选择与对话内容相符的图画(其中有一幅是多余的) ,完

3、成 610 小题并用 2B 铅笔把答题卡对应题目的答案标号涂黑 2 6 7 8 9 10 11 (10 分) 11AZhaoxing BXijiang CBasha 12Ain the hotel Bin a museum Cin a restaurant 13Asing Bdoing sports Cplaying cards 14Afrom the newspaper Bfrom her friend Cfrom TV news 15Afor three days Bfor four days Cfor five days 16 (10 分)Mario is a book loverHe

4、could read by himself at the age of (16) Last month,he decided to go out for a volunteer after school reading (17) He still works there twice a month,to help kids learn to readHe said the kids were (18) in the library,but you could see in the eyes that theyre going on a different journey with each (

5、19) bookVolunteering there was a dream come true for himHe could do what he loved to do and helped (20) people at the same time 二、第二部分:二、第二部分: 语言知识运用(语言知识运用(5050 分)分)、单项选择(共、单项选择(共 1515 小题,每小题小题,每小题 1 1 分,共分,共 2020 分)分) A. A. 请在下列各请在下列各 题所给的四个选项 (题所给的四个选项 (A A、 B B、 C C、 和、 和 D D) 中, 选出最佳选项完成) 中, 选出

6、最佳选项完成 2121- -3535 小题小题. . 并并 用用 2B2B 铅笔把答题卡对应题目的答案标号涂黑 (铅笔把答题卡对应题目的答案标号涂黑 (1515 分)分) 21 (1 分)There is_unhappy boy sitting on_seat over there who looks very sad ( ) 3 Aa; a Ba; the Cthe; the Dan; the 22 (1 分)The game is very wonderfulWho designed it? It _by John in 2002 ( ) Ais designed Bdesigns Cwa

7、s designed Ddesigned 23 (1 分)I think the boy_is in white is his brother ( ) Awhat Bwhich Cwho Dwhom 24 (1 分)Kaili is one of the most beautiful_in Guizhou ( ) APlace Bcities Ctown Dcountry 25 (1 分)Sandy like English bestShe reads the tax every day _ ( ) Aso does Jim Bso Jim does Cso Jim is Dso is Jim

8、 26 (1 分)Mom,must I go shopping with you this afternoon? No you_Youd better finish your homework first ( ) Acant Bmust Cneednt Dmustnt 27(1 分) If it doesnt rain this weekend we_a picnic in the, Jinquan Park( ) Ahave Bwill have Chave had Dhad 28 (1 分)Could you tell me where_the day after tomorrow?( )

9、 Ayou will go Bwill you go see Cyou have gone Dyou went 29 (1 分)There_a book and four pens on the desk ( ) Ahas Bis Care Dhave 30 (1 分)They arrived at the airport of Huangquan Park_the morning of June 7th ( ) Ain Bhat Cby Don 31 (1 分)Your mother is very busyShe hardly does morning exercise,_ ( ) Ais

10、nt she Bdoes she Cdoesnt she Dis she 32 (1 分)Im too fat,how can I become healthier? You should eat_vegetables and take_exercise ( ) Aless,more Bless,less Cmore,more Dmore,less 33 (1 分)How long_you_in,Liping,Mr green 4 Since last month ( ) Adid; come Bdo;come Chave,come Dhave,been 34 (1 分)The weather

11、 in Chongjiang is the same as_in Rongjiang ( ) Athat Bdoes Cit Dthem 35 (1 分)Davy,could you travel around Qiandongnan with me in July? Oh,sorry_( ) AI cant stand staying at home in such hot weather BI like visiting some interesting place in such hot weather CI prefer to stay at home in such hot weat

12、her DI dont mind visiting any place with you 二、二、B. B. 请从下列每题的四个选项(请从下列每题的四个选项(A A、B B, C C, 和和 D D)中,选出一个意思相同或相近的选项)中,选出一个意思相同或相近的选项 替换句中的划线部分 完成替换句中的划线部分 完成 3636- -4040 小题 并用小题 并用 2B2B 铅笔把答题卡对应题目的答案标号涂黑 (铅笔把答题卡对应题目的答案标号涂黑 (5 5 分)分) 36 (1 分)Beautiful Xijiang attracts a number of tourists to Leishan

13、 country every year ( ) Aso many Bso much Ca few Da lot 37 (1 分)Mom,I want to go swimming in the river No way John,A kid cant go swimming aloneIts dangerous ( ) Aits possible Bno door Cits impossible Dno problem 38 (1 分)Bruce,please return my history book as soon as you can ( ) Aturn back Bgive back

14、 Cgo back Dcome back 39 (1 分)The little girl has to take care of her grandmother and grandfather, when her parents are out ( ) Alook into Blook for Clook up Dlook after 40 (1 分)Would you please go shopping with us,Li Ming? Oh,sorryI am up to the ears in my work ( ) Aam busy with Bam interested in 5 Cmake progress in Dmake mistakes in 三、三、. . 完型填空阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从每题所给的四个选项(完型填空阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从每题所给的四个选项(A A、B B、 C C、 和和 D D)中,选出最佳选项,完成)中,选出最佳选项,完成 4141- -5050 题并用题并用 2B2B 铅笔把答题卡对应题目的答案标号涂黑,铅笔把答题卡对应题目的答案标号涂黑, 每小题每小题 1010 分,共分,共 2020 分分 41 (10 分)Natural resources(资源)come from the earthAn



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