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1、,课标人教实验版 选修 10 Unit 4,Grammar The Subjunctive Mood,The Subjunctive Mood If I were Andy Lou, I would be in Hong Kong now. I wish I were a millionaire. We suggest that everyone should help the AIDS patients. When to use the Subjunctive Mood in English?,hypotheses,wishes,suggestion,虚拟语气,虚拟语气是一种特殊的动词形式(

2、verb structure),用来表示说话人所说的话不是一个事实 (fact),而只是一种假设(hypotheses ) 愿望(wishes)、建议(suggestion) 或怀疑doubt等等。,The definition of the Subjunctive Mood,The old men would find it difficult to get a job if they left the farm. I should be surprised if it was less than five pounds. If I frightened those birds, they

3、might fly off and I would never see them again. If I were you, I would accept the office.,If I were asked to define my mood, Id say “bored”. If he had taken his doctors advice, he might not have died so soon. If he had realized that, he would have run away while there was still time. If she had not

4、married, she could have become special in the filed.,2.虚拟语气在条件句也可用来表示“将来不太可能出现的情况”, 条件从句用 should do, were to 或一般过去时,主句用 would do, should do, could/might do.,If it should rain tomorrow, the sports meet would have to be put off. I could see the surface of the moon with my own eyes if I were to go to t

5、he moon some day. What would you do if he failed to come tomorrow?,注意:含有 should 的条件句,主句可以用一般现在时或一般将来时例如: If there should be another flood, what shall we do? Ask her to leave a message if she should come.,3. 在正式英语文体中,if 从句中的第一个动词如果是should, were 或 had, 可将此动词置于句首,替代 if例如: Were it all true, it would sti

6、ll not excuse their actions. Had the captain been more careful, his ship would not have sunk. Should any visitors come, I would say you are not here.,4. if only 和 suppose (supposing), 也可以引导虚拟从句 If only I had more time, I could go there to help them. Supposing it were fine tomorrow, would you go clim

7、bing the mountain with us?,5. If it were not / had not been for 也是常见的虚拟句型,意思是“要不是” 例如: If it had not been for your help, we would not have achieved so much in our work. If it were not for the wise decision, We could not be living a happy life.,6. 虚拟语气用于I wish 的宾语从句中:表示现在时间,动词用一般过去时和过去进行时 (be动词用were

8、/was)表示过去时间,动词用过去完成时和过去完成进行时表示将来时间,动词用 would/ could 等+动词原形 I wish I knew how to operate this computer. I wish he werent so lazy. I do wish everything would be as quiet as before.,I wish he hadnt been working overtime yesterday. 注意:这里I wish 所表达的意思与 if only差不多以上的句子都可以用if only 来代替 I wish 例如: If only I

9、knew how to operate this computer. If only we hadnt been working overtime yesterday.,7. Its (about/high) time +从句,表示“该做而未做的事”,是一种婉转的建议,从句中的动词用一般过去时 例如: It is high time we began to work. Weve enjoyed the evening, but its time we went home. Its about time the boy learned to behave himself.,8. 表示“要求、建议

10、、命令” 等动词demand, require, suggest, insist, advise, order 等后接宾语从句时,从句谓语动词一般用虚拟语气,即should + 动词原形(do/be done), should 也可以省略例如: He insisted that John (should) do the job. We suggest that the meeting (should) not be postponed. The union demanded that the wages (should) be raised by 20%.,常用的这类动词是:ask (要求),

11、 advise(建议), command(命令), decide(决定), demand(要求), insist(坚持), move(提议), order(命令), propose(提出), require(要求), request(请求), suggest(建议), urge(主张) 如果这些动词不是表示“要求、建议、命令”等意思时,这时宾语从句一般不用虚拟语气。,例如: He insisted that I was wrong. (这儿 insist 意思是“坚持认为”) The expression on her face suggests that she knows the secr

12、et. (这儿 suggest 意思是“表明”,1. If he had not lost his money, he _ the piano last week. A would buy B had bought C bought D could have bought 2. If we were to be 200 years old, we _ everything. A will change B can change C could change D changed,3 If you _ that film last night, you would not be so sleepy

13、 now. A didnt see B havent seen C wouldnt seen D hadnt seen 4 You are late. If you _ a little minutes earlier, you _ him. A came, would meet B had come, would have met C came, would have met D were to come, would meet,5 But for the storm, we _ a pleasant journey. A should have B have had C would hav

14、e D should have had 6 _ to do the work, I should do it some other day. A If were I B I were C Were I D Was I,7 Without the computer, the problem _ in such a short time. A couldnt be solved B wouldnt have solved C couldnt have been solved 8 Without electricity, human life _ quite different today. A w

15、ill be B were to be C would be D is,9. You are very selfish. Its high time you _ you are not the most important person in the world,” Edgar said to his boss angrily. A have realized B realized C realize D should realize 10. I wish I _ longer this morning, but I had to get up and come to class A could have slept B slept C might have slept D have slept,


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