人教PEP四年级英语课件Unit 5 Dinner's readyPart A Let's spell

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《人教PEP四年级英语课件Unit 5 Dinner's readyPart A Let's spell》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《人教PEP四年级英语课件Unit 5 Dinner's readyPart A Let's spell(26页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit 5 Dinners ready Part A Lets spell,小学英语四年级上册RJ版,Whats missing,Revision,What would you like?,Id like some rice and vegetables, please.,rice (1 yuan),vegetables (5 yuan),OK. Six yuan, please.,Revision,What would you like?,Id like some beef and bread, please.,beef (20 yuan),bread (1 yuan),OK. Twent

2、y-one yuan, please.,Revision,What would you like?,Id like some beef noodles, please.,beef noodles (25 yuan),OK. Twenty-five yuan, please.,Revision,What would you like?,Id like some chicken and an egg, please.,chicken(15 yuan),OK. Sixteen yuan, please.,egg(1 yuan),Revision,字母a在单词中发双元音/ei/,Revision,字母

3、i在单词中发双元音/ai/,Revision,字母o在单词中发双元音/u/,Revision,字母u在单词中发双元音/ju:/,Revision,规律:“元音+辅音+e”结构,元音字母发它的字母音。,我 发 现,1.cake late ei 2.rose note u 3.nice five ai 4.cute use ju: 5.he she i:,Lets spell,字母e在单词中发长元音/i:/,me he she we,e-/i:/,Lets chant,He and she, She and he, Lets play together, He, she and me. He an

4、d she, She and he, We all play together. 123,Activity 1,he, she, Lee, Eve, me,字母e都在单词末尾,red, pen, pet, desk, bed, let, get,/i:/,字母e都在单词中间,/e/,Lets spell,hen, men wet yet red bed bet pencil hen,e在中间(-e-) /e/,me he be we she,e在词尾(-e) /i:/,cake grape nine phone use,e与好友相连不发音,Lets spell,Read, listen and

5、 tick().,bed be,例:找出下列发/i:/的单词,Activity 2,Read, listen and tick().,bed be,red we,he let,pencil me,get she,找出发音为/i:/的单词,Activity 2,Listen, circle and write.,例:,-e i-e,rice,Activity 2,Listen, circle and write.,-e u-e,he,Activity 2,Listen, circle and write.,-e -e-,red,Activity 2,Listen, circle and writ

6、e.,-e o-e,we,Practice,选出每组中字母e的发音与其他两个不同的单词。,( )1. A. egg B. leg C. me ( )2. A. red B. he C. desk ( )3. A. nose B. she C. cake ( )4. A. she B. pen C. me,C,B,B,B,Summary,今天我们学会了什么?,he she me we ,e- /i:/,我们的发现:字母e在单词中发长元音/i:/,Homework,1.抄写Lets spell的4个单词,每个五遍。 2.在词汇表中找出字母e在单词中发长音/i:/的单词,用_画出来,并试着拼读,看谁

7、长得最多,读得最准。,Goodbye!,red,A,apple,Hi,小学英语四年级上册RJ版,B,C,Hello,1、最困难的事就是认识自己。 2、自知之明是最难得的知识。二二年六月二十八日2020年6月28日星期日 3、越是无能的人,越喜欢挑剔别人。20:116.28.202020:116.28.202020:1120:11:156.28.202020:116.28.2020 4、与肝胆人共事,无字句处读书。6.28.20206.28.202020:1120:1120:11:1520:11:15 5、三军可夺帅也。Sunday, June 28, 2020June 20Sunday, June 28, 20206/28/2020 6、最大的骄傲于最大的自卑都表示心灵的最软弱无力。8时11分8时11分28-Jun-206.28.2020 7、人生就是学校。20.6.2820.6.2820.6.28。2020年6月28日星期日二二年六月二十八日 8、你让爱生命吗,那么不要浪费时间。20:1120:11:156.28.2020Sunday, June 28, 2020,


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