wish you were here-song-听歌学英语

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1、听歌学英语,Song:Wish You Were Here,Predict The script romatic? sad? The music rock? jazz?,Enjoy a MV,Song:Wish You Were Here,I can be _ , I can be _ But with you, its not like that at all Theres a girl that gives a shit Behind this wall you just _ _ it And I remember All those _ things you said You left

2、them _ _ my head Youre always there, youre everywhere _ _I wish you were here All those crazy things we did Didnt think about it, just _ _ it Youre always there, youre _ But right now I wish you were here,tough,strong,walk through,crazy,running through,Right now,went with,everywhere,Damn! Damn! Damn

3、! What Id do to _ you here, here, here (I wish you were here) Damn! Damn! Damn! What Id do to have you near, near, near (I wish you were here) I love, the way you are Its _ I am, dont have to try hard We always say, say it like it is And_ _, is that I really miss All those crazy things you said You

4、left them running through my _ Youre _ there, youre everywhere Right now I wish you were here All those crazy things we did Didnt _ _ it, just went with it Youre always there, youre everywhere But right now I wish you were here,who,the truth,have,always,head,think about,No, I dont wanna let go I jus

5、t wanna let you know That I, never wanna let go Let go oh oh No, I dont wanna let go I just wanna let you know That I, never wanna let go Let go oh oh Damn! Damn! Damn! What Id do to have you here, here, here (I wish you were here) Damn! Damn! Damn! What Id do to have you near, near, near (I wish yo

6、u were here),Song:Wish You Were Here 翻译以下歌词,I can be tough, I can be strong But with you, its not like that at all Theres a girl that gives a shit Behind this wall you just walk through it And I remember All those crazy things you said You left them running through my head Youre always there, youre

7、everywhere Right now I wish you were here,Song:Wish You Were Here,I can be tough, I can be strong 我可以彪悍,我可以坚强 But with you, its not like that at all 但面对你时,完全变了样 Theres a girl that gives a shit 有个女孩,把你放在心上 Behind this wall you just walk through it 她躲在这道墙后,而你已穿越那墙,And I remember All those crazy things

8、 you said 我记得你说的所有疯狂话语 You left them running through my head 你让你那些话在我脑里播送不停 Youre always there, youre everywhere 你的身影无处不在 Right now I wish you were here 但现在,好希望你就在身边,摇滚小天后Avril Lavigne(艾薇儿拉维尼)最新单曲Wish You Were Here,此单曲收录在2011年3月8日新专辑Goodbye Lullaby中。 这是一首伤感的情歌,MV中,散落的花瓣如少女破碎的心,惆怅的岁少女情怀亦如在她手中燃烧的花,化为灰

9、烬。 歌曲痴缠动人 流泪的艾薇儿更是我见犹怜。,Enjoy,Discussion,How do you like the song? I think the song is (+adj.).,fantastic,relaxing,depressing,Who is she?,16岁踏足歌坛,17岁开始出专辑并一举成名的Avril,出生在加拿大安大略省一个叫纳帕尼的小镇。 十岁开始写歌,曾经在家乡的教堂唱诗班唱歌,在当地的节日庆典上也有过不俗的表演。 16岁时艾薇儿被Arista唱片公司的负责人看中,迎来音乐事业上的第一次契机。签约Arista后,Avril随唱片公司来到美国发展,但她满脑子的音

10、乐想法似乎与唱片公司特地招徕的知名音乐制作人格格不入,直至遇到了着名唱片制作人Clif Magness。Avril的音乐特色在Clif Magness的帮助下日渐显露。Avril的音乐略带朋克色彩,旋律上可以清楚的感觉到Grunge音乐对她的影响 Avril的音乐以另类的流行摇滚风格为主。由于制作能力的强大使她的音乐旋律和编曲更易于青少年歌迷群体接受,同时,摇滚风格为基础的音乐又明显比泛滥的青少年流行舞曲更易于迎合年龄稍大的歌迷的口味 Avril的音乐也为她赢得了在世界范围内巨大的成功,成为了流行音乐的新偶像,新的小天后,一个摇滚小天后。 首张专辑Let Go在音乐界掀起了一阵旋风。Avril

11、迅速成为歌迷追捧的对象。专辑很快在排行榜飙升到亚军的位置,并成为2002-2003年度最畅销的专辑之一。 出道至今,Avril已获得过8项格莱美世界音乐大奖提名。如今她仍然以雨后春笋般的速度,继续在流行音乐舞台上大放异彩。,Do you know her? Do you like her? What does she look like?,hair,eyes,beautiful? fairy? sexy?,Avril Ramona Lavigne, born on 27 September 1984, is a Canadian musician. Her father, Jean-Claud

12、e Lavigne, named her Avril after the French word for the month of April. At the age of two, she began singing church songs with her mother,Judith-Rosanne Judy (ne Loshaw). Judy recognized her two-year-old daughters talents after hearing her sing Jesus Loves Me in church. Lavigne has an older brother

13、, Matthew, and a younger sister, Michelle, both of whom teased her when she sang. My brother used to knock on the wall because I used to sing myself to sleep and he thought it was really annoying. Although she struggled with paying attention in school, sometimes being kicked out of class for misbeha

14、ving, her parents supported her singing. When Lavigne was 14, her parents would take her to karaoke sessions. She also began writing her own songs. Her first song was called Cant Stop Thinking About You, about a teenage crush, which she described as cheesy cute.,recognize:know, accept tease:laugh at

15、; joke knock on:hit struggle with:fight with kick out of:hit with the foot misbehave:behave or act badly; crush:a strong but temporary feeling of liking someone. eg: she ahs as crush on one of her teachers at school. chessy:of cheap quality or in bad style,低级的,庸俗的,爱慕,迷恋,认识,识别,戏弄,招惹,敲(门),踢出去,行为不端,与.作

16、斗争,Can you introduce Avril briefly?,1984, born At the age of two: church songs an older brother School;class 14 Her first song,An advertisement,ad,Enjoy,My diaper is full, full of chic. When its a NO.2, I look like a NO.1. I poo in blue. 偶的尿布快爆了潮爆了有木有虽然只是上2号,但看上去就很像大号有木有偶以牛仔的姿态便便了有木有 poo是儿语,意为“便便 礼貌的说法? go to the bathroom 去洗澡? 古代人们用“更衣”


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