2012高中英语 module2 Smoking素材 外研版必修2.doc

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1、Smoking: cutting down or quittingAddiction to tobacco is both physical and psychological. Every smoker knows how difficult it is to stop smoking or even cut down. Reducing the amount you smoke is a start and better than nothing, but the ultimate goal should be to quit altogether. And, as many ex-smo

2、kers will tell you, it is possible. There are two parts to addiction: physical addiction occurs because you become addicted to the nicotine in the cigarette. This addiction causes real withdrawal symptoms if you cut down or quit. psychological addiction occurs because smoking becomes part of your da

3、ily routine. This means if you want to cut down or quit, you will have to change your habits.Tackling physical addictionResearch has shown that using nicotine replacement therapy such as nicotine patches or chewing gum can reduce the number of cigarettes smoked and cut down the amount of dangerous s

4、moke inhaled. However, there is a slight risk the body will get used to this new form of nicotine. For this reason, its important to keep an eye on how much of the substitute youre using. Bupropion (Zyban) is an antidepressant medicine that is also effective in relieving the symptoms of nicotine wit

5、hdrawal. This can be prescribed by your GP on prescription, often through a stop-smoking clinic.It works in a different way to nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) by reducing the desire to smoke. It has a similar success rate to NRT.Tackling psychological addiction There are several ways smokers can

6、help break a psychological addiction. Decide how you want to quit either by cutting down gradually or, preferably, stopping completely on a pre-determined date. Make a list of reasons why you want to quit. Carry this with you at all times. When you have an urge for a cigarette, read your list and it

7、 will help strengthen your resolve. Choose a date when you want to quit and stick to it. Tell your family and friends - that way youll have to keep to the date. Find someone who can support you, for example a family member, friend or doctor. When the day arrives, do something active - throw out your

8、 cigarettes and remove all ashtrays, lighters and matches. And spoil yourself by doing something you enjoy, such as going to the cinema or shopping. Find something else to do for the times when you usually smoke a cigarette.Ive tried to give up before it didnt work! Youre not the only one. The chanc

9、es of success get better every time you try to quit. Most people need four attempts or more before they finally succeed. If you fail, just think of it as a rehearsal before you really quit.How long does it take before the cravings disappear?After just a few days the need for a cigarette will get les

10、s. And for some people, it may have completely vanished after just two to four weeks. Will I gain weight?You may gain a little weight, but dont let that put you off. A few extra pounds is nothing compared to the health advantages stopping smoking gives you.Avoid dieting unless your doctor tells you to do so, because this will increase your desire to smoke. If you snack, choose something healthy and low fat. Be more active and work off the extra calories through exercise.2用心 爱心 专心



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