高中英语 Unit11 Scientific achievements词汇讲解 大纲人教版第二册.doc

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1、Unit 11Scientific achievements Warming up,Listening and Speaking词汇讲解三点剖析1.Thats one small step for a man,one giant leap for mankind.这对于一个人来说是一小步,但对于人类来说则是一大飞跃。mankind n.人类【典型例句】He is wellknown for an invention that benefits all mankind.他因为一项造福全人类的发明而出名。Mankind are(is) much happier than in the past.人

2、类比从前幸福得多。【要点归纳】mankind是集合名词,不与限定词连用,一般用作单数,但表示复数意义,其相应的动词常用复数,但也可用单数。【相关链接】指“人”时mankind只有单数;human只用其复数形式humans,不能说a human;human being则既可以用单数a human being,也可以用复数human beings。这几个表示“人”的词多用于将人与其他动物进行比较时。例如: Are robots as clever as humans?机器人跟人一样聪明吗?Only two human beings were alive after the earthquake.地

3、震之后只有两个人还活着。随堂演练翻译(1)人类一定要与大自然和谐相处。_(2)许多人在矿难中死亡。_(3)那就是人类生活的开始。_(4)一个成功人士应该学会尊重他人。_答案:(1)Man must live in harmony with nature.(2)Many people were killed in the coal mine accident.(3)That was the beginning of the life of humans.(4)A successful person should learn to respect others.2.You and your tea

4、m are working on a cure for AIDS. 你和你的小组正在研究一种治疗艾滋病的方法。work on从事(工作);致力于 【典型例句】There did not seem much point in working on my doctors degree.攻读博士学位似乎没有太大的意义。Scientists are working on a new plan to protect the wild life along Qingzang Railway.科学家们正在制订新计划来保护青藏铁路沿线的野生动物。She was sitting there,working on

5、 her hair.她坐在那里,正在梳理头发。The team were working on a new design of the new airport.小组正在进行新机场的设计。He spends some of his spare time working on a dictionary.他花费一部分业余时间来编写字典。The secretary is still busy working on a report for the president.秘书还在忙着给总统写一份报告。【要点归纳】work on中的on是介词,后接名词、代词或动名词,汉译时比较灵活。【相关链接】work o

6、n继续工作;work at a maths problem解一道数学题;work hard at study 努力学习;work as当,充任;work out算出,解决,制订(计划、方案等),(计划等)顺利进行,有预期的结果;at work(人)在工作,(机器)在运转,(因素)在起作用;out of work 失业;set to work开始工作 随堂演练选择(1)What caused her to miss the first airline this morning?_ her hair in front of the mirror.A.Working forB.Working onC

7、.Working at D.Working as提示:根据语境“坐在镜子前面梳理头发”应使用working on。答案:B(2)We didnt plan our art exhibition like that,but it _ very well.A.worked out B.tried outC.went onD.carried on提示:题干意思是“我们虽然没有那样计划我们的艺术展览,但结果不错”,强调“(计划等)顺利进行,有预期的结果”应使用work out。try out “参加选拔或竞争”,go on“继续,发生”,carry on“继续;进行”,与句意不符。答案:A3.You

8、are working on sending a manned spaceship to Mars. 你们正在准备向火星发射一颗载人飞船。man vt.操纵;给配备人员【典型例句】China succeeded in sending up a manned spaceship in 2005.中国于2005年成功地发射了一颗载人宇宙飞船。They manned the exploring ship and offered a lot of fund for the research.他们给考察船配备了人员,并为研究提供了大量资金。【要点归纳】manned spaceship中manned实际上

9、是过去分词被用作形容词,作定语。【相关链接】man用作名词,指“成年男人;人,人类”。表示“人,人类”时要注意以下几点:man前不用限定词;在语法上是单数,相应的谓语动词也用单数;指代man的代词是he,him,his;复数形式men也指“人类”,其前同样不加限定词,但相应的动词要用复数。例如:Man is fighting a battle against pollution.人类正在和污染作斗争。She believes man and his great achievements.她相信人类以及人类所取得的巨大成就。The moon is our nearest neighbour in

10、 space and men have visited it already.月球是我们在宇宙中最近的星球,人类已经去过那里。随堂演练改错(1)Boys become man when they grow up._(2)How long has the man lived on the earth? _(3)Man are trying to make the earth support more people. _(4)Many man like this kind of food._答案及提示:(1)manmen句中man表示“男人”,应使用复数形式men。(2)去掉man之前的theman指“人类”时通常不与任何冠词或其他限定词连用。(3)areisman指“人类”时谓语动词使用单数。(4)manpeopleman指“人,人类”时多用于和动物比较,而句中应使用people泛指人。3用心 爱心 专心


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