高中英语 达标基础练习(Unit 1 School life)牛津版必修1.doc

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1、夯基达标.单词拼写1.Have you read the article with the _ (题目)of “A Model of the EraCong Fei”?2.If the heavy rain _ (继续),a flood may happen.3.Chinese students should pay more _ (注意)to their pronunciations in the study of English.4.Of all the universities, I _ (挑选)one which is the closest to my home, though no

2、t famous.5.Having _ (经历)the hardship of life as a child, he treasures the happiness he now has.6.The businessman d a lot of money to the local hospital last year.7.When a students family is not rich, he has to e money for part of his college expenses.8.All the students look forward to a high grades

3、in examinations, but not everyone can do that.9.Its really a c task to complete the new teaching building within such a short time.10.Then he smiled and told me I would receive an e $100 a year.答案:1.title2.continues3.attention4.selected5.experienced6.donated7.earn8.achieving9.challenging10. extra.单句

4、改错1. Tonny went to France after graduation in high school.2. At returning back from abroad, he set about setting up a gymnasium club.3. This kind of person is hard to be talked to.4. I prefer winter better to summer.5. Have you informed Xiao Hua the meeting date?6. Wei Hua was thinking what to do wi

5、th the matter.7. We have no more facility to provide you.8. All of the meals served in this restaurant are the highest standards.9. Mr. Simpleson cannot afford buying his son a piano.10. This is the best meal that I have never eaten.参考答案:1.提示:graduation后跟介词from。答案:infrom2.提示:on/upon 后接doing表示“一就”;去掉

6、back。return本身表示“回来”。答案:AtOn/Upon3.提示:hard要求接主动形式。答案:to be talked toto talk to4.提示:prefer不需要better。答案:去掉better5.提示:inform sb. of sth.。答案:the 前加of6.提示:句意为“魏华正考虑怎样处理这件事情”。答案:thinking后加of7.提示:facility表示“设备”时,常用复数;provide 后加for,即provide sth. for sb.或把provide改为offer,即offer sb.sth.。答案:facilityfacilities,pr

7、ovide后加for或provideoffer8.提示:“be of+名词”表示现象。答案:are后加of9.提示:afford to do 表示“支付得起做某事”。答案:buyingto buy10.提示:句意:这是我所吃过的饭中最好的一顿。答案:neverever.词汇辨析填空1. used to/be used to/be used to do(1)He _ live in this house for many years.(2)You _ be a worker, didnt you?(3)When he first came to this school he (not) _the

8、 food here. But he _ it now.(4)A lot of wood _ be made into paper in the past. But now many other materials(材料) _make paper.(5)I think you _ the life here soon.(6)The money he gets by writing books _protect animals.2. although/though(1) _they tried hard, they didnt finish the work on time.(2)They di

9、dnt stop to have a rest _ they were tired.(3)He speaks English as _ he were an Englishman.(4)Even_ he didnt tell me anything about it, I know the whole thing.(5)Child _he is, he knows a lot about computers.(6)He said he would help me with my English; he didnt, _.3. agree/approve(1)I think you should

10、 stop smoking, do you _?(2)Im afraid your parents wont _ of your going there.(3)Seafood doesnt_ with me.参考答案:1.(1)used to(2)used to(3)was not used to, has been used to(4)used to, are used to(5)will be (get)used to(6)is used to2.(1)Although/Though(2)though/although(3)though(4)though(5)though(6)though

11、3.(1)agree(2)approve(3)agree.翻译句子1.你不必逐字读完整篇课文。(There is no need)2.我遗憾地通知你,你没有通过考试。(regret)3.中国日报不仅仅是一种报纸。(more than)4.与这种人其相处得好很难。(hard)5.他们似乎不如中国学生喜欢水果的程度那样大。(as much as)参考答案:1. There is no need for you to read the whole text word by word.2. I regret to inform you that your have failed in the exam

12、ination.3. China Daily is more than a newspaper.4. This kind of person is hard to get along well with.5. They dont seem to like fruit as much as Chinese students.走近模拟1.(2010江苏模拟,27)Although medical science_ control over several dangerous diseases, what worries us is that some of them are returning.A

13、. achievedB. has achievedC. will achieveD. had achieved提示:本题考查时态。句中没有明显的时间状语,但是可以由主句的时态判断出,从句应该用现在完成时。句意为“虽然医学已经成功控制了几种危险的疾病,但是使我们担忧的是其中一些疾病有可能死灰复燃”。答案:B2.(2010湖北模拟,22)One of the best ways for people to keep fit is to _healthy eating habits.A. growB. developC. increaseD. raise提示:句意为“人们保持健康的一种最好的方法是养

14、成良好的饮食习惯”。答案:B3.(2010全国模拟,22)We _the last bus and didnt have any money for taxi, so we had to walk home.A. reachedB. lostC. missedD. caught提示:从后文看应是没坐上末班车,故选C。答案:C4.(2010全国模拟,28) _he has limited technical knowledge; the old worker has a lot of experience.A. SinceB. UnlessC. AsD. Although提示:从句意看,应该使用引导让步状语从句的连词。句意为“尽管这位老工人技术知识有限,但是他有丰富的经验”。答案:D3


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