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1、unit 4,How to Make a Good Impression 如何给人留下好印象,Listening and speaking,awful 可怕的 be awful to sb 表现很糟糕 encounter 相遇,邂逅 hunch 预感,直觉 gut feeling 本能的反应,直觉 Task 3 1 ruled 2 require 3 equal 4 acceptable 5 provides 6 private 7 poor quality 8 needed 9 supported and improved 10 a majority of,Reading and writi

2、ng,Warming up : Oral Practice In your opinion, how to give a good impression at the first sight? What factors should be considered?,Conversational Hints,smile look calm be pleasant gesture show your true feeling with your eyes look straight at the person be polite show your concern to others speech

3、rate make a funny comment tone of voice not be in a hurry speak in a clear voice physical appearance shake hands use humor eye contact make persuasive presentations,General text study,1 Main idea of the text 2 Structural Analysis 3Detailed Study of the Text 4 Key to Exercises,General text study,Main

4、 idea of the text When people want to make a good impression, the following advice can be of some help : You are the message ; be yourself; use your eyes and lighten up.,Structure of the text,Detailed Study of the Text,1 impression (title): an opinion or feeling about sb or sth 印象 -Whats your first

5、impression on your English teacher? - I am impressed by . - Her/ His . impresses me greatly. make/ have/ leave a. impression on sb 给某人留下.的印象 eg: Shes always trying to make an impression on people with her new clothes. be under the impression that. 认为. I was under the impression that you were coming

6、tomorrow.,Detailed Study of the Text,2 Research shows we make up our minds about people through unspoken communication within seven seconds of meeting them.(Para 1) Meaning: Research shows within the first seven seconds when we meet someone, we form our opinion about him or her through unspoken comm

7、unication. Notice:make up ones mind about someone or something means form an opinion about someone or something make up ones mind: make a decision 我还没决定去哪儿。 I havent made up my mind where to go yet.,Detailed Study of the Text,3 consciously(Line 2) conscious: noticing or realizing sth 有意识的,意识到的 adj.

8、self-conscious: shy or nervous害羞的,紧张的 adj. unconscious: unaware无意识的 adj. consciousness: 意识,知觉 n. be conscious of / that 意识到 我意识到我犯了一个错误。 I was conscious that I made a mistake. conscious:指内心意识到的感觉 aware: 指感官上的感觉,Detailed Study of the Text,4 causing a chain of reactions,ranging from comfort to fear(Li

9、ne 4) a chain of : a series of 一系列 大雾引起了一系列的交通事故。 The heavy fog caused a chain of car accidents. a chain of bad luck 一连串倒霉的事情 chain reaction 连锁反应 chain store 连锁店 a chain of events 一连串事件 range from.to.: vary from.to.从.到.变化,变动 价格从十美元到二十美元。 Prices range from $10 to $20.,Detailed Study of the Text,5 You

10、 were committed to what you were talking about and so absorbed in the moment you lost all self-consciousness. The structureso+adj.+(that) is used to express to such a degree as to produce a particular result, causing a particular situation,etc. that can be omitted. eg: He was so ill(that) we had to

11、send for a doctor. 他病得很严重,我们得派人去请医生。 be committed to: be willing to work hard at sth献身于,投入于 他全身心的投入到论文中。 He is committed to his paper. be absorbed in: 全神贯注于,专心于 他完全专心于他的业务。 He is completely absorbed in his business.,Detailed Study of the Text,6 The trick is to be consistently you,at your best.(Line

12、24) Meaning: The secret is to keep your behavior, attitude,and good qualities all the time and performs as well as you are able to. at ones best/ worst: in ones best/ worst state.处于最好/最差的状态 eg: Students are at their best in the morning. 7 Whether.or. always remember to do sth(line 34) 不管.还是.始终记住要. 不

13、管事情进展的是否顺利,始终记住你要保持清醒的头脑。 Whether things go right or wrong, always remember to keep cool.,Detailed Study of the Text,8 Lighten up.(Line 43) lighten up: (used to tell someone) not to be so serious about something放轻松,别太当真 eg: Oh, lighten up! I was only joking. 喂,别当真! 我只是开开玩笑! 9 You can always see peop

14、le who take themselves too seriously. take sb/ sth seriously:think sb or sth is very important and should be given attention to 认为某人或某物很重要 这不是开玩笑,你要认真对待。 Its no kidding. You need to take it seriously. 你对什么事都这么认真! You take everything too seriously!,Useful expressions,1 to make / give a presentation 发

15、表演说,陈述展示 2 with ones whole being 全身心投入地 3 a staff meeting职工会议 4 entertainment industry娱乐界 5 an uncomfortable scene 尴尬的场合 6 a job interview 工作面试 7 roar with laughter放声大笑,Key to Exercises, 1 conscious 2 depressed 3 ranges 4 impressed 5 encounter 6 introduction 7 match 8 physical 9 relaxed 10 contact 1

16、 are committed to 2 takes. seriously 3 was absorbed in 4 focus on 5 made up his mind 6 driving me crazy 7 ranging from.to 8 at her best 9 Lighten up 10 kept her eyes on 1 C 2M 3F 4I 5E 6B 7H 8J 9A 10K,Key to Exercises, 1 It rained for two weeks on end ,completely flooding the village. 2 Not wanting to meet John at the party, she refused to attend it. 3 The bus arrived one hour late, causing me to miss the beginni



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