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1、A Lovable eccentric 可爱的怪人,True eccentrics never deliberately set out to draw attention to themselves. 【 真正古怪的人不会故意做些事情来引人注目。】 eccentrics /iksentrik/ n. 古怪的人 deliberately /dilibrtli/ adv. 慎重地 故意地 set out 出发 启程=set off 开始 装饰 陈列 安排宣布 移植 陈述 they set out for Rome 他们动身去罗马 set out to do 开始 着手 打算 draw /pay

2、attention to 注意 当心 They disregard social conventions without being,conscious that they are doing anything extraordinary.【他们玩世不恭,却没有意识到他们正在做着与众不同的事情。】 disregard v. 不顾 漠视 convention n. 习俗 风俗 惯例 大会 协定 conscious adj. 意识到的 有知觉的 extraordinary / kstr:dnri/ adj. 特别的 This invariably wins them the love and re

3、spect of others, for they add colour to the dull routine of everyday life.【这种做法常常使他们赢得别人的爱戴和尊敬,因为他们给单调的日常生活增添了色彩。】,invariably invribli adv. 总是 routine n. 常规 惯例 例行公事 程序 Up to the time of his death, Richard Colson was one of the most notable figures in our town. 【Richard Colson生前是我们镇上最负盛名的人物之一】 notabl

4、e adj. 显著的、值得注意的 figure /fg/ n. 人物;外形;形象;计算;价格、数量;图表 He was a shrewd and wealthy businessman,but most people in the town hardly knew anything about this side of his life. 【他是一个精明有钱的生意人,但是镇上的一般人几乎不知道他生活中的这一面】,shrewd /ru:d/ 机智的 精明的 shrewdness n. He was known to us all as Dickie and his eccentricity ha

5、d become legendary long before he died.【我们都叫他Dick,他的怪癖性格在他死之前早已闻名遐迩了】 legendary /ledndary/ adj. 传说的 传奇般的 be known to 被所知道 long before 很久以前 Dickie dislike snobs intensely. 【Dickie对势利人是深恶痛绝的】 snob n.势利小人 谄上媚下的人 Intensely /ntensli/ adv. 强烈地 Though he owned a large car, he hardly ever,used it, preferrin

6、g always to go on foot. 【虽然他拥有一辆大汽车,但他几乎从来不用,而总是喜欢步行外出】 though 引导让步状语从句,同类连词有 although /even if /even though等。 own adj.自己的 (用在所有格后面,加强语气) I saw it with my own eyes. n. 自己的东西 This book is my own vt. 拥有 Who owns the dog?; 承认 He owns that he was wrong . Prefer (doing)to (doing) 比起更喜欢(前者) Prefer torathe

7、r than (to) 宁愿也不愿 Even when it was raining heavily, he refused to carry an umbrella.【即使是滂沱大雨,他也不肯带把雨伞】,refuse to do sth 拒绝做某事 One day, he walked into an expensive shop after having been caught in a particularly heavy shower.【有一天,他淋了一场瓢泼大雨后走进一家高级商店】 be caught in 陷入 He wanted to buy a 300 watch for hi

8、s wife, but he was in such a bedraggled condition that an assistant refused to serve him.【他想为妻子买件价值300英镑的手表,然而由于他淋得像落汤鸡,狼狈不堪,店员不愿接待他】 bedraggled /bdrgld/ adj. 邋遢的 拖泥带水的 condition n. 状况 ;条件;形势,in good/well/nice condition 状况良好 out of condition 状况不好 保存得不好 Dickie left the shop without a word and returne

9、d carrying a large cloth bag. 【Dickie一句话也没说就离开了商店,随后他拿了一个大布袋回来】 carrying分词短语在句中作状语,表伴随。 As it was extremely heavy, he dumped it on the counter. 【因为布袋十分沉重,他把布袋哐的一声甩在柜台上】 extremely /kstri:mli/ adv. 极度地 dump n. 把砰的一声抛下 counter n. 柜台;筹码;计算器 v. 反对 反击,The assistant asked him to leave, but Dickie paid no a

10、ttention to him and requested to see the manager.【店员叫他走开,但Dickie不理睬他,只是要求见经理】 ask sb to do sth 要求某人做某事 Recognizing who the customer was, the manager was most apologetic and reprimanded the assistant severely.【经理认出顾客是谁,表示非常抱歉,并狠狠地斥责了店员】 recognize vt. 认得 认出;承认 认可; apologetic /pldetk/ adj. 表示歉意的 apolog

11、y n. 道歉 歉意,reprimand /reprm:nd/ nv. 训斥 谴责 Severely /svli/ adv. 严厉地 苛刻地 recognizing分词作主语,它的逻辑主语与句子主语一致 为the manager ; When Dickie was given the watch, he presented the assistant with the cloth bag. It contained 300 in pennies. 【Dickie拿到手表之后,把布袋交给店员.布袋里装着300英镑的便士】 present vt. 呈现 给予;赠送;上演;介绍 present sb

12、 with sth present sth to sb 把某东西给某人,He insisted on the assistants counting the money before he left30,000 pennies in all! 【他坚持要店员在他离开前把钱数一下 总共有三万个便士!】 insisted on/upon vi. 坚持要求 命令 I insisted on your coming with me in all 总计 总共 On another occasion, he invited a number of important critics to see his

13、private collection of modern paintings.【还有一次,他邀请了很多著名评论家来看他个人收集的现代油画】,occasion /kein/ n. 场合 时刻; 机会;道理 vt. 引起 occasion (sb.) inconvenience (给某人)带来不便 on occasion 间或,有时 take occasion to 利用机会 occasional adj. 间接发生的,偶尔的 a number of 许多 ,大量的 =a great deal of the number of 的数量 critics n. 批评家 ,评论家 critical ad

14、j.挑剔的 批评的 This exhibition received a great deal of attention in the press, for though the pictures,were supposed to be the work of famous artists, they had in fact been painted by Dickie. 【这次展览会获得了媒体极大的关注,因为尽管这些画被认为是名画家的作品,实际上都是Dickie自己画的】 press n. 新闻界 报刊 媒体 for 为并列连词,连接两个句子,表示理由,原因。 Suppose vt. 猜想,

15、认为, 猜测; (用于插入语) +(that)从句 They supposed (that) he was dead. +宾+宾补(adj 或介词短语) They supposed him dead/in the office. Are you going to the meeting? Yes, I suppose so ./No, I dont suppose so .,假定,料想 Lets suppose what you said is true . 假使 同if 用祈使语气或现在分词 Suppose it rains, whats to be done ? Supposing (th

16、at) she doesnt come, we will still go 认为的同义、近义词 think 此意的最普通词,含推理、判断形成看法之意 believe 相信,认为 consider 经考虑而认为,较客观 regard 与consider 常可换用,但含个人的主观认识 suppose 近似于think, 但含不确切意,比think 少依据 guess 凭想象加以猜测 imagine 想象 fancy 凭空想象,be supposed to =(should) 应该, 理应; 允许 (用于否定句) You are not d to smoke here. In fact 实际上,事实上 It took him four years to stage this elaborate joke simply


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