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1、Unit 14 Argentia BayTeaching Pointsn I. Background informationn II. Introduction to the passagen III. Text analysisn IV. Rhetorical devicesn V. Questions for discussionI. Background Informationn 1.Herman Wouk n 2.Argentia Bay n 3.Bismarck n 4. World War II in the historyII. Introduction to the Passa

2、ge n 1.Type of literature: - a piece of objective description n 2.The purpose of a piece of objective description: -to record and reproduce a true picture with opinions and emotions of the author excluded n 3. Ways of developing a piece of objective description: -to begin with a brief general pictur

3、e, divide the object into parts and organize the detailed description in order of space III . Effective Writing Skills n 1. making effective use of specific verbs n 2.grasping the skill of comment writing IV . Rhetorical Devices 1. sarcasm 2.synecdoche 3.alliteration 4.metonymy 5. Transferred Epithe

4、tV. Text AnalysisVI . Special Difficulties n 1.paraphrasing some sentences n 2.translating some sentences n 3.understanding some specific terms n 4.the skill of comment writing I. Background Information1. Herman Wouk: American novelist, A Pulitzer Prize winner. Famous works: The Winds of War (1971)

5、and War and Rememberance (1977).2. Pulitzer Prize: founded by Joseph Pulitzer (1847-1911), American newspaper publisher who gave Columbia University $2,000,000 in 1903 for the creation of the Columbia School of Journalism and also the Prizes. Today there are Pulitzer Prizes for distinguished works i

6、n American fiction, drama, history, biography and autobiography, nonfiction, poetry and music. 3. The Winds of War: The story is a fiction with the main character, Pug Victor Henry being a mid-rank officer who witnesses all the major events during World War II. A novelty of this fiction is, with the

7、 ongoing of the story itself, a imaginary reminiscences by a German strategist was put in at intervals of chapters. That is to say, every a couple of chapters into the novel, an episode of that reminiscences was quoted to provide an opposite-side view of the war situation, which enables the reader t

8、o view the historical events with and all-round angle. II. Detailed Study of the TextArgentia Bay1. pervade: spread to and be perceived in every part of - The smell of the kebab pervaded the house.- Her song is pervaded by nostalgia for a past age. (充满怀旧感情)2. haze: thin mist Fog, mist and haze are a

9、ll clouds of water vapour at ground level and above. They indicate different degrees of thickness.- Fog is the thickest and haze is the least thick.- Haze also occurs when it is very hot: a heat-haze (热天的薄雾)- Smog is an unhealthy mixture of smoke and fog in the air of some industrial cities.3. tint:

10、 shade or variety of a colour 色度,颜色的浓淡- tints of green in the sky at dawn an artist who excels at flesh tints, i.e. painting the colours of the human body - red with a bluish tint 4. squawk: (esp. of birds) utter a loud harsh cry (e.g. when hurt or frightened) 5. primeval: of the earliest period of

11、the history of the world, very ancient - primeval forests, i.e. natural forests, where trees have never been cut downbased on instinct rather than reason, as if from the earliest period of the human race- It aroused strange primeval yearnings in him. 6. hush: become silent, quieten- Hush!- He hushed

12、 the baby to sleep. - The government hushed the affair up to avoid a public outcry. 1) hush: n. stillness; silence- in the hush of the night - There was a sudden deathly hush.2) hush-hush: adj. (infml.) very secret or confidential- His job is very hush-hush. 3) hush-money: n. money paid to prevent s

13、th scandalous from becoming known publicly 7. camouflage: way of hiding or disguising soldiers, military equipment, etc., e.g. with paint, netting or leaves, so that they look like part of their surroundings; such a disguise- The polar bears white fur is a natural camouflage.8. swirl: v. (cause air,

14、 water, etc to) move or flow with twists and turns and with varying speed- dust swirling (around) in the streets- Smoke swirled up the chimney. n. swirl of sth: swirling movement; - Dancers spun in a swirl of skirts. 9. shatter: cause sth to break suddenly and violently into small pieces- The pot sh

15、attered as it hit the floor.- The explosion shattered all the windows.- This event shattered all my previous ideas.- We were totally shattered after the long journey. 10. spangle: tiny piece of shining metal or plastic used for decoration on a dress, etc, esp. in large numbers the spangles on the fairys dress in the pantomime (哑剧)v. sth (with sth) cover or decorate sth with spangles or small bright objects like spangles-a dress spangled with tiny silver sequins (small circular shiny disc sewn onto clothing as an ornament) 11. strike st


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