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1、人教版八年级英语下册单元同步练习附答案 Unit 1 Whats the matter 单元同步练习一、汉译英 l.感冒_ 2.胃疼_ 3. 发烧_ 4.躺下_ 5.看医生_ 6.下车_ 7.使惊讶的_ 8同意做某事_9.陷入麻烦_ 10.摔倒_ 11. 头疼_ 12.看牙医_13.量体温_ 14.伤到自己_ 15.牙疼_ 16.看见某人正在做某事_ l7.晒伤_ 18.冒险_19. 在非常危险的情况下_20.用尽_21. 切除_ 22.流鼻血_ 23. 掌管_ 24.从出来_25.继续或坚持做某事_ 26.放弃_27. 把一些药放在它上面_ 28.习惯于做某事_29. 因为_ 30.准备做某

2、事_31.作出好的决定_ 32.太多血_33.做某事有困难_ 34.被球撞了一下_ 35.对感兴趣_二、根据下面句子的意思及汉语提示完成句子1. The driver tried to save all the _(乘客)on the bus.2. Bobs _(脖子)is very long.3. My grandpa usually _(咳嗽)in the night.4. Im too tired to walk. Lets have a good _(休息).5. -Bob has a _(发烧). -I think he should go to a doctor.6. -Alice

3、 _(伤到)her knees just now. -Im sorry to hear that.7. -May I borrow your _(刀子)? -Here you are.8. You will realize the _(重要性)of learning English.9. The mans _(死亡)made me sad.10. The hospital needs many _(护士).三、根据下列句子的汉语意思完成句子1.医生告诉他躺下休息。The doctor told him _ _ _ _ _.2.为了不招惹麻烦,她只好说谎。She told a lie in or

4、der not to _ _ _. 3.令我惊讶的是,他们居然来看我。 _ _ _ , they came to see me.4.因为你的帮助,我们赢得了这场比赛。_ _ your help, we won the game.25.这听起来根本不像女孩的名字。That _ _ _ a girls name.6.我下公共汽车时忘了拿包。I _ _ take my bag when I _ _ the bus.7.你应该在伤口上绑上绷带。You _ _ a bandage on the cut.8.汤姆习惯用左手写字。Tom _ _ _ _with his left hand 9. 我的妈妈从不

5、为自己考虑。My mother never _ _ _.10. -Judy 怎么啦? - _ _ _ _ Judy? 四、用所给单词的适当形式填空1. Tom , you must brush your _(tooth ) before going to bed.2. We were sorry to hear the_ (die) of the singing star Mei Yanfang.3. How about _ (lie ) on the sofa and watching TV.4. Jack usually plays computer games for hours wit

6、hout _ (have) breaks.5. You need _ (see) a dentist if you have a toothache.6. We should _ (get ) up early and go to bed early to keep healthy .7. He has a _ ( tooth ). He has to see the dentist.8. Many students dont know the _ (important) of studying English.9.They all are too selfish (自私的) ! They s

7、houldnt always think about_ (they) 10.Those girls all relaxed _ (they) in the party last night.11. Therere some _ (knife) in the box. 12. He made a _ (decide) to get up early tomorrow morning13. My mother told me to keep on _ (try) when I failed in the exam.14. My grandma is used to _ (live) in the

8、country15. Tom had a fever. He should take _ (he) temperature. Unit 2 Ill help to clean up the city parks 单元同步练习一、汉译英1.打扫干净_ 2.在食品救助站_ 3.变得更高兴_ 4.分发_ 5.曾经_ 6.关心_7.张贴_ 8.想出_ 9.推迟_ 10.给打电话_11.帮助无家可归的人们_12.在岁时_13.长得和相像_ 14.修理_ 15.和相似_ 16.捐赠_ 17.建立_ 18.影响;有作用_19.我的一个朋友_ 20.对兴奋_ 21.帮助某人摆脱困境_ 22.立刻;马上_ 23

9、.在某人的空闲时间_24.例如_二、根据句意及汉语提示完成句子1. I get such a feeling of _(满意)when I get to the top of Mount Tai.2. Were going to _(募集)some money for the blind boy.3. Were making up some _(标志)to put up on the wall.4. We _(志愿)to clean the rooms for the old men.5. Now many old people feel _(孤独的)because they live by

10、themselves.6. The man can always _(想出)a good excuse for his mistakes.7. Our classroom is too dirty. It should be _(打扫干净).8. There _(曾经)be a big tree here.9. Please help me _(分发)the math papers.10. The boy is very sad. Lets _(使他高兴起来).11. -My bike is broken. -Dont worry. I can _(修理)the bike.12. The boy cant see anything. He is _ (瞎的).13. We cant _(想象)what the life will be like in 100 years.14. We must meet many _(困难)in our life.15. I have a new pet dog because of your _(善良).


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