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1、学 海 无 涯新标准英语小学五年级下Module 1一、 词组英汉互译( ) 1. in this picture A. 一个笛子演奏者( ) 2. drive a bus B. 演奏中国音乐( ) 3. a flute player C. 在这张照片中( ) 4. play Chinese music D. 开公共汽车( ) 5. play the flute E. 在办公室( ) 6. in an office F. 演奏笛子( ) 7. in a hospital G. 在工厂( ) 8. in a factory H. 在医院二、 按要求写出单词1. drive_(过去式) 2. ol

2、d_(反义词) 3. drive_(名词)4. now_(反义词) 5. is _(过去式) 6. parent_(复数)7. teacher_(动词) 8. can not_(缩写) 9. do _(过去式)三、 选择题1. This is a photo _ her family. A. of B. about C. for2. She was a teacher _. A. now B. before C. two years3. What music did she _? A. play B. plays C. played4. He _ English in our school.

3、A. teach B. teaches C. teaching5. -_ did your grandpa work? He worked in an office. A. What B. Where C. How6. What _ you before? -I was a doctor. A. were B. was C. are7. He is _ old man now. A. a B. / C. an8. I can _ the flute. A. plays B. play C. played9. What _ you now? A. is B. am C. are10. What

4、did he _? He helped children. A. do B. does C. did四、用be动词的适当形式填空1. This is my friend, Maria. She _ twelve years old. We _ in the same class.2. Tony _ a librarian two years ago, but now he _ our English teacher.3. _ you from England? Yes, I _.4. Parents _ the first teacher to children.5. They _ farme

5、rs before.6. What _ you two years ago?7. My mother _ a teacher now. She _ an officer before.8. What _ you doing? I _ reading a book.9. I will _ 11years old in May.10. You _ in England two years ago.五、问答连线( ) 1. What was he before? A. He drives a bus.( ) 2. Where did he work? B. He was a driver.( ) 3

6、. What is he now? C. He drove a taxi.( ) 4. What did he drive? D. He worked in a station.( ) 5. What does he drive? E. He is a worker.( ) 6. Can you play the flute? F. No, I cant.六、句型转换1. She drove a bus. (划线部分提问) _2. He played Chinese music.(划线部分提问)_3. She was a driver before. (划线部分提问)_4. Im a stud

7、ent now.(划线部分提问)_5. I can play the flute.(变为否定句)_七、翻译句子1. She_. (她以前是一个司机。)2. _(什么音乐) did he play?3. He worked _(在办公室)4. _(做什么的) you before?5. I can _(吹笛子)6. Where_? (你父母现在在哪工作?)7. My mother _. (我妈妈在商店工作)Module 1测试题一、把下列单词补充完整并写出汉语意思。1. fl_ _ e( ) 2. _ff_ _ _( ) 3. p_ _ _ _t( )4. f_ _ t_ _ y( ) 5. h

8、_sp_t_ _( ) 6. _ _ i _ e ( )二、英汉互译1. 在这张照片里_ 2. every day _ 3. 笛子演奏者_4. work very hard_5. 在工厂_ 6. 在办公室工作_7.in the sun_8.演奏中国音乐_9.开公共汽车_10.在商店_三、按要求写出单词的对应形式1.child(复数) _2.grandpa(对应词) _3.does(原形) _4.have(过去式)_5.buy(过去式)_6.play(名词形式) _B区一、单选。( ) 1. This is a photo _ her family. A. of B. about C. for(

9、 ) 2. She was a teacher _. A. now B. before C. two years ( ) 3. What music did she _? A. play B. plays C. played( ) 4. He _ English in our school. A. teach B. teaches C. teaching( ) 5. I worked very hard _ the sun. A. under B. at C. in( ) 6. Lunch is usually _ half past seven. A. in B. on C. at( ) 7

10、. There were no _(电脑). A. computer B. computers C. musuem二、读一读,选一选。1. Where_(do / did) your grandma work before?2. Where_(do / does) your parents work?3. My father_(work / works) in a shop.4. My uncle works_(in / on) a farm.5. What_(are / were) your parents now?三、在下列横线上填上合适的词。1. My grandpa was a _ before. He wrote many books.2. My grandma was a _ before. She worked in a big factory.3. My father was a driver before. He _ a bus.4. My mother worked in a school. She was a _ before.5. My brother played the flute. He was a flute _before.6. He is a _. He works in


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