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1、大学可不是拿着父母的赞助到学校由你玩四年,大学时光是一生中最有趣最有意义有活力的一段时光,大学生们可以利用这段时间去尝试很多有意义的事。然而大部分学生的可支配资金都有限,基本上也没有收入,该怎样在有限的时间内积攒好“子弹”用在最关键的地方呢?下面有14个简单可行的方法分享给各位大学生朋友们:1. Go for scholarships争取奖学金The most popular and easy way to make those extra dollars. Scholarships are given out by all the collegesin various categories

2、such as excellence in a particular field, passion, athletic ability, etc.2. Get books for reduced rates用更少的钱买到课本和参考书Try picking up textbooks from seniors or at a reduced rate and sell your books once you are done with yourstudies.3. Involve yourself让自己更积极的参与到学校活动中去(这样可以减少你闲暇时间乱花钱的机会)Take an active p

3、art in college events so that you refrain from spending money when you have free time.4. Dont overspend on dates在社交活动和约会时尽量避免超支Dont overspend on your dates. Keep it simple and uncomplicated.5. Eat smart and limit those extras健康饮食,少在垃圾食品或烟酒上花钱Eat healthy food all the while and staying on a budget. Un

4、healthy food habits can lead to illness andeventually lead to more expenditure. Keep a tab on yourself when it comes to beer, cigarettes and othervices.6. Avail of student discounts利用好各类学生能享受的优惠和折扣Student discounts are provided in restaurants, clothing stores, theaters, etc. With your student ID, yo

5、u canmake the best of these discounts and get better deals.7. Do part time jobs找个兼职工作These extra hours of effort promise you the cash which you can add on to your budget. Off late, work fromhome jobs is attracting a lot of attention. This idea of dedicating extra hours can be considered only if itdo

6、esnt hamper your studies.8. Paid internships寻找带薪实习机会Companies open internship windows for students where students can benefit with the learn and earnsystem. At the end of internships, interns get certificates and credits.9. Share apartments节省住宿费用Share a room. Stay on-campus as it turns out to be muc

7、h cheaper.10. Save on transportation步行或使用自行车出行,减少交通方面的花费。Use bikes or stick to walking. With gas rates soaring, driving to college wouldnt be a wise decision.11. Dont swipe, save别动不动就刷信用卡Avoid using credit and debit cards every time you shop. This will help you think twice before shopping andwill ma

8、ke sure you are not indebted. It will also ensure you do not use more cash than planned.12. Save on utilities想方设法节约手机通讯费Save on your electricity and phone bills by making smart use of your gadgets.13. Learn to say “No”学会对不必要的消费说“No”You cannot pick up everything you like off the shelf. Decide on the

9、investments that makes sense. Whenyou go shopping, opt for necessity and not choice. You might be losing out on a lot of neat goodies but youdo end up saving a lot.14. Be smart做个明智的人,分清楚哪些钱该花哪些钱不值得花Finally, this last step is about you being the wiser person and making the right decisions. Live the l

10、ife of astudent and spend on what you really need and what is worth it.超牛的大学生省钱高招分享:牙膏挤不出来时,用刀子在上面割出工字型,再掀开就好了,要用直接用牙刷抹一下,超方便。只要是软管装的东西都可以这样用。洗髮精沐浴乳快用完时加水,要用到最后一滴。乳液用到滴不出来也要割开,其实裡面还有很多。洗碗精加水稀释再用,好冲又用得久。浴室内放一个水桶,洗衣水洗手水都倒进去,用这个水冲马桶(马桶内也不用放宝特瓶了,根本不会按开关)香皂剩很小不要丢掉,和大的或其他小的粘在一起,或者拿装水果的网子收集,很方便。路上发的面纸要拿,用牛奶盒作一个收集盒,就是擦手或擦桌子的面纸。每次洗衣服跟洗碗的时候,用洗衣水顺便洗一下水槽,常保水槽洁净。淋浴的时候把脏衣服放在地上,边洗边踩,再稍微搓一搓就好了。不要买整理箱,自己去捡纸箱来做。列印时用单面纸来印。电器不用插头一定拔掉。用白天的时间读书。钞票放皮夹,要用的钱放零钱包。平常有缺东西就写在纸上,要购物时就依照那张纸去买。买东西的时候要提篮子,不要推车子,拿不动就不会买了。淘汰的毛巾可以当抹布。旧的笔袋笔盒可以装小东西,很方便。昭告天下,你收大家的二手衣和二手物。要记得记帐,并且结算,保证你会心痛到不节约不行。出门一定带水和手帕。



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