2019工艺安全管理Process Safety Management

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《2019工艺安全管理Process Safety Management》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2019工艺安全管理Process Safety Management(311页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Process Safety Management 工艺安全管理,List目录,工艺安全管理介绍 Process Safety Introduction 工艺安全管理的要素 Process safety management 工艺安全指标 Process safety indicator,Process Safety Introduction 工艺安全介绍,Session Objectives 会议目的,To offer a basic understanding of Process Safety including: 对工艺安全有一个基本的了解,包括: Tieback to Texas C

2、ity德克萨斯事故 Mogford Report Mogford报告 Baker Report main learnings Baker报告主要教训 CSB Report CSB报告 Process Safety: What is it :什么是工艺安全 a working definition of process safety and PS management 工艺安全的实际定义和工艺安全管理PSM Process Safety as part of OMS 工艺安全是OMS的一部分 detail about the components of PS management within

3、OMS OMS中PS管理的详细构成 Fundamental principles of Process Safety 工艺安全的基本准则 emphasis on Risk Management 强调风险管理 What do I need to do? 我需要做什么? how to setup your operation to support PSM implementation 你如何调整自己来支持PSM的执行 To hear what you have to say 倾听你必须说的话,Process Safety Mentioned 提及的工艺安全,Business Case for Pr

4、ocess Safety 工艺安全案例,Process Safety 工艺安全,Process Safety focuses on preventing all incidents like fires, explosions, and toxic and other types of major energy releases. 工艺安全着重于防止各类事故的发生,如火灾、爆炸、毒气以及其他主要能源的泄漏。,December 3, 1984 1984年12月3号,Flixborough, UK 1974 1974年英国Flixborough,Phillips Pasadena, TX 1989

5、 1989年德克萨斯州Phillips Pasadena,Buncefield, UK December 11, 2005 2005年11月11号英国Buncefield,Fushun LPG Leak - December 4, 2006 Fushun 液化气泄漏-2006年12月4号,Some Recent BP Incidents BP近期发生的事故,The Baker Panel Report Baker小组报告,Panels assessment and report are unique in breadth and depth 小组的评估和报告在广度和深度上都是比较独特的 As

6、stated in the report, it “focuses primarily on identified deficiencies that might be corrected through the implementation of its recommendations rather than BPs positive attributes that the Panel observed during the course of its review.” 如报告所说,它“主要着重于一些可识别的缺陷,这些缺陷可以通过执行他们的建议予以矫正,而不是小组在审核过程中观察到的一些BP

7、的正面特性。 255 page report has many insights and recommendations 255页的报告见解深刻,并提供了诸多建议 Contains 32 findings under the following categories: 包括32项发现,分类如下: Corporate Safety Culture 公司安全文化 Process Safety Management Systems 工艺安全管理系统 Performance Evaluation, Corrective Action and Corporate Oversight 业绩评估,矫正措施和

8、共同监督 The Panel views these issues as not being unique to BP 小组认为这些问题并非BP独有,Business Case 案例,What Separates the Top-Performing Companies in our Industry from the Rest? 在我们的行业里,用什么来区分顶级公司和其他的公司? Rigorous Application of Process Safety 严格应用工艺安全 Benefits 好处 Corporate Responsibility 共同责任 Business Flexibil

9、ity 业务弹性 Risk Reduction 减少风险 Sustained Value 价值持续 Natural synergy between Process Safety and other business requirements, such as personal safety, quality management, environmental performance, and profitability 工艺安全和其他商业要求的自然协作,如个人安全,质量管理,环境保护,以及收益率,What is Process Safety? 什么是工艺安全?,Process Safety 工

10、艺安全,Short-hand description 简要描述 “Keeping it in the pipes” or “Keeping it under control at all times” “把它控制在管道内”或“永远在你的控制之下” Process Safety Management 工艺安全管理 Process Safety Management is a multidisciplinary system focused on the prevention of, control of, mitigation of, response to, or restoration fr

11、om both the minor and catastrophic episodic releases of chemicals or energy from a facility. 工艺安全管理是一个涉及多方面的综合系统,着重于防止、控制、减少小型或灾难性的设备化学品或能源泄漏,并对此作出反应或修复。,Process Safety Definition 工艺安全定义,Process Safety is a disciplined framework for managing the integrity of hazardous operating systems and processes

12、 by applying good design principles, engineering and operating practices. 工艺安全是一种专业框架,通过实施优秀的设计原则、设计和操作惯例,来管理危险的操作系统和过程的完整性。 It deals with the prevention and control of incidents that have the potential to release hazardous materials or energy. 它处理事件的预防和控制,这些事件可能出释放危险物质或能量。 Such incidents can cause

13、toxic effects, fire or explosion and could ultimately result in serious injuries, property damage, lost production and environmental impact. 这种事件能造成中毒效应、火灾或爆炸,并能最终导致严重的伤害、财产损失、生产损失和环境影响。 (CCPS with BP additions in blue) (CCPS中使用的定义,BP添加的蓝色的词),Principles for Consideration around Process Safety 工艺安全的考

14、虑原则,Adopt a definition common to the industry 采纳工业通用的定义; Definition is independent of jurisdiction and in compliance with local regulations 定义与权限无关,而且要符合当地法规; One management system for Process Safety, and it will be embedded in OMS 一种用于工艺安全的管理系统,置于OMS体系之中; PSM, and its ability to reduce risk, is a f

15、irst consideration for operating. Its integration within OMS supports good practice. PSM及其降低风险的能力是操作的首要考虑。它置于OMS的一体化中,一起支持优秀惯例; Line Operations in each business unit is accountable for process safety. 每个业务单元的运作条线,负责工艺安全; Other functions support the line: Safety, Engineering, HR, PSCM, C Chemical rea

16、ctions occurred in the tank(储藏罐内发生化学反应); Both heat and gas were generated(产生了热量和气体) MIC is a volatile (bp = 102 degF) intermediate material used to make carbamate insecticides. MIC is(MIC是一种易挥发的中间物质,主要用于生产氨基甲酸盐杀虫剂): Very Flammable易燃 (fp = 19 degF) Highly Toxic剧毒 (TLV=0.02 ppm),Bhopal 博帕尔,2,500 people killed outright(2500人当即死亡); 2-3,000 additional delayed fatalities(2-3,000人不久后死亡); Thousands of injuries(上千人受伤); World wide outrage(引起全世界人民的愤怒); Watershed event for Union Carbide and th


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