Join In小学英语六年级下册Starter unit Join us 课件 (第1课时)

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《Join In小学英语六年级下册Starter unit Join us 课件 (第1课时)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Join In小学英语六年级下册Starter unit Join us 课件 (第1课时)(28页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Join In 小学英语 六年级下册课件,武汉教育云资源中心,Join In 小学英语六年级下册,资源类型:课件 制 作:武汉教育云资源中心 英语教研室 Email:ne_EnglishP QQ群:264139937,音频按钮,视频按钮,Starter unit Join us,第1课时 Part 1 Part 4 第2课时 Part 5 Part 8,教学目标,能听懂、学说关于未来梦想的小诗; 能准确认读食物类单词,并完成圈词练习; 能读懂关于人物基本信息和日常生活的问题,并根据图片内容用适当的时态做出回答; 能准确识别关于房间物品、身体部位、文具、感觉、颜色、运动爱好、收藏品、建筑物、动物

2、、服装、食物、饮料等话题的图片,并能分类写出单词。,知识与技能,教学目标,过程与方法,以小组合作与情景教学为主,运用游戏帮助学生理解与运用所学知识; 2指导学生通过听音获取正确的信息,掌握一定的听音技巧。,情感、态度与价值观,培养学生对未来职业梦想的追求,教会他们如何从各方面了解一个人,并帮助他们加深对生活中各类事物的了解。,1. Warming up,I have a dream,2. Listen to the poem.,What I want to be,Listen to the poem.,2. Listen to the poem.,What does the teacher w

3、ant him to be?,doctor teacher pilot clown sheriff cowboy boss,Listen and answer questions.,2. Listen to the poem.,What does he want to be?,tiger pony train spacecraft elephant Supersonic planes,Listen and answer questions.,2. Listen to the poem.,What do you want to be in ten years time from now? 十年后

4、你想成为什么?,You could be 你可以成为,But I dont want to be 但是我不想成为,I want to be 我想成为,I dont really know. 我真的不知道。,I really have to go. 我真的得走了。,Listen and learn.,2. Listen to the poem.,Listen and repeat.,3. Circle the food words.,Review food words.,sandwich,toast,chips,pears,3. Circle the food words.,Review foo

5、d words.,popcorn,chicken,plum,rice,cheese,3. Circle the food words.,Circle and read.,4. Look and answer questions.,Review,询问人物信息的句型:,Where are you from? How old are you? Whos your friend? What do you like? What do you often do? When did you get up yesterday? ,4. Look and answer questions.,Look and t

6、alk.,What do you know about Simon from the pictures?,He is thirteen.,He can play table tennis.,His friend is Tim.,. ,4. Look and answer questions.,Pairwork: answer questions.,4. Look and answer questions.,Check answers.,He is from Australia. He is thirteen years old. He loves books and music. Tim is

7、 his friend. They often play table tennis. He got up at half past seven. He got to school at quarter to nine. He played football from 3 to 5 pm. He did his homework and watched TV from 7 to 9 pm.,5. Write the words.,Review words.,school things,pencil rubber ruler book ,body parts,ears eyes nose mout

8、h ,food and drinks,apples juice cake cheese ,5. Write the words.,Review words.,clothes,shirt skirt sweater coat ,colours,red white black orange ,animals,cat elephant dog horse ,5. Write the words.,Circle the pictures.,things in a room 房间内物品 body 身体部位 school things 学习用品 feelings 情感 colours 颜色 sports

9、and hobbies 运动与爱好,things you can collect 可收集的物品 buildings 建筑 animals 动物 things you can put on 衣物 things you can eat and drink 食物和饮料,5. Write the words.,Circle the pictures.,5. Write the words.,Write the words.,things in a room:clock, bed body:hair, leg, toes, nose, mouth school things:ruler, schoolb

10、ag, pencil feelings: angry, tired, scared colours:red, yellow, blue sports and hobbies:play football, swim,5. Write the words.,Write the words.,things you can collect:comic books buildings:train station, post office, museum animals:dog, horse, cat things you can put on:shirt, skirt, socks, cardigan things you can eat and drink:chicken, apples, fish, cake, ice cream, vegetables, juice,6. Summary,Starter unit Join us,What I want to be food words What do you know about Simon? classify words,7. Homework,将课本第4部分的单词按照类别分别抄写三遍。,


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