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1、2012届高考英语二轮专题复习完形阅读强化综合训练(五十九)单项填空 1. -This is a best-seller. How much did you pay for it? -Only $5. -Oh!_. A. More expensive than I expected. B. Not worth it C. Its a real bargain D. I expect so 2. In face of _ failure, it is most important to keep up _ good state of mind. A. /; a B. a; / C. the; /

2、 D. / ; the 3. _ seems to have been fierce competition in China for school leavers to enter colleges or universities. A. It B. ThatC. Here D. There 4. He was glad to learn _ was among the names ticked off as finalists. A. his B. him C. himself D. he himself 5. -Jack is good at painting. -_. He _ it

3、while at school. A. So he is; took up B. So is he; was interested in C. Such is he; enjoyed D. The same as you; took over 6. Wed better take him to hospital_ it is too late. A. after B. until C. before D. when 7. -You dont seem to be yourself today. Whats wrong? -Oh, Im suffering from a cold. Nothin

4、g serious, _. A. yet B. indeed C. though D. anyway 8. He stood in the middle of the room for quite a while, his eyes _ on a picture on the wall, _ who it could be that painted it. A. fixed; wondered B. fixed; wondering C. fixing; wondering D. fixing; wondered 9. There is no experience you can have _

5、 is more exciting than skating on real ice. A. that B. it C. what D. this 10. Ted was born in _ is now known as the capital of the country. A. what B. that C. which D. where 11. China, with the largest population in the world, joined the World Trade Organization on Nov. 10, 2001, _15 years of negoti

6、ations. A. to end B. endedC. has ended D. ending 12. -Havent you graduated from university? -Yes, I _ medicine for five years in Beijing. A. study B. studied C. am studying D. have studied 13. Ive decided to go to New York instead of Paris _ my holiday. A. to B. on C. in D. for 14. The cause of the

7、traffic accident is being _ and will be found out before long. A. looked up B. looked through C. looked out D. looked into 15. Only when they were told of the importance of time _ wasting time is like wasting part of their lives. A. those boys realized B. those boys had realized C. had those boys re

8、alized D. did those boys realize 完形填空 We know that light is a kind of radiant energy. Radiant energy can1its source and travel through empty space at a speed of about 186,000 miles a second. The great speed of light explains2 we think we see things happen at the3 moment when they are happening. When

9、 we turn on a lamp in a dark room, the lamp and everything else in the room seems to light up at once. Actually, it4 the light a very small part of a second to reach our eyes. Like other kinds of radiant energy, light radiates.5, it spreads out from its source in straight lines,6 rays. The7 that lig

10、ht travels in straight lines explains many things.8, it explains why we can not see round the corner of a building and9 shadows are formed.10 light comes from a luminous (发光的)or a non-luminous object, it travels in straight lines. Rays of light11 a building never reach our eyes.12 do rays that go pa

11、st the corner13 not towards us. The only14 we can see are those15 which rays are reflected(反射) to our eyes. An object16 a shadow because light travels past it in straight lines. The rays of light that17 the object are stopped or reflected by it. So there is a space at the18 side of the object19 the

12、light rays cannot reach. We call the20 part a shadow. 1. A. send B. send away C. send up D. leave 2. A. that B. why C. what D. when 3. A. exact B. almost C. near D. different 4. A. brings B. gives off C. carries D. takes 5. A. In a word B. However C. That is D. In fact 6. A. not B. or C. but D. and

13、7. A. fact B. reason C. speed D. idea 8. A. In other words B. By the way C. For example D. Otherwise 9. A. how B. how many C. when D. what 10. A. Though B. If C. When D. Whether 11. A. stopped by B. stopping before C. passing through D. traveling around 12. A. Such B. Such will C. So D. Neither 13.

14、A. and B. while C. but D. yet 14. A. building B. objects C. rays D. thing 15. A. by B. in C. on D. from 16. A. change into B. casts C. forms D. becomes 17. A. travel past B. pass through C. hit D. travel round 18. A. farthest B. another C. other D. nearer 19. A. where B. that C. if D. as 20. A. empt

15、y B. luminous C. dark D. bright 阅读理解 After a long period of studies, scientists are uncovering surprising new findings about dolphins. They believe that dolphins do talk to each other, whistling names among themselves and others in their group. They help one another when in trouble. Like bats, they use sound waves to see. Because of these and many other findings, many scientists n


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