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1、综合英语II期末词汇与汉译英复习题Unit 1Directions: Guess the meaning of the underlined words and expressions in the following sentences.1. Students have got into the spirit, waging competitions to boost recycling and slash(减少、削减、降低) energy use in dorms. A. reduce(减少、削减、降低)B. increase(增长)C. decrease(变小、减少)D. promote

2、(增进、促进、提升)2. They cut discarded(抛弃) books from bindings so the paper could be recycled.A. misplaced(暂时丢失、放错位置)B. abandoned(抛弃)C. disordered(混乱)D. damaged(损害、损毁)3. Green buildings are also cropping up (突然出现)on campuses, from Duke with its green-roofed “Smart Home” to the new University of California,

3、 Merced.A. putting up(提供、建造)B. going up(上升、向上)C. coming up(走进、发生、开始)D. holding up(举起、阻挡、拦截)4. Yet even when the basic science of climate change has been accepted by almost all scientists, many others still seem to think that it is unfounded(没有事实根据).A. uninterested(不感兴趣的、不关心的)B. unheard(没人倾听的)C. unid

4、entified(未被识别的、身份不明的)D. unsupported(无赞助的、未经证实的、无支持的、)5. This is precisely why my Rainforests Project has expended so much effort during these last two years to help facilitate a consensus(共识、共同意见、一致看法) on increasing international cooperation to cut deforestation.A. agreement()B. movement(运动、动作、活动、变化

5、、转变、发展)C. change(改变、变化)D. dialogue(对话、对白、讨论)6. If in the future it becomes clear that the worlds big polluters knew but did little or nothing about these problems, a whole new generation of resentment(愤恨、不满、憎恶) might be born.A. anger(愤怒、怒火、怒气)B. miracle(奇迹)C. trouble(麻烦)D. innovation(革新、创新、新观念、新方法)7

6、. The presidential candidates all tout(赞扬、夸奖) green-collar jobs like McAnallys as part of their plans to combat climate change.A. criticize()B. welcomeC. praise(赞扬)D. include()8. “ I cant say for sure what kind of steak it is,” the waitress solemnly (庄严的、严肃地)answered, “but I can assure you it was ra

7、ised in a stress-free environment.”A. jokingly(开玩笑地、打趣地)B. seriously(严肃地)C. happilyD. loudly9. Several studies have set out how climate change will threaten economic development, especially in the most vulnerable(易受伤的) and poorest countries.A. easily hurtB. poorly armedC. densely populatedD. highly

8、centralized10. By using innovative, long-term investment instruments, perhaps facilitated by the multilateral development banks, we could restore vast areas of already degraded(使恶化) land to increase food output.A. cultivated(有素养的)B. fertile(富饶的、肥沃的)C. poor()D. worsened(恶化)Answer Key1. A 2. B 3. C 4.

9、 D 5. A6. A 7. C 8. B 9. A 10. DUnit 2Directions: Guess the meaning of the underlined words and expressions in the following sentences.1. The lawyer is an energetic, assertive(断言的、肯定的) and tricky man, always ready to find out a lot of beneficial evidence, argue with his counter-lawyers, and set a tr

10、ap to win the case for his party. A. bossy(霸道的,专横的)B. judgmental(审判,裁判,判决。.鉴定,评价,判断。.判断力,见识;精明。5.意见,看法;批评,指责。公平、正义)C. sensitive有感觉的。.敏感的,感觉灵敏的;敏锐的,易受伤的。(神经)过敏的,神经质的。D. confident2. That nice young man is an introvert(使内翻,使向内弯。(思想)内向,使内省。) man with a wife who is bossy, talkative and self-will, but soc

11、iable with his friends.A. confidentB. terribleC. withdraw.(1.缩回(手等)。2.抽回,收回,领回,使退出。3.回收(通货等);提取(存款)。4.撤退(军队等)。)D. honest3. Articulate speech is very important for a teacher, for the most important and essential weapon and treasure for a teacher is the voice, with the suitable volume, various tuners

12、and enough stress.A. OrganizedB. MeaningfulC. SoftD. Clear4. As a good employer, I need to have a good attitude towards my job, do the best possible in my position, and finally yet importantly restrain myself from discoursing(1.演说,讲道,说教。2.讲稿;论说,论文。3.会话,谈话4.叙述法。5.推理能力。) my companys secrets.A. gossipi

13、ngB. refraining(1.抑制,自制,忍住。2.戒除3.避免;避开。)C. bearingD. exposing(1.使暴露,使曝露)5. The businessperson is person of the highest integrity(1.诚实,正直), who is loyal to his customers, tough to any illegal and evil trade, fair to handle any business, and will try his best to protect the justice, transparency and f

14、reedom of the trade.A. independenceB. prudence(1.小心,谨慎。2.精明。3.节俭)C. specialty(1.特性,特质。2.专门,专门研究,专业;专长。)D. faithfulness6. As an innovative leader, one has to own the accountability to improve himself and his staffs ability to adapt to the new and ever-changing market.A. dutyB. regulationC. freedomD.

15、chance7. They have little incentive to go out and make loans to job-creating businesses that might have a higher yield but entail(需要、使必要) significant risk and effort.A. involve(包含、涉及、影响、需要)B. delay(延误、耽搁)C. avoidD. compete8. If you receive notice that you are facing a discrimination complaint, your first inclination(意向、倾向、爱好) may be to react instantaneously to make the problem go away.A. tendency(趋势、倾向)B. interestC. aimD. problem9. When nature delivers a major disaster with extended power failures and destruction, neighbo


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