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1、中小型外资企业薪酬福利与绩效管理规定第四部分:薪酬福利Section 4: Compensation & Benefits4.1 工资4.1 Payroll月度工资具体按照员工所在的城市及分公司实际情况发放。人力资源部门会通知员工工资的到账日期,员工也需要及时向人力资源部门提供其个人银行账户信息。Monthly salaries are paid on day depending on which location/office the employee is based in. The employee will be informed by the HR department of the

2、ir monthly salary date. The employee must provide their bank account details to the HR department in order to process salaries payments.工资将汇到员工指定的银行帐户。所得工资为扣除税收、员工社保和公积金及其它法律规定的应交费用后的金额。Payment is made by transfer into your nominated bank account. Salaries will be paid after deductions of tax, emplo

3、yee national insurance contributions, accumulation fund, and any other deductions required by law.第五部分:绩效管理Section 5: Performance Management5.1 绩效评估5.1 Performance EvaluationXX网看重能力、注重结果,我们要留住最优秀的人才。因此,对公司团队我们执行严格的评估制度。In China HR we value performance and results - we want to have the best talent in

4、 the business. Therefore, we have procedures in place intended to evaluate the performance of our teams.我们以高标准要求员工,人尽其才,并使员工从入职第一天起明确了解公司期望。We coach and train our employees to fulfill their potential and reach high levels of performance. Additionally, we want our employees to have a clear expectatio

5、n of their role and responsibilities from the first day on board.5.2 绩效管理流程5.2 Performance Management Process经理和员工需对规定时间内完成的目标设定达成一致意见。每个员工必须参加正式的月度或季度绩效评估会谈,评估会谈上经理会根据月度/季度目标对员工整体表现进行考评,如有必要将会与员工制定绩效改进计划(PIP)。Our performance management process enables managers and employees to agree on goals that m

6、ust be achieved within a given period of time. Each employee must attend a formal performance appraisal meeting on a monthly/ quarterly basis whereby their manager will provide feedback in relation to the employees overall performance against agreed monthly/quarterly objectives and where necessary w

7、ill agree a performance improvement plan (PIP)每年年初,公司将宣布未来一年内的战略目标及重点项目。At the beginning of each year, the company will announce its strategic goals, objectives and priorities for the following 12 months.每位经理需与员工沟通部门整体目标及职能目标,及如何对公司的总体战略做出贡献。Each Manager is responsible for sharing with their employe

8、es the department/functional objectives and how they contribute to the overall company strategy.经理和员工将会根据部门整体目标及职能目标,确定员工月度/季度个人目标。The Manager and employee will then agree the individual employees objectives on a monthly/quarterly basis which will be in line with the functional/departmental objectiv

9、es.在绩效评估会谈结束后,需要完成绩效目标,工作职责,重要项目和员工管理目标的报告,及月度/季度绩效评估表。The performance management meeting will include performance goals, work responsibilities, key projects to be completed and people management objectives if the employee has direct reports. A monthly/quarterly performance review form will be compl

10、eted销售部门的月度/季度评估考察重点在销售收入。季度评估的目的是对销售人员表现进行全面评估,并确认销售人员在哪些方面需要改进。Within the sales function whereby a monthly review is focused primarily on sales revenue, the purpose of the monthly/quarterly review is to provide an overall review of the sales employees performance and identify。performance improveme

11、nts where required.5.3 评估标准-级别和说明5.3 Measuring Performance - Level& Description评估标准说明Performance LevelDescription优秀总是超出预期标准,非常优秀的员工,总是愿意承担额外工作并能在规定时Excellent Performer间内完成。Always exceeds expectations set, excellent employee, always willing to take onextra tasks and completes tasks/projects within th

12、e required timeframe.良好规定时间内超出预期标准和目标,工作效率质量较高。High PerformerAchieves and exceeds expectations set within the required timeframe, high qualitywork rate一般规定时间内完成预期标准但没有超出预期标准。Average PerformerWill meet required expectations within timeframe set but will not exceed需改进表现一般,需要立即改进。Performance NeedsEmplo

13、yee is capable of a higher performance but needs to improve immediatelyImprovement不合格未完成目标且工作质量低。UnsatisfactoryEmployee is not achieving objectives and displays a low quality work ratePerformer其他评估周期少于 3 个月或者员工在产假,病假期等OtherAssessment period is less than 3 months/employee on maternity/sick leave, etc

14、每个季度,员工需根据以上评估标准进行一次评估。Each employee will be assessed against the performance levels outlined above each quarter.5.4 绩效改进计划5.4 Performance Improvement Planning如果员工的绩效评估结果被归入表现需改进 或 不合格表现者 ,经理必须完成绩效改进计划,并说明在规定时间内需改善和提高的方面。该计划作为一种工具用于协助员工改善他们的工作表现。If the employees performance level falls under perform

15、ance needs improvement or unsatisfactory performer the Manager must complete a performance improvement plan and outline the areas for improvement and development required over a set time frame. The plans used as a tool to assists staff to improve their work performance.讨论评估结果Discussing Results公司将与员工讨论评估结果,问题根源及解决办法,其目的是达成一致的解决方案。The results of the appraisal its outcome, any potential issues or development areas are discussed by the Manager with the employee with the objective of reaching a mutual agreement.除绩效评估办法实施的三个阶段外


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