【人教版大纲】2011高考英语一轮复习考点精练 Unit 17 Great women 第一册.doc

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1、【大纲版英语】2011高中英语一轮复习考点精练考点训练17 S1 B2 Unit 17 Great women.句子填空(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)1._(受到极大的鼓舞) by the two astronauts,the students in Hong Kong made up their minds to work at their studies even harder.答案:Greatly inspired2.Her religion helped her to_ (忍受住了) the sorrow from her husbands death.答案:come to

2、 terms with3.A good many students_ (辍学) in northwest China every year.答案:drop out of school4.Her father_ (恐吓要让她) in the dark room alone when she disobeyed his order.答案:threatened to leave her5.He_ (刚要上班) when the telephone rang.答案:was about to go to work6. _ (没有一个学生) worked out the problem,which dis

3、appointed their teacher.答案:None of the students7.After giving birth to a baby,she_ (越长越胖).答案:grew fatter and fatter8. _ (许诺) is an easy thing,but_ (遵守它) is not.答案:Making a promise;keeping it9.Not only Jones but also her family_ (慷慨大方);they often help the poor.答案:are generous10. _ (这位音乐家、钢琴家乐观),which

4、 encouraged millions of young people all over the world.答案:The musician and pianist was optimistic.单项选择(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)1.It was during that period that many writers_.A.rose to fame B.rose to a fameC.achieved a fame D.reach to fame答案:A提示:fame用作名词,意为“声誉;名望”,不可数,所以带有不定冠词的B、C项应排除;表示“成名”时,fame可与下列动词搭配

5、:rise/come to fame;reach/achieve/win/earn fame。2.(2010东北三校联考,30) _ millions of fans,David Beckham is encouraging more and more people to go in for soccer since the late 1990s.A.To fascinate B.FascinatingC.Fascinated D.Being fascinated答案:B提示:分词作状语;fascinate 与David Beckham 在逻辑上形成主谓关系,所以选fascinating。3.

6、Sorry to _ you,but could you tell me the time?No problem.A.worry B.prevent C.bother D.disappoint答案:C提示:题意是“对不起打扰你了,你能告诉我几点了吗?”bother烦扰、打扰。4.I dont know what will become _ the boy if he keeps failing his examinations.A.with B.in C.of D.on答案:C提示:become of sb.相当于happen to sb.,意为“某人会发生事”。5.I thought thi

7、ngs would become better,but _ they are getting much worse.A.as far as B.as long as C.as it is D.as they were答案:C提示:as it is是固定短语,意为“事实上;实际上”。6.The basketball fans in Chicago _ Michael Jordan even if he is no longer fighting for the Chicago Bulls.A.play B.promise C.admire D.allow答案:C提示:admire sb.意为“钦

8、佩某人”。7.My mother,the eldest of the six children,had to _ out of middle school at the age of 14 to help her parents work in the fields.A.leave B.drop C.fall D.go答案:B提示:leave out“省略;遗漏”;drop out“退学;辍学”;fall out of“摆脱(习惯等);废弃”;go out of“从走出;失去”。题意是“我母亲是六个孩子中最大的,14年时被迫辍学回家帮她父母在地里干活”。8.Mr. Scott was once

9、 a millionaire,so he cant _ terms with being poor now.A.go to B.turn to C.come to D.get to答案:C提示:题意是“斯科特先生曾是一位百万富翁,所以他忍受不了现在的贫穷”。come to terms with“甘心忍受,屈服于,对逆来顺受;与达成协议,与和好”。9.Tom missed his footing and fell,but he quickly struggled _ his feet.A.with B.at C.for D.to答案:D提示:struggle to ones feet“爬起来,挣

10、扎着站起来”。10._ as she is,the vice premier is kept so busy with her political work that she feels anything but_ .A.Alone;alone B.Lonely;lonelyC.Lonely;alone D.Alone;lonely答案:D提示:“这位副总理虽然单身,但她一直忙于政治工作,所以一点都不觉得孤独。”11.The use of horses on farms has almost_in the developed countries,for example in the US.A.

11、died out B.died downC.died away D.died hard答案:A提示:die out“灭绝;(风俗、习惯等)消失;消灭”;die down“(火、兴奋、暴风雨、光线、声音等)渐弱;渐息”;die away“(声音、光线、风等)渐弱;渐息”;die hard“不易根绝;难以灭绝”。12.You should find a job as soon as possible,I think.Dont worry about me.Ill get along _.A.somehow B.besidesC.anyway D.however答案:A提示:题意是“不要担心我,我会

12、想办法过下去的”。somehow“以某种方法,不知什么原因”。13.A student will be severely punished if he is found _ in the exams.A.cheat B.cheatingC.to cheat D.cheated答案:B提示:题意是“一旦发现学生在考试中作弊就会严厉处罚他”。find sb.doing“发现某人在做某事”。14.The class_doing experiments on heat and light in the laboratory,and this afternoon this class_going to have its picture taken.A.is;is B.is;are C.are;is D.are;are答案:C提示:从句意看,做实验的应该是班里的学生,所以第一个空用复数;第二个空后的its说明是指整个班集体,所以第二个空用单数。全句意为“同学们在实验室里做一个关于光和热的实验,今天下午这个班要让人拍集体照”。15. _



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