2020届新高考英语之新课标词汇专题16 以字母P开头的重点单词详解(练习版)

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1、新高考英语之新课标词汇专题重点单词详解Pp 1067. pace n.pes(移动的)速度;步速;发生的速度,步伐,节奏 v. pes 来回踱步,走来走去 pace 词义the speed at which sb/sth walks, runs or moves(移动的)速度;步速 walk up and down in a small area many times, especially because you are feeling nervous or angry 来回踱步,走来走去 积累词组 set off at a steady/gentle/leisurely pace 以稳定的

2、 / 徐缓的 / 悠闲的步子出发go through your paces = show your paces 展示自己的能力 keep pace (with sb/sth)(与)并驾齐驱;(与)步调一致 【例句感悟】E.g.:1)Congestion frequently reduces traffic to walking pace.交通阻塞经常把车流的速度降低得如步行一般缓慢。2)It is difficult to keep up with the rapid pace of change.跟上迅速的变化是很困难的。3)Until now, wage increases have al

3、ways kept pace with inflation.到目前为止,工资的增长与通货膨胀始终保持同步。1068. Pacific n.psfk 太平洋 Pacific词义The Pacific or the Pacific Ocean is a very large sea to the west of North and South America, and to the east of Asia and Australia. 太平洋 1069. pack v.pk 收拾(行李),装(箱);包装,包裹 n.pk (商品的)纸包,纸袋,纸盒 派生词:packagepack词义put clo

4、thes, etc. into a bag in preparation for a trip away from home 收拾(行李),装(箱) put sth into a container so that it can be stored, transported or sold 包装,包裹 a container, usually made of paper, that holds a number of the same thing or an amount of sth, ready to be sold (商品的)纸包,纸袋,纸盒 积累词组pack a (powerful,

5、real) punch 产生巨大影响,十分有效力 pack away 能折叠(以缩小体积);(用后)收拾好 pack up = pack sth up 打行李,收拾行装 派生词:package n. 包,盒,袋【例句感悟】E.g.:1)The advertising campaign packs quite a punch.这次广告造势产生了相当大的影响。2)The tent packs away in a small bag.帐篷可以折叠装进小袋子里。3)Are you packing up already? Its only 4 oclock.你已经开始打点行李了?现在才刚刚4点钟。107

6、0. paddle n.pdl 桨,船桨 v.pdl 用桨划船 形近词:pagepaddle词义a short pole with a flat wide part at one or both ends, that you hold in both hands and use for moving a small boat, especially a canoe , through water 桨,船桨 move a small boat through water using a paddle 用桨划船 积累词组a blank/new page 空白页,新的一页on the opposit

7、e/facing page 在对面的一页上形近词:page n. (书刊或纸张的)页,面,张,版 【例句感悟】E.g.:1)We paddled downstream for about a mile.我们划船顺流而下约一英里。2)We paddled the canoe along the coast.我们划着独木舟沿海岸而行。1071. pain n.pen(身体上的)疼痛; 痛苦,苦恼,烦恼 v.pen 使痛苦,使苦恼 派生词:painfulpain词义the feelings that you have in your body when you have been hurt or w

8、hen you are ill/sick (身体上的)疼痛 mental or emotional suffering 痛苦,苦恼,烦恼 积累词组no pain, no gain 不劳则无获 stomach/chest pains 胃 / 胸痛派生词:painful adj. 令人疼痛的 【例句感悟】E.g.:1)She was clearly in a lot of pain.她显然疼痛万分。2)You get more aches and pains as you get older.年纪越大,疼痛就越多。3)Is your back still painful?你的背还疼吗?1072.

9、paint n.pent 油漆,油漆涂层;绘画颜料 v.pent 在上刷油漆;用颜料画 派生词:painter, painting paint词义a liquid that is put on surfaces to give them a particular colour; a layer of this liquid when it has dried on a surface 油漆,油漆涂层 tubes or blocks of paint used for painting pictures 绘画颜料 积累词组painting and decorating 油漆和装潢a portra

10、it/landscape painter 一位肖像 / 风景画家派生词painter n.油漆匠;画家 painting n. 绘画,油画 gloss/matt/acrylic paint 亮光 / 亚光 / 树脂漆【例句感悟】E.g.:1)The woodwork has recently been given a fresh coat of paint.木建部分最近新刷了一层漆。2)Weve had the house painted.我们已经把房子油漆过了。 3)The paint is starting to peel off.油漆开始起皮剥落了。1073. palace n.pls

11、王宫,宫殿,总统府 形近词:palepalace词义the official home of a king, queen, president, etc. 王宫,宫殿,总统府 any large impressive house 豪华住宅,宫殿 形近词:pale adj. 灰白的,苍白的,白皙的 积累词组a pale complexion 白皙的面容go/turn pale 变得苍白a pale sky 天色昏暗【例句感悟】E.g.:1)The ordeal left her looking pale and drawn.这场磨难使她看来苍白而又憔悴。2)the royal/president

12、ial palace王宫;总统府3)Buckingham Palace白金汉宫1074. pan n.pn 平锅,平底锅 派生词:pancakepan词义a container, usually made of metal, with a handle or handles, used for cooking food in 平锅,平底锅 派生词:pancake n. 烙饼,薄饼 【例句感悟】E.g.:1)pots and pans锅碗瓢盆2)a pan of boiling water一锅开水1075. panel n.pnl(门、墙等上面的)嵌板,镶板,方格板块;(车身的)金属板,板金 p

13、anel词义a square or rectangular piece of wood, glass or metal that forms part of a larger surface such as a door or wall (门、墙等上面的)嵌板,镶板,方格板块 a piece of metal that forms part of the outer frame of a vehicle (车身的)金属板,板金 a group of specialists who give their advice or opinion about sth; a group of people

14、 who discuss topics of interest on television or radio 专家咨询组;(广播、电视上的)讨论小组 积累词组an advisory panel 顾问组a panel of experts 专家组an instrument panel 仪表盘a control/display panel 控制 / 显示面板【例句感悟】E.g.:1)One of the glass panels in the front door was cracked.前门的一块方玻璃破裂了。2)a glass-/wood-panelled door镶玻璃 / 木板的门3)He assembled a panel of scholars to advise him 他组织了一个学者小组为他出谋划策。1076. panic n.pnk 惊恐,恐慌;人心惶惶的局面,惶恐不安 v



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