九年级英语Unit 16 Mainly revision lesson 61—64人教四年制版.doc

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1、用心 爱心 专心 九年级英语九年级英语 Unit 16 Mainly revision lesson 6164 人教四年制版人教四年制版 【同步教育信息同步教育信息】 一. 本周教学内容: 本周我们将学习课本第 16 单元总复习中的第 61 至 64 课 (Unit 16 Mainly revision lesson 6164) 二. 重点、难点: 1. Lin Tao invited us to have dinner with his family , remember ? 你记得林涛邀请我们去他家吃晚饭吗? (1)invite 相当于 ask(somebody)politely to d

2、o or to come to . eg. My wife invited Kristy to go camping with us . 我夫人邀请克里斯蒂和我们一起去野营。 I was invited to the party . 我被邀请参加聚会。 (2)remember 的用法 remember to do something 意为“记得去做某事” 而 remember doing sth. 意为“记得做过某事” eg. Please remember to take your brother to the park on Sunday . 请记住星期天把弟弟带到公园去。 I remem

3、ber being taken to Beijing when I was a child . 我记得小时候被带到北京的情景。 2. Everyone likes a person with good manners . (1)with 相当于 who has(have),例如 a girl with red hair 红头发的女孩 A person with good manners never laughs at people when they are in trouble . 一个有礼貌的人从不嘲笑遇到困难的人。 (2)manners : “ social behavior ” 礼貌,

4、规矩 eg. Its bad manners to stare at people 瞪着眼睛看人是不礼貌的。 He has no manners at all . 他毫无礼貌。 (3)manner : “ way in which a thing is done or happens ” 方式;方法 eg. I like the chicken cooked in American manner . 我喜欢用美式方法烹调的鸡。 Do it in a businesslike manner . 要郑重其事做这件事。 3. Dont jump the queue ! 别加塞! queue 意为“a

5、 line of people , cars , etc , waiting to move , to get on a bus , to enter a building , etc” eg. jump the queue 加塞 form/ join a queue 排队 You should join a queue instead of jumping the queue . 你应该排队而不应该加塞。 用心 爱心 专心 4. Do not spit in public . 不要在公共场所随地吐痰。 (1)in public 意为“公共场合(所)” eg. Dont smoke in pu

6、blic . 不要在公共场所吸烟。 (2)open to the public 意为“向公众开放” eg. This museum is open to the public . 这间博物馆向公众开放。 5. It is also bad manners to stay silent if your teacher asks you a question . 假如你的老师向你提问题,保持沉默是非常不礼貌的。 stay silent“保持沉默”,stay 此处为系表动词,stay 在这里也可用 keep 替换。 eg. Stay / Keep silent when somebody is sp

7、eaking . 当别人说话时,请保持安静。 He stayed late at the office . 他在办公室待到很晚。 6. speak up so everyone can hear you . 大声讲,这样大家都能听到。 (1)speak up 意为“speak loudly”,so 此处省略了后面的 that,引导目的状语从句。 eg. Speak up , please ; I cant hear you . 请大声说,我听不见你说的话。 I gave you a map so you wouldnt get lost . 我给你一张地图,这样你就不会迷路了。 She whi

8、spered to me so no one else would hear . 她低声跟我说话以免别人听见。 (2)speak of = refer to 意为“谈及;说到”。 eg. We were speaking of him when he came . 当他进来时,我们正在谈及他。 (3)speak to sb. 意为“跟某人谈话” eg. Im too busy to speak to you now . 我现在太忙了而不能与你说话。 (4)speak ill of sb. 意为“说某人的坏话”。 eg . Its wrong of you to speak ill of you

9、r good friend . 你说你好朋友的坏话是不对的。 7. This may be not common in China but is good manners in Britain or America . 这也许在中国并不普遍,但在英美国家却被认为是一种礼貌。 (1)common 意为“found or happening often and in many places”普遍的,常见的。 eg. Pine trees are common throughout the world . 松树在世界各处都很常见。 It may be common for Chinese peopl

10、e to speak loudly in a restaurant , but it is not considered good manners in Britain or America . 在中国,人们在餐馆里大声说话很常见,但在英美国家,这被认为是一种不文明的行 为。 (2)have in common 有共同点 eg. Mary and I have little in common . 玛丽和我没什么共同点。 8. In China , if someone says something good about you , it is polite to answer “ No ,

11、not at all ! ” 用心 爱心 专心 在中国如果有人赞扬你,得体的回答应当是:“不,不(是这样)”。 修饰 something , anything , nothing等词时,形容词要放在后面。 eg. Anything delicious for dinner today ? 今天有什么好吃的吗? He will tell us something interesting . 他将给我们讲一些有趣的事情。 9. When speaking to an old person , stay on your feet . 与年长的人讲话时,要保持站立。 当从属连词 when,while,

12、as,if,unless,though / although 等引导的状语从句中的主 语与主句的主语相同时,从句中的主语与 be 可以省略。 eg. While(he was)doing so , he felt better and better . 在这样做的过程中,他感到一点点儿好了起来。 They visited several places when(they were)traveling last year . 去年他们旅行时,游历了好几个地方。 【模拟试题模拟试题】 一. 单项选择: 1. In those days we couldnt send our children to

13、 middle school college . A. let along B. let alone C. let go D. let go to 2. He often came to check their studies and new homework . A. let out B. send out C. give out D. look out 3. It is known to us all that China the third world . A. belong B. belong to C. is belonged to D. belongs to 4. They all

14、 like football and they also other sports . A. go in for B. go for C. go in to D. go into 5. If the Great Lake , the whole world would feel it . A. dried B. was dried C. is dried D. dried up 6. What have kept you for so long ? A. away B. up C. on D. in 7. Mr Green stood up and a chair from the next

15、room . A. took B. fetched C. brought D. sent 8. Some big branches during the big storm last night . A. broke out B. broke up C. broke off D. broke with 9. Liu Hua shared a room two other girls when she was in university . A. from B. by C. with D. for 10. the children out of the fire . Its dangerous

16、. A. Make B. Stay C. Have D. Keep 11. May I the dictionary out of the reading room ? A. allow to take B. be allowed taking C. allow taking D. be allowed to take 12. He was so careless that he almost me down before he saw me . A. knocked B. pushed C. turned D. beat 13. You should keep silent when . A. speaking B. spoken to C. spoken D. speaking to 14. Shall I


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