广东省2012届高考英语一轮复习 M4 Unit 4 Body language精品学案 新人教版.doc

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1、Unit 4Body language请根据以下内容,写一篇英语短文。 以下是一位幼儿教师关于肢体语言的心得: 根据我这几年的幼儿教育经验,我觉得对孩子适时使用肢体语言可以更直接地表达爱心。对年龄偏小的孩子来说尤其如此。肢体语言可以使他们柔弱的心灵接受莫大的安慰,使他们觉得在幼儿园像在家中一样温馨,在老师身边像在妈妈怀里一样安全。【写作要求】 必须使用5个句子介绍全部所给信息。 参考词汇:幼儿教育 early childhood education; 爱心 love and affection;安慰 comfort; 安全和温暖 safe and warmBased on my past fe

2、w years experience in early childhood education, I feel that timely use of body language can more directly express my love and affection. It is especially important for younger kids in the kindergarten. It can help kids to accept a great comfort, so that they feel themselves at home in kindergarten.

3、They feel safe with the teachers around them. In a word, they will feel at ease, as if they were staying in moms arms, safe and warm.1. n. 陈述;说明2. v. 迎接;问候3. vt. 代表;象征4. n. 社团;联系;联想5. adj. 好奇的6. v. 接近;靠近 n接近;方法7. vt. 保护;保卫_ _ _ _ _ _ _statement greet represent association curious approach defend8. a

4、dj. 较大的;较多的;主要的9. vt. 误解;误会10. n. 成人;成年人 adj. 成人的;成熟的11. adj. 口语的12. adj. 可能的13. n. 十字路口_ _ _ _ _major misunderstand adult spoken likely crossroads 14. adj. 面部的15. n. 作用;功能 vi. 起作用;运转16. n. 安逸;舒适 vt. 减轻(痛苦;忧虑)17. adv. 真正地;真实地18. n. 怒火;怒气_ _ _ _ _facial function ease truly anger 19. adj. 主观的20. n. 等级

5、;军衔_ _subjective rank1. 很可能2. 舒适;自由自在3. 保卫以免受4. 上上下下5. 总的来说;通常6. 丢脸7. 背对;背弃_ _ _ _ _ _ _be likely to at ease defend against up and down in general lose face turn ones back on_introduceto8. 把介绍给1.After half an hour of waiting for their flight to arrive, I saw several young people enter the waiting ar

6、ea _ (look) around curiously. 2.The first person _ (arrive) was Tony Garcia from Colombia, closely _ (follow) by Julia Smith from Britain.lookingto arrivefollowed3.Not all cultures greet each other the same way, _ are they comfortable in the same way with touching or distance between people.nor1. re

7、present vt. 代表,象征;体现,表达;描绘,声称 These exhibitions have been selected because they represent Chinese traditional culture best. 这些展品最能代表中国传统文化,所以入选。representation n. 代表,代理;表现,体现representative n. 代表人,代理人 adj. 典型的,有代表性的represent sb. / sth. as sb. / sth.把描绘成represent sb. / be 声称某人/物为represent sth. 代

8、表/象征represent sth. to sb. 向某人说明/传达某事根据汉语意思,完成英文句子(1)玫瑰花是英格兰的象征。 The rose _ England.(2)他们仅表达了一小部分民意。 They _ only a small section of public opinion.representsrepresented(3)这是一幅行猎图。 The picture_a hunting scene.represents2. follow vt. 跟随,接着;遵循,听从,听懂,领会 Following this method, Im sure we will succeed! 我确信

9、,用这种方法我们会成功! following adj. 接下来的follow closely 密切注意follow about 跟踪,尾随follow through 坚持到底,贯彻到底the following day 第二天as follows 如下It reads as follows. 全文如下。根据汉语意思,完成英文句子(1)冬去春来。 Spring _ winter.(2)王先生跟随着学生进入了房间。 Mr. Wang went into the room, _the students.followsfollowing(3)你必须按医生说的去做。 You must _ the do

10、ctors advice.(4)我不太明白你刚才说的话。 I didnt _ what you said just now.followquite follow(5)我们将密切注意形势的发展。 We shall _ the development of the situation.follow closely3. introduce vt. 介绍,引进 The purpose of the course is to introduce Chinese language. 设立该课程的目的是要介绍汉语这门语言。introduction n. 介绍,引进,引见,推行introduceto把介绍给/

11、引入introduce sth. into 把引进到;传入introduce new methods 采用/引进新方法根据汉语意思,完成英文句子(1)让我自我介绍一下好吗? Can I _ to you?(2)他们利用每一个机会来引进新的工作方法。 They take up every opportunity to _.introduce myselfintroduce new working method4. approach v. 接近,靠近,走近 n. 接近;方法;途径 I drew the curtains as evening approached. 夜色降临了,我拉上窗帘。 an / the approach to sth. 的方法,方式,态度 the approach of sth. 的来临,接近 all the approaches to sp. 通向某地的所有路径根据汉语意思,完成英文句子(1)随着秋天的临近,树叶变成了褐色。 The leaves were turning brown with _.(2)国庆节即将来临。 National Day is _.the approach of autumnapproaching(3)通往宫殿的所有道路都有部队把守。 _ the palace were guarded by troops.All the


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