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1、2020届江苏高考英语3500词汇读练测精品系列(模拟检测)04一、单项填空(从题中所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项)1.I _ my experience there so much that I continued to volunteer regularly in my community all throughout high school.A. appreciated B. rememberedC. accumulated D. accelerated【答案】A【解析】根据句中的“I continued to volunteer.”可知,appreciate“感激”符合语

2、境。 remember记起;accumulate积累;accelerate加速。句意:我是如此感激我在那里的经历以至于我整个高中时期都继续定期在我的社区做志愿工作。2.It doesnt make any sense for the Prime Minister to _ a banker to this post. A. allow B. allocate C. appoint D. admit【答案】C【解析】allow允许,准许;allocate分派,分配;appoint任命;指定admit 承认。句意:任命一位银行家来任这样的职位,对于首相来说没有任何意义。3._ speed and

3、flexibility, Chinas anti-ship missile CM-302 also has a greater destructive power than others in the market.A. Absent fromB. Apart from C. AmongD. According to【答案】B【解析】apart from“除以外还有”,符合语境。句意:除了速度和灵活性以外,中国的反舰导弹CM-302比起市场上其它反舰导弹更具杀伤力。4.After nine years working to protect Siberian tigers, Yang Jun h

4、ad his efforts recognized at the _ award ceremony in Beijing where he was named a wildlife protector.A. abnormal B. anxiousC. annualD. common【答案】C【解析】annual“一年一次的,每年的”,符合语境。句意:在为保护西伯利亚虎工作了九年之后,杨军在北京举行的年度颁奖典礼上获得了“野生动物保护者”的称号。5.Its a funny thing about life: if you refuse to accept _ but the best, you

5、very often get it.A. anything B. something C. anywhere D. nothing【答案】A【解析】固定短语anything but意为“根本不,一点也不”。句意:在生活里有一件滑稽的事情,如果你拒绝接受不完美的事物,你通常都会得到它。6.Much to our surprise, in the last few seconds of the race, Gunnell came from _ to win another gold medal.A. somewhere B. anywhereC. everywhere D. nowhere【答案

6、】D【解析】本句为固定短语from nowhere 突然冒出来,故选D。句意:令我们惊讶的是,在比赛的最后几秒钟,冈内尔突然冒出来/不知从何而来,又赢得了一枚金牌。7.Do you know Linda was fired for her casual attitude towards the job?No wonder she gave me the cold shoulder when I tried to_ her this morning.A. abuseB. accuseC. amuseD. adjust【答案】C【解析】amuse “使某人开心,使发笑,逗某人”,符合语境。句意:“

7、你知道琳达因为对工作漫不经心而被解雇了吗?”“难怪今天早上我试图逗她开心时,她却不理我。”8.Forsomehealthexperts,thesereforms _anambitiousandimportantscaling-upofpublichealthcare.A. apply to B. apologize toC. agree to D. amount to【答案】D【解析】amount to“等于,意味着”,符合语境。句意:对于一些医疗专家而言,这些改革意味着对中国公共医疗体系进行雄心勃勃和重要的扩容。9.Ajob _ shouldalsoincludewhatskillsandp

8、ersonalqualitiesarerequired.A. agendaB. analysis C. applicant D. anxiety【答案】B【解析】analysis“分析”,符合语境。句意:就业分析也应当包括必备技能与个人素质。agenda议程;applicant请求者,申请者;anxiety焦虑。10.Carol and the rest of her team need to _ the terrible destruction in value of Yahoo!A. account for B. provide for C. apply for D. answer for

9、【答案】D【解析】account for解释;provide for供给;apply for申请;answer for因而受罚;对负责。句意:Carol和她的团队需要为雅虎的严重损失负责!11.The entire book detailedly _ all the essential concepts of computer system from a programmers perspective.A. agree B. analyze C. appoint D. anticipate【答案】B 【解析】analyze“分析“,符合语境。句意:从程序员的角度,整本书详细地分析了计算机系统的

10、所有基本概念。A. perspective观点,视角;B. priority优先,优先权;C. participation参与,分享;D. privilege特权,优待。这里表示从程序员的角度,故选A。12.Have you thought about the problem from every _? You can never be too careful!A. analysis B. angle C. appetite D. angel【答案】B【解析】angle意为“(看问题或情况的)角度”,符合语境。句意:这个问题你从方方面面都考虑过了吗?你越仔细越好!注意:angel天使,天使般的

11、人,守护神;analysis分析,分解;appetite食欲,胃口,欲望,渴望。13.Friendship, _ in mutual respect and shared feelings and activities, tends to last long.A. absorbed B. amusedC. addicted D. anchored【答案】D【解析】be anchored in“以为基础”,符合语境。句意:基于相互尊重和分享感情和活动的友谊更易于长久。14.The college _ the students exchange program, most of its stude

12、nts having submitted their application forms.A. announcedB. allocatedC. advocatedD. appointed【答案】A【解析】announce“宣布”,符合语境。句意:学院宣布了交换生计划,大部分学生已经提交了申请表。allocate分配;advocate提倡,主张;appoint任命。15.Even if you get an average score or fail in the college entrance examination, do remember that you deserve to be _

13、 for the efforts you make.A. applauded B. acceleratedC. assumed D. addressed【答案】A【解析】applaud称赞,赞成,夸赞,鼓掌。accelerate促进,加速,加快;assume假定,认为;address讲演,处理。句意:即使你成绩平平或高考失败了,请记住,你应该为你付出的努力鼓掌。16.Even though human cloning is causing a large amount of _, it is good news for Faye Wilson, a 41-year-old saleswoman

14、 who cannot have a baby.A. appetiteB. apologyC. amusementD. anxiety【答案】D 【解析】appetite欲望,渴望;apology道歉,歉意;amusement开心,乐趣,娱乐;anxiety忧虑,焦虑,不安。句意:即使克隆人类正在引起许多的不安,但这对于一位不能生育的41岁女销售员来说,或许是好消息。17.It was a challenging and demanding job, but _ he managed to handle it appropriately.A. anyhow B. somehowC. altogether D. somewhat【答案】A【解析】anyhow无论如何;somehow不知何故;altogether总共;somewhat稍微。句意:这是一项具有挑战性和要求很高的工作,但无论如何,他设法妥善地处理了。18.Hearing the son paid little attention to the marriage and that he remained occupied with his work, the mother was quite _ if he could fin


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