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1、,郑州中学 付秀华,有效复习 备战中招,中招英语复习策略,中考复习备考的根本: 1、复习阶段的教学策略问题。 2、词汇过手问题 3、资料选用问题 4、课堂教学模式的构建问题(学生主动) 5、学生和老师在课堂中的位置,总体的复习基本思路,1、总体复习抓条理 2、学生分层抓中下 3、词汇复习抓过手 4、阅读训练抓长效 5、书面表达抓三点(格式、思路和反馈) 6、考前冲刺抓技巧,四个阶段,初三复习和第一遍复习的相互渗透。(阶段基础复习) 第一遍复习和二遍复习的相互融合(专项复习) 第三阶段的语法知识梳理。(综合复习) 模拟试题的仿真练习(模拟复习),基础知识复习,专项复习,综合复习,模拟 复习,中招

2、全解,单词正反记,黄金10分钟,5年中招3年模拟,周末做,早读做,主要蓝本,stop,freeze,stop,stop _ freeze _ begin stop sb from doing sth stop to do /stop doing go on to do sth /go on doing sth remember to do sth /remember doing sth mean to do sth/mean doing sth regret to do sth / regret doing sth,Nothing can stop the history wheel from

3、 going forward .,学生自主竞赛联想法,good adj/n,bad be good at be good for be good to have a good time do sb good,good,good,be good at,be good for,be good to,have a good time,do sb good,goods,do well in,Be bad at / be poor in / be weak in,疑问词的魅力,What,What s your name ? What can you see in the picture ? What c

4、olor is it ? What day is it today ? What is the date today ? What time do you have dinner / Whats nine minus three ? What are you doing ? Whats wrong with you ?,练习反馈巩固法,He need go to the doctor . Dont worried about me . He can makes a model plane There are a lot of students read . China lies in east

5、 of Asia and to North of Australia . Im sorry you missed the train , it left 10 minutes ago.,be,ing,the,the,have,s,to,同类家族大荟萃,使役动词大聚会,move moving moved please pleasing pleased move moving moved relax relaxing relaxed surprise surprising surprised excite exciting excited Bore boring bored Disappoint

6、disappointing disappointed Annoy annoying annoyed,请用这些词造句,move , moving , moved,What _us is that they invited us to see a _ movie ,which we were _ . At last , tears came into our eyes .,moved,moving,moved,turn v/n,Turn on - turn off Turn up - turn down Turn right turn left Turn around Turn into Turn

7、 back Turn to sb for help Take turns to do sth Its ones turn to do sth One good turn deserves another,How to understand and use it freely ?,图标演示法,other /others /another /the others,one , the other,one , another,some , others,some , the others,always,usually,often,sometimes,hardly/ seldom,never,100%,80%,50%,30%,23%,0%,题型分块复习,听力 单项 完型 阅读 短文填空 补全对话 书面表达,考前梳理与指导,有效反馈 有效激励,五、初中英语学业评价教学的几个问题,1. 缺乏应有的课程理念,穿新鞋走老路 2. 简单问题复杂化,教学缺乏实质意义 3. 过分依赖教辅资料,奉行拿来主义 4. 教师讲的过多,学生的语言实践得不到落实 5. 滥用课件,黑板成了摆设,学生心理状态的呵护和培养,心灵激励.,


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