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1、 分类号 密级 U D C 编号 专业学位论文莱阳市农产品质量安全管理问题研究Laiyang agricultural products quality and safety management王玮菲指导教师: 王飞 教授 云南农业大学 昆明 姚锋 教授 青岛农业大学 申请学位类别: 农业推广硕士 领域: 农业科技组织与服务 论文提交日期: 二0一三年三月 论文答辩日期: 二0一三年六月 学位授予单位和日期: 云南农业大学 二0一三年七月 答辩委员会主席: 评阅人: 云南农业大学二0一三年三月云南农业大学学位论文原创性声明 呈交的学位论文“莱阳市农产品质量安全管理问题研究”,是在本人导师王飞

2、教授和姚锋教授的指导下进行研究工作所取得的成果。除文中已经引用的内容外,本论文不含任何其他个人或集体已经发表或撰写过的研究成果。对本文的研究作出重要贡献的个人或集体,均已在论文中作了明确的说明并表示了谢意。引用本文研究成果,须征得王飞教授和姚锋教授的同意,无授权引用须承担法律责任。本声明的法律结果由本人承担。学位论文作者签名: 2013年6月2日莱阳市农产品质量安全管理问题研究 摘 要摘 要农业生产是一个国家能够生存发展的最基本产业,自改革开放以来,我国对农业生产高度重视,持续加大农业投入,连续几年中央的一号文件都强调农业问题。进入新世纪,我国农业生产得到巨大发展。中国幅员辽阔、地大物博,农业



5、字:农产品;质量;安全;管理ILaiyang agricultural products quality and safety management AbstractLaiyang agricultural products quality and safety managementAbstractwangweifeidirected by wangfeiAgricultural production in a country can survive the most basic industry, since the reform and opening up, China attaches

6、 great importance to agricultural production continued to increase investment in agriculture, in consecutive years, the first document of the central emphasis on agricultural issues. The new century, Chinas agricultural production has developed substantially. China is a vast, vast territory and abun

7、dant resources, a strong regional characteristics of agricultural production, the number and variety of agricultural products are among the highest in the world. However, the Chinese people on the table is not every day be able to eat safe agricultural products? Since joining the WTO, the internatio

8、nal market of fierce competition for Chinas agricultural product quality safety the green alarm sounded. Social progress, the quality of agricultural products demand is also progress. Inadequate legal system of Chinas agricultural products, the test level is not high, supervision is not strong, the

9、quality and safety of agricultural products and frequent, seriously affecting the reputation of China, which restricts the export of agricultural products in China, caused by a certain threat to the physical health of consumers, quality and safety of agricultural products, the concept has been propo

10、sed, immediately attaches great importance to the whole society. Laiyang City of Shandong Province, agro-food processing, Pear, dragon meat, Lu peanut oil is renowned at home and abroad. Agricultural products quality and safety incidents not only affect the operation of the market, against the inter

11、ests of consumers, will make the farmers income difficulties, brand decline. In the context of national concern the safety of agricultural products, Laiyang better faster economic development, ensure the orderly operation of the agricultural industry, clutching the quality and safety system did not

12、let up. Laiyang Perspective, study characteristics of Laiyang Agricultural Development, the composition and duties of agricultural products quality and safety of regional management organizations, summed up the achievements of Laiyang, analysis of domestic and international features, learn from the

13、advanced experience, through the analysis of Laiyang Agricultural Economics development, agricultural product processing enterprises data on research literature, summarized the results of Laiyang agricultural system construction and characteristics, to identify shortcomings and to make a few scienti

14、fic advice. The main point is to strengthen the agricultural product quality safety management system, technical services, inspection system, designed to improve the the Laiyang even the countrys agricultural management level to cope with the complicated international situation and domestic and international trends is important.Keywords:agricultural ;products;quality;safetyIIILaiyang agricultural products quality and safety management


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