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1、(汽车行业)浅谈功能对等理论依据下的汽车广告翻译 毕业设计(论文)A Study of Automobile Advertisement Translation from the Perspective of Functional Equivalence学生姓名:学 号:专 业:指导教师:学 院:独创性声明本人郑重声明:所呈交的毕业设计(论文)是本人在指导教师指导下进行的研究工作及取得的研究成果。其中除加以标注和致谢的地方,以及法律规定允许的之外,不包含其他人已经发表或撰写完成并以某种方式公开过的研究成果,也不包含为获得其他教育机构的学位或证书而作的材料。其他同志对本研究所做的任何贡献均已在文

2、中作了明确的说明并表示谢意。本毕业设计(论文)成果是本人在新余学院期间在指导教师指导下取得的,成果归新余学院所有。特此声明。作者签名(手写): 签名日期: 年 月 日 版权使用授权书本毕业设计(论文)作者及指导教师完全了解新余学院有关保留、使用毕业设计(论文)的规定,有权保留并向国家有关部门或机构送交毕业设计(论文)的复印件和磁盘,允许毕业设计(论文)被查阅和借阅。作者签名(手写): 指导教师签名(手写):日期: 年 月 日 日期: 年 月 日论文题目:浅谈功能对等理论依据下的汽车广告翻译专 业:英语学生姓名:指导教师:摘 要广告是一种特殊的应用文体,美国市场营销协会(AMA)给广告的定义是:


4、部分,结合功能对等理论及翻译原则与方法,从直译与意译、套译与创译等方法体现汽车广告翻译。与此同时,本文将列举大量的成功或失败广告翻译例子,从关注文化差异、进行文化转换、增强广告情感美、体现人文关怀等方面进一步说明。总的来说,广告翻译最大的特点是说服消费者采取行动实施购买行为。这与奈达的“功能对等”理论相符,即目的语读者对目的语的反应与原文读者对原文的反应在一定程度上是一样的。希望通过本文的论述,能够有助于我们掌握汽车广告特色,找到合适的英汉翻译策略,提高中国汽车品牌在国外的影响力和竞争力。关键词:汽车广告翻译;功能对等理论;翻译策略Title: A Study of Automobile Ad

5、vertisement Translation from the Perspective of Functional EquivalenceSpecialty: EnglishApplicant: Li LinSupervisor: Lecturer Yaohong YinABSTRACTAs a special text, the definition of advertisement by American Marketing Association is that “Advertising is the non-personal communication usually paid fo

6、r and persuasive in nature about products, services or ideas by identified sponsors through the various media.” With the development of society, the economy becomes flourishing, more and more trade tends to be international. As a symbol of global economy, automobile advertisement translation becomes

7、 more and more important to our daily life. The marketing sales are directly determined by the success of advertisement translation. Most of international advertisement translation researches focus on the science of communication and marketing. There is few people study on language transformation ba

8、sed on functional equivalence theory. This paper will take automobile advertisement translation as main study object. It mainly includes three parts. First part discusses from advertisement language and automobile advertisement. Second part introduces functional equivalence .Third part is about tran

9、slation methods under the guidance of the functional equivalence theory. They are literal translation, free translation, loan translation and creative translation. At the same time, there are a number of successful or failure cases which are enumerated in the paper. A deep analysis of these translat

10、ion cases is carried out the perspective of culture difference, culture transformation, advertisement emotional beauty and humanistic care.Generally speaking, the major feature of advertisement translation is persuading consumers to take action to implement the purchase behavior. Thats to say, the r

11、esponse of the target language readers to the target language and the response of original language readers to original language are the same in some extent. Study on typical automobile advertisement translation is helpful to us to master characteristic of it. And we can find out the proper translat

12、ion methods, at the same time increase the influence and competitiveness of Chinese car brands.KEYWORDS: Automobile Advertisement Translation; Functional Equivalence;Translation Methods.CONTENTS.Chapter One Introduction1.Chapter Two Literature Review3.Chapter Three Advertisement and Automobile Adver

13、tisement73.1 The Definition and Characteristics of Advertisement73.2 Automobile Advertisement Language8.Chapter Four The Influence of Culture Difference94.1 The Influence of Different Values.94.2 The Influence of Different Aesthetic Senses94.3 The Influence of Different Taboos and Customs104.3.1 Tab

14、oos104.3.2 Customs114.4 The Influence of Different Religions12.Chapter Five Functional Equivalence Theory155.1 Abandoning the Traditional Part of Speech165.2 Using Kernel Sentence to Surmount Sytax Barriers175.3 Using Isomorphism Explained the Social Culture Linguistic Sybmbols18.Chapter Six Transla

15、tion Methods for Automobile Advertisement196.1 Literal Translation and Free Translation196.1.1 Literal Translation196.1.2 Free Translation206.2 Coping Translation and Creative Translation216.2.1 Coping Translaiton216.2.2 Creative Translation22.Chapter Seven Conclusion25References27Acknowledgments29.Chapter One Introducti


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