【创新教程】2012届高三英语二轮复习 动词及动词短语(10).doc

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1、动词及动词短语1convey vt.传达;运送6tease vi. & vt.取笑;招惹;戏弄9transform vi. & vt.转化;转换;改造;变换transformation n转化1convey vt. 传达;运送;传播conveyor (er) n. 运送者,传达者;运输设备convey sb./sth. from.to. 把某人/某物从运送到convey sth. to sb. 向某人传达/表达(思想、感情等) 即学即练1(1)Pipes _ hot water _ the boiler _ the radiators. 管道把热水从锅炉输送到散热器里。(2)Words can

2、t _ how delighted I was.言辞无法表达我内心的喜悦。(3)Please _ my good wishes _ your mother.请向您母亲转达的美好祝愿。Convey from to/convey/convey to2transform vt.&vi. 改变,转变,改造,使改观transformation n. (外观或性质的)改变,变革transform A into B 使A变成Bbe transformed from A to B 从A变到Btransform into 转化成,改观为 即学即练2(1)The photochemical reactions _

3、 the light _ electrical impulses.光化学反应使光变为电脉冲。(2)The company has _ _ _ a family business _ a multimillionpound operation.这家公司已由一个家庭企业变成拥有数百万英镑的运作机构。(3)Lets _ the old educational system.让我们改革旧的教育制度。Transform into/been transformed from into/transform提示:trans是前缀,意为“转移,变化”。如:transport 运输,运送transfer 转移,调

4、往transmit 传导,输送,播送translate 翻译6take it easy/take things easy 别紧张,从容,松懈,不急take it/things easy 告诉别人不要紧张(指在心理上“别紧张,别着急”,相当于 Dont be nervous.)take ones time (Dont hurry.) “别着急”,告诉别人不要着急。(意味着时间还早、没必要匆忙。)take sb./sth. seriously 认真对待某人/某事take.for granted 认为理所当然 即学即练6(1)There is nothing serious; you can _ _

5、 _.没什么严重的事,你不要紧张。(2)Now, no use getting nervous. Tom, _ _ _.汤姆,不要过于紧张,现在着急是没用的。(3)Theres no need to rush backjust _ _ _.不用急着赶回来慢慢来吧。Take it easy/take it easy/take your time7run out of 用完;用光Sb. runs out of sth. 某人用光某物。Sth. is run out of. 某物被用光。Sth. is running out. 某物快用光了。Sb. uses up sth. 某人用光某物。Sth.

6、is used up. 某物快被用光。Sb. runs short of sth. 某人快用光某物了。Sth. runs short. 某物快用完了。Sb./Sth. gives out. 某人精疲力尽/某物用完。 即学即练7(1)Tom had _ _ _ money and he had to write a letter asking his father to send him some by post.汤姆用完了钱,不得不写信让父亲汇些来。(2)Food in the flooded area _ _ fast since more and more people became ho

7、meless.由于愈来愈多的人无家可归,洪灾区的食品很快就用完了。(3)His strength _ _ after he ran that long distance.跑完那么长一段距离,他已筋疲力竭。(4)They have _ _ their money.他们已经把钱花光了。run out of/ran out/gave out/used up8make up of(多用于被动结构)构成make up 组成;编造;化妆;补偿make up for 弥补make out 听出,看出,辨认出be made of/from 由制成be made out of 由制成;用改制而成be made

8、into 把做成be made in (某物)产于某地 即学即练8(1)Are all animal bodies _ _ _ cells?所有动物的身体都是由细胞组成的吗?(2)Nothing can _ _ _ the death of so many people.什么也弥补不了这么多人的死亡。(3)Books _ _ _ paper, while paper _ _ _ wood.书是由纸做成的;而纸是由木头做的。Made up of/make up for/are made of/is made from9let out发出;放走let sth. out泄露(秘密等);发出(叫喊等)

9、;放宽;放大(衣服等);让跑掉let sb. out放出去,释放let sb. down让某人失望let sb./sth.in让某人/某物进来let alone更不用说 即学即练9(1)Dont _ _ _ about my losing job.别把我丢了工作一事泄露出去。(2)Hes getting so fat that his trousers have to _ _ _ round the waist.他越来越胖,裤腰都得放宽了。(3)The baby cant even crawl yet, _ _ walk.这孩子连爬都不会,更不用说走了。let it out/be let ou

10、t/letalone1. transform/change/convert/shift/transfer这五个词都含有“改变”的意思。(1)transform强调完全改变某事或人的外观或特征。(2)change着重强调与以前不一样,是最常用的单词。(3)convert是由一种形式或作用转变成为另一种形式或作用。(4)shift含有轻易变动之意,一般用于改变位置或方向,或出于不正当动机把罪过嫁祸给他人。(5)transfer意为“移交,转移”,强调从一处转移到另一处。1. 应用1(1)_ coal to/into pipeline gas.将煤转化为管道气。(2)He _ the chair c

11、loser to the bed.他把椅子向床移近。(3)Please have my luggage _ to the railway station.请把我的行李转到火车站去。Convert/shifted/transferred (4)The Greens have _ their garage into a guest house.格林家把他们的车库改成了客房。(5)The weather is _ for better/worse.天气正在变好/坏。Transformed/changingX6U34ban vt.禁止;取缔 n禁令;谴责7accustom vt.使习惯于accusto

12、med adj.惯常的;习惯了的10quit vt.停止(做某事);离开12strengthen vt.加强;巩固;使坚强 vi.变强strength n力气strong adj.强壮的1abuse vt. & n滥用;虐待即学即练1(1)Dont _ _ _.不要滥用你的特权。(2)The farmer often _ _ _.这位农夫经常虐待他的妻子。abuse your privilege/abused his wife (3)You shouldnt _ _ _.你不应该过度使用你的眼睛。(4)I dont understand why I should put up with thi

13、s kind of _ _ _.我不明白我为什么要忍受她这样辱骂我。Abuse your eyes/abuse from her4accustom vt. 使习惯于,使适应accustomed adj. 通常的,习惯的be accustomed (used) to (doing) sth.习惯于(表状态)become/get accustomed (used) to (doing) sth.习惯于(表动作)accustom oneself/sb. to (doing) sth.使自己/某人习惯于 即学即练4(1)Painting barns red is an _ practice.仓房刷成红色是一种习俗。(2)He has _ _ _ the way the teacher gives lectures. 他已经习惯了那个老师的讲课方式。(3)You must _ _ _ the new environment.你必须使自己适应新环境。Accustomed/become accustomed to/accustom yourself to5quit vt.&vi. 停止(做某事);离开;戒掉adj. 摆脱(难题等)的quit doing sth. 放弃干某事,停止干某事quit office/school 离职/退学be quit of sb./sth. 摆脱



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