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1、 tip v.tp( tips; tipped; tipping ) 双解释义 vt. & vi.(使)某物侧边提高,倾斜,翻倒 (cause sth to) rise, lean or tilt on one side or at one end vt.将(所盛之物)倒出 cause (the contents of sth) to pour out by tilting vt.给某物装上尖头,置于某物的顶端cover the end or edge of sth a colour, a substance,etc. vt.给小费 give a tip to sb vt.轻打 touch o

2、r strike sth lightly vt.就(某人或某事物)提出意见或建议 give advice or an opinion about sb/sth 基本要点1.tip表示“(使)某物侧边提高,倾斜,翻倒”时,可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时,接名词或代词作宾语。2.tip表示“将(所盛之物)倒出”时,用作及物动词,接名词或代词作宾语,其宾语后还可接介词短语或副词。3.tip作“付小费”解时,宾语一般为人,也可接双宾语。tip也可表示“轻触,轻打,轻敲”,用作及物动词,接名词或代词作宾语,可用于被动结构。4.tip表示“轻击向某方向”时,用作及物动词,接名词或代词作

3、宾语,宾语后还可接介词短语或副词表示方向,可用于被动结构。5.tip表示“就(某人或某事物)提出意见或建议”时,用作及物动词,接名词或代词作宾语,还可接以as短语或动词不定式充当补足语的复合宾语,通常用于被动结构。 词汇搭配 +名词 tip rubbish倒垃圾 tip the edge碰到边儿 tip the plate斜端盘子 tip the table弄歪桌子 +副词 tip in在书页间装订处黏附(插页) tip off因倾斜而使掉下来 tip out从容器中倒出,从掉出 tip over(使)翻载,(使)倒翻 tip up(使)倾斜,(使)围绕铰链或枢轴向上翻起 +介词 tip in

4、to把倒进,掉进 常用短语tip in(v.+adv.)在书页间装订处黏附(插页) affix or paste (an insert) in a book at the binding margintip sthin 常用于be ed结构All the pictures in the book were tipped in carelessly and are beginning to come loose.这本书里所有的插图都加贴得不仔细,现在都开始脱页了。tip into(v.+prep.)(把)倒进,(使)掉进 (cause sb/sth to) enter sth by raisin

5、g a container at an angletip into sthThe car tipped into the ditch.汽车翻进沟里。tip sb/sth into sthThe boat rocked, tipping some of the passengers into the river.船摇晃起来,几个乘客掉进河里。Her hand slipped and she tipped some of the tea into her plate by mistake.她的手一滑,把茶洒在盘子里。She tipped the slops out of the bucket in

6、to the sink.她把桶里的脏水倒进洗涤槽。Just tip the wood into this box, will you?把木头装进这箱子里好吗?tip off1(v.+adv.)1.因倾斜而使掉下来 cause sb/sth to fall off sth, by raising a level at an angletip sb/sthoffSuddenly the horse jumped up and tipped its rider off.马突然惊跳起来,把骑马人甩了下来。The cart stopped suddenly, tipping its load off i

7、n the middle of the road.马车突然停下来,车上的货滑落到路中间。2.供给(某人)秘密消息; 给(某人)警告或暗示 give secret information or a warning to sb说明 tip off通常不用于进行体。tip sboffSomeone tipped the gang off and they escaped before the police arrived.有人向那帮歹徒透露了消息,所以他们在警察到达前就逃走了。A friend tipped Mike off about the precarious financial positi

8、on of the company, and he sold his shares in time.一个朋友向迈克透露了那家公司的金融危机,他及时卖掉了他的股票。 用于be ed结构The police were tipped off that the criminals were planning to rob the bank.警方秘密得知那些罪犯正在策划抢劫银行。The moonshiners had been tipped off that they were about to be raided.那些在夜间进行非法买卖的家伙事先得到了消息,知道警察要搜捕他们。tip off2(v.+

9、prep.)因倾斜而使掉下来 cause sb/sth to fall off sth, by raising a level at an angletip sb/sth off sthThe train stopped abruptly, nearly tipping me off my bunk.火车突然停车,我差点儿从铺位上摔下来。tip out(v.+adv.)从(容器等中)倒出,从掉出 remove by tilting or overturning a vessel, etc.tip sb/sth out of sthThe train stopped with a violent

10、 jerk, nearly tipping me out of my bunk.火车猛地一颠停了下来,我差一点从铺位上摔下来。tip sb/sthout 常用于be ed结构Buckets rise on a long chain from the well, and the water is tipped out into irrigation channels.一长串的水桶从井下升上来,把水倒入灌溉渠中。The load is tipped out at the dumping site.装载的东西被卸在垃圾场上。tip over1(v.+adv.)(使)翻载,(使)翻倒 (cause t

11、o) overturn or upset; (cause to) throwtip overThe lamp on the table tipped over.桌上的灯翻倒了。A canoe will sometimes tip over quickly.独木舟有时一下子就会翻掉。tip sthoverThe typhoon nearly tipped over the house.台风几乎把房子刮倒。Careful!Youll tip the boat over.当心,你要把船弄翻了。The clumsy boy tipped the jar of paint over.那个笨手笨脚的男孩把

12、漆罐打翻了。The ladder fell, tipping the tin of paint over so that they ran all over the floor.梯子倒了,油漆桶翻了,油漆洒了一地。Im sorry I tipped the vase over.对不起,我把花瓶打翻了。The last of the glasses broke when Mary tipped over the sideboard.玛丽碰翻了餐具柜,剩下的最后一只玻璃杯也碎了。 常用于be ed结构The bowl was tipped over by the cat which jumped

13、in through the window.碗被一只从窗口跳进来的猫打翻了。tip over2(v.+prep.)从的上方倒 throw sth overtip sth over sthMy neighbour has been tipping dead leaves over the wall into my garden.我的邻居把落叶从墙头倒进我的花园里了。tip up(v.+adv.)1.(使)倾斜 (cause to) lean or slant说明 tip up作此解时通常不用于进行体。tip upDont lean on the table or itll tip up.别倚桌子

14、,不然就倚倒了。tip sthupHe got so angry that he tipped the table up.他气得把桌子推翻了。Tip the box up and empty it.把那盒子翻过来倒空。Please tip up the sofa so that I may remove the carpet from under it.请把沙发往上推,让我把地毯从下面拖出来。2.(使)围绕铰链或枢轴向上翻起 (cause to) turn upwards around a hinge or a pivottip upThese bunks can tip up and fol

15、d back into the wall.这些铺位可以翻起来并折叠收入墙内。tip sthup 用于be ed结构Many theatres and cinemas have seats that can be tipped up.很多剧场和电影院都有可以翻起来的座位。3.俚付款 pay moneytip up for sthYou buy the tickets and Ill tip up for the meal.票你来买,饭钱我来付。 句型例句用作不及物动词S+(+A)The table tipped.桌子倾斜了。The boat tipped to one side.船向一边倾斜。The balance of maritime superiority has tipped in favour of



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