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1、工厂调查问卷Factory Survey QuestionnaireI.基本信息GENERAL INFORMATION公司名称Company Name日期Date地址Address联系人Contact电话Phone传真Fax总经理GM顾问/Consultant1. 客户类型Customer Type 加工Processing 组装Assembling 消费品Consumable 化工Mechanical 电子Electronics 汽车零部件Auto Parts 医药Medical 其他Others2. 产品Product_雇员人数Number of Employees_3. 制造类型Manu

2、facturing Type 离散型Discrete 重复型Repetitive 4. 销售额Sales Revenue_II. 技术信息Basic Information 1. 是否有局域网?Do they have a LAN?是Yes否No2. 是哪种类型的局域网?What is the type of LAN?(列类型供选择)_ 3. 是否有数据库,是哪种类型?What database do they use if any? (列类型供选择)_4. 是否有电脑,数量多少?How many PCs are they using now if any?_5. 是怎样的平台?What ki

3、nds of platform? (列类型供选择)_6. 是否正在使用管理信息系统, 使用情况如何?Are they using a MIS now? How about it?_7. 是否有财务系统,是什么系统?What financial system are they using now if any?_8. 有多少工作地点?How many physical sites do they have?_9. 是否通过ISO9000认证?Have they passed the certification of ISO9000?是Yes否No10. 工厂生产中存在着怎样的困难?What is

4、sues in your factory harrass you most?(过于开放)_计划Plan1.您的部门中使用电脑吗?如果是的话,有多少台电脑,什么型号的? Do you use computers in your department? If so, how many and what kind?_2.您的工厂中发放正式的生产工作单吗?您是如何操作的?Do you release formal production work orders to the factory? How do you do that? _3.您是否考虑过库存情况?Have you ever consider

5、 the inventory? 是Yes 否No4.组装的提前期是如何决定的?Whats the lead time for assembly?_5.你计划制定周期为多久How long is your planning horizon? 季度Quarterly 每月Monthly 每周Weekly 每天Daily6.你凭什么制定计划?Whats you planning source?_7.如何决定制造/采购的时机和数量?(你怎么制定计划)How do you decide when to make/purchase and how much?(How do you make plan)_8

6、.是否有工厂日历?Do you have factory calendar? 是Yes 否No9.你所面临的最大问题是什么?你期望利用电脑改进哪些工作?Whats your biggest problem? What do you expect the computers to improve your operation? _采购Purchasing1.部门职员人数 Total staff in your Dept. _采购员人数Number of buyer_ 采购物料数量Number of purchased items_ 采购零件Purchased parts_ 原料Raw mater

7、ials_ 在购买过程中您使用电脑吗?多少台,什么型号?Do you use computers in purchasing? How many and what kind? _ 您的采购流程是怎样的?Whats your purchasing procedure? _ 您是否正在使用采购订单进行采购?Do you use formal purchase orders?是Yes否No 采购材料时间 times for purchased items 最长longest_ 最短Shortest_ 原因Mean _ 采购零件的频率Frequency of ordering each part_ 您

8、是如何知道订购的时间的?How you know when to place an order?_ _ 您是如何知道订购的数量的?How do you decide how much to order? _ _您是如何判断供货商的价格是否合理的?您有没有固定的供货商?How do you decide on a fair price with vendors? Do you have approved vendors? _ 您购买物料时是否会参考它们过去的价格?Do you purchase items according to the history price records? _ 您是否

9、专门为每个供货商和物料订立价格乘子?Do you have price matrix for each vendor and item ?是Yes否No 您是否会查看供货商以往的表现?Do you assess historical vendor performance? 是Yes 否No 您在采购时是否会先查询该物料的库存状况?Can you enquiry the detail of the items inventory situation when you do purchasing? _ 您在采购中遇到的最大的问题是什么?What are your biggest problems in purchasing?



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