九年级英语 Unit 1《Smile and Say Hello》教案和练习 北京课改版.doc

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1、英语:Unit 1Smile and Say Hello教案和练习(北京课改版九年级)一、教学内容:Unit One Smile and Say Hello二、教学目标知识目标:熟练掌握本单元课文中的单词,短语和句型。能力目标:培养学生的综合运用知识的能力。三、教学难点:培养学生的综合能力四、本单元重点知识:单词:本单元所有单词(单词表中)短语:1. take place 发生2. live upstairs 住楼上3. be afraid of 害怕4. keep sb. from doing sth. 阻止某人做某事5. open ones heart 敞开心扉6. the answers

2、 to these questions 问题的答案7. walk with his head down 低头走路8. look away from others 把视线从别人身上移走9. pretend to do sth 假装做某事10. do ones best to do sth. 竭尽全力做某事11. with a smile 微笑着12. smile at sb. 冲某人微笑13. the window of the heart 心灵之窗14. raise your head 抬起头15. as long as 只要16. as well as 还,而且17. give your w

3、arm hands to them 向他们伸出温暖之手18. good luck to you 祝你好运19. look into sb. 正视,直视某人20. have a good time 过得愉快21. Beijing Foreign Language School 北京外国语学校重点句型:1. Both the speakers are studying history at the University of California. 两位演讲者在加州大学学习历史。2. Ann Roylor works for a childrens magazine and she is inte

4、rested in child education.安为儿童杂志工作并且她对儿童教育感兴趣。3. Excuse me, is this seat taken? 打扰一下,请问这里有人坐吗?4. Nice day, isnt it? 好天气,不是吗?5. But I do know that it is difficult for us to find a person to be a joyful or peaceful one但是我的确知道我们很难发现一个人是快乐或平静。6. I am not telling you to spend too much energy making other

5、s happy or pretend to be friendly.我并没让你花太多的精力去使别人快乐,或是假装友好。7. You should treat them not only with kindness and respect, but also with a smile and eye contact. 你就不仅应该以友善和尊重对待他们,而且要有微笑和视觉的接触。8. When you smile at a person, you are doing your best to show your kindness to him.当你对某人微笑时,你在尽自己最大的努力向他表示你的友善

6、。9. The eyes are the window of the heart? 眼睛是心灵之窗吗? 10. Lets make friends, shall we? 让我们交个朋友,好吗?11. It may seem hard to do these at first. 也许一开始做这些有点.难。12. As long as you try it, you will find some nice changes in yourself.但只要你努力去尝试,你就会发现自身会产生一些可喜的变化。13. When you give your warm hands to them, youll

7、find how friendly and thankful they are.当你向他们伸出温暖之手时,你会发现他们是多么的友好和怀有感激之情。14. You may feel you dont know what to say when you first meet people.也许你会有这样的感觉:当你第一次和别人见面时不知道说些什么。15. Its easy to talk about the weather, your pets, your school lessons, and especially your hobbies. 很简单,说说天气,你的宠物,你学校的课程,特别是你的

8、爱好。16. Remember to be a good talker as well as a good listener. 要记住当一个好的说话者的同时也要当一个好的聆听者。17. Good luck to you and have a good time with your new friends!祝你好运!也祝你和你的新朋友在一起开开心心的。五、重点知识讲解:1. Do you often notice that many of us have little eye contact with strangers? Are we afraid of them? What keeps us

9、 from opening our hearts to strangers?译文:你注意到我们当中的许多人很少与陌生人有眼光交流吗?是我们害怕他们吗? 是什么阻止我们向陌生人敞开心扉?知识点:1) many of us 我们当中的许多人2)have little eye contact with 与有一点点眼光的交流contact 接触,联系例句:When you talk to other people, you should have eye contact with them.A. be in contact with 和接触,有联系 B. be out of contact with

10、脱离接触,失去联系 C. bring into contact with 使接触,使与联系D. throw in contact with 使接触, 使与联系E. come into (in) contact with 接触,碰上F. have contact with 接触到,和有联系G. lose contact with 和失去联系,离开H. make contact with 和接触(联系)3)be afraid of (doing) sth. 害怕afraid, frightened, terrified and fearful的区别:四个词都有害怕的意思,但用法不同:afraid

11、不能作定语(其它三个词都可以作定语), 它多用于对某一事物经常或一贯的惧怕, 泛指一种“恐惧心理”, 如:Im afraid of a dog. 我怕狗。frightened 指一种“强烈的、突然的恐惧”, 其经历时间较短, 如:He was frightened out of life. 他吓得要命。terrified 指感受到“很强烈的、突如其来的恐惧”, 如:The terrified children ran home. 受惊吓的孩子跑回家去。fearful 指“担心可能发生的结果”, 如:She was fearful of falling. 她怕摔倒。4) keep sb. fro

12、m doing sth. 阻止某人做某事同义词:stop sb. from doing sth. 使不做某事, 阻止做某事prevent sb. from doing sth. 使不做某事, 阻止做某事5) open ones heart 敞开心扉2. Actually, I dont know the answers to these questions myself, but I do know that it is difficult for us to find a person to be a joyful or peaceful one if he always walks wit

13、h his head down or looks away from other people.译文:实际上,我自己也不知道该如何回答这些问题。 但我的确知道,如果某人总是低头走路或是将视线从人们身上移开,那么我们很难发现这个人是快乐或平静。知识点:1)the answers to these questions 问题的答案2)walks with his head down 低头走路3)looks away from other people 将视线从别人身上移开4)it is difficult for us to find a person to be a joyful or peace

14、ful one 我们很难发现这个人是快乐或平静5) joyful a joyful event 喜事a joyful heart 愉快的心情, 欢心a joyful look 高兴的样子a joyful news 喜讯joyful atmosphere 欢乐气氛3. I am not telling you to spend too much energy making others happy or pretend to be friendly. I think if you hope to make friends with others, you should treat them no

15、t only with kindness and respect, but also with a smile and eye contact. When you smile at a person, you are doing your best to show your kindness to him. Do you know that the eyes are the window of the heart? When you raise your head and look into his eyes, you are saying: “Hello, lets make friends, shall we?”译文:我并没让你花太多的精力去使别人快乐,或是假装友好。 我建议你:如果你希望和别人交朋友,你就不仅应该以友善和尊重对待他们,而且要有微笑和视觉的接触。当你对某人微笑时,你在尽自己最大的努力向他表示你的友善。你知道眼睛是心灵之窗吗? 当你抬起头直视对方的眼睛时,你在说:“你好!让我们交个朋友,好吗?”知识点:1)tell sb. to do sth. 告诉某人做某事2) spend t


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