【优化指导】(新课标)2013高考英语总复习 考点针对练4 北师大版.doc

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1、【优化指导】2013高考英语总复习 考点针对练4 北师大版(对应学生用书P29)1(2011山东高考)The two girls are so alike that strangers find _ difficult to tell one from the other.AitBthemCher Dthat解析:it为形式宾语,真正的宾语是动词不定式短语to tell one from the other。答案:A2(2011上海高考)Its no use _ without taking any action.Acomplain BcomplainingCbeing complained

2、Dto be complained解析:Its no use doing sth.为固定句型,意为“干没用处”。答案:B3(2010山东高考)If we sit near _ front of the bus,well have _ better view.A不填;the B不填;aCthe;a Dthe;the解析:句意:如果我们坐在汽车的前部,我们就会看得更清楚。第一个空the front of the bus指公共汽车内部的前面,此处用the特指;第二空中have a better view意为“更好地看到”。答案:C4(2010浙江高考)Many lifestyle patterns

3、do such _ great harm to health that they actually speed up _ weakening of the human body.Aa;/ B/;theCa;the D/;/解析:句意:许多生活方式对健康有如此大的伤害,甚至实际上会加速人体的衰退。第一个空格中的“do harm to.”为固定搭配,中间不用冠词,第二个空格后由于有of引导的后置定语,所以weakening前加the予以限定。答案:B5(2010江西高考)Last year the number of students who graduated with a driving li

4、cence reached 200,000,a(n)_of 40,000 per year.Aaverage BnumberCamount Dquantity解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:去年毕业有驾照的学生达到了20万,平均每年有4万。an average of 平均;a number of 许多;an amount of 许多,修饰不可数名词;a quantity of 许多,修饰可数名词或不可数名词。根据语境per year 可知此处指的是平均数。 答案:A6(2010江西高考)Do you enjoy your present job?_.I just do it for a livi

5、ng.AOf course BNot reallyCNot likely DNot a little7It wont be long before the result of the job interview _ known to the public.Ais made Bwill be madeCis being made Dhas been made解析:考查动词时态和语态。句意:工作面试的结果公布不会太迟。时间状语从句中用一般时表将来。答案:A8. Sorry,I have to _ now.Its time for class.OK,Ill call back later.Ahang

6、 up Bbreak upCgive up Dhold up解析:句意:对不起,现在我得挂断电话了。该上课了。好吧,我稍后再打。hang upring off挂断电话。答案:A9Can I help you,sir?Id like a sandwich and a cold cola.How much do you _?Aoffer BchargeCafford Dspend解析:答语后句句意:你收多少钱?charge收取(费用);offer提供;afford买得起;spend花费。答案:B10The strong wind has a bad _ our newlyplanted young

7、 trees.Whats more,it _ many people riding bikes on the road.Aeffect on;affects Baffect on;effectsCeffect in;affects Daffect in;effects11Dont worry,sir.Would you like me to _ the nearby hotel?Aget in touch with Bbe in touch withCkeep in touch with Dcommunicate解析:句意:不用担心,先生。您想让我帮您与附近的酒店取得联系吗?此处强调的是从无联

8、系到联系,所以选A项。communicate with表示“与交流”。答案:A12The two families have _ their disagreements out of court in a friendly way,and this is what all of us expected to see.Asettled BsolvedCdefeated Dovercome解析:settle指“通过调停对某事达成一致意见”;solve“解决”,一般用于“解答疑惑,解开谜团”;defeat“击败”;overcome“克服”。答案:A13(2012合肥模拟)It looks _ you

9、 are ill.You should go to see the doctor.Aas Bas thoughCwhich Dwhether解析:It looks as if/though.为固定句型,表示“看起来似乎”。答案:B14Qian Xuesen is wellknown _ the world _ a famous scientist.Aby;as Bto;forCto;as Dby;for解析:句意:钱学森作为一名著名科学家而闻名于世。the world此处表示“世人”,前用be known to;后一空用as表示“作为”。答案:C15The sad look on her fa

10、ce suggested that she _ the exam,and her mother suggested that she _ her teacher for help.Afail;turn to Bfailed;turn toCshould fail;should turn to Dfailed;turned to解析:此句含两个suggest,前一个表示“表明”,后面宾语从句应用真实语气,此处应用一般过去时;后一个表示“建议”,后面宾语从句谓语应用(should)do。答案:B16Because of his strange clothes,he immediately beca

11、me the _ of attention when he entered the office.Asignal BadjustmentCfocus Dsymbol解析:句意:因为他的奇装异服,当他进入办公室时立刻成为众人注意的焦点。focus“焦点”。答案:C17The flood this summer caused serious _ to the crops in Northeast China.Adamage BharmChurt Dinjury解析:B、C、D三项主要指肉体或心灵方面的伤害,所以该题应选damage表示“损失”。答案:A交际用语18Whose suggestion

12、do you suppose we should take?_.AThats it BNever mindCIts up to you DYou get it19Would you like to have dinner with me?_.ANo,I have other thingsBThat would be niceCId love to,but you have no moneyDThanks for inviting me to dinner解析:句意:和我一起共进晚餐好吗?太棒了。C项与问话矛盾;A项不符合西方人的说话习惯;D项的迷惑性很强,但是其常用于进餐后向邀请人表达谢意。答案:B20Perhaps we can sell the old car and buy a new one._.ANot at all BIts OKCI couldnt agree less DYoull catch it解析:“Not at all.”用来回答感谢,意为“不用谢,不客气”“没关系”;“Its OK.”意为“没关系,没问题,好的”,用以回答道歉或请求;“I couldnt agree less.”表示完全不同意对方的观点或看法等,可译为“我一点也不同意”;“Youll catch it.”表示“你会挨骂的,你会挨揍的”。答案:C5



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