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1、 冶金机械及自动化分学科发展 张清东孙彦广尹忠俊 秦勤 曹建国 刘国勇 阳建宏闫晓强 苏兰海 Development of Metallurgical Machinery and Automation Zhang Qingdong, Sun Yanguang, Yin Zhongjun, Qin Qin, Cao Jianguo, Liu Guoyong, Yang Jianhong, Yan Xiaoqiang, Su Lanhai The report summarizes the new theories, principals, standpoints, methods, achiev

2、ement and techniques in the fields of metallurgical machinery and metallurgical automation, as well as the great application and remarkable achievement in the development of Iron & Steel industry during the past two years. The future development trends and prospect of metallurgical machinery and met

3、allurgical automation bring out through comparing home and abroad. The content of this report is organized based on traditional subject category: iron-making machinery, steel-making machinery, rolling machinery, metallurgy equipment& product examination and metallurgy process automatic control. From

4、 above mentioned five subjects, the current status is summarized including awards, appraisal, patents, papers, great subject, major project, enterprise technical achievement and other typical construction achievement that reflect the subject development by authority and landmark events seeking truth

5、 from facts. Secondly, the report reflects three basic routes and motivation of equipment developmentrealizing process thought, improving information/automation, applying new machinery design/manufacturing techniques. Reviewing the past two years, China iron & steel industry has obtained great achie

6、vement, also encountered many new situations. The equipment level of iron & steel industry has been improved as the fast development of China iron & steel industry. The ability of research on metallurgical machinery & automation equipment, integration complete set and construction has been significa

7、ntly enhanced, especial in autonomy-oriented ability and application level. However, since 2008 second half 1 world financial crisis induces recession in real economy that caused market demand destruction for steel production. Low speed development arises that maybe enter a new development stage and

8、 model. From the end of 2008 to January 14th 2009, State Department Discuss and Pass on the Principle the iron and steel industrial restructuring and rejuvenation program. This aggravates the meaning of 2008 turning year for iron and steel industry. The program includes eliminating obsolete capacity

9、, speeding up innovation, promoting alliances and mergers and cutting export tariffs. Therefore, it can predict that nation will take advantage of this global economic adjustment to carry out the adjustment of China iron & steel industrial structure and development model,to promote the development o

10、f China iron & steel industry that can further improve the equipment level of iron & steel industry, especial in autonomy-oriented ability and application level of metallurgical machinery & automation equipment. This is a new major opportunity. 一、引 言 冶金机械及自动化分学科发展报告(2008-2009)旨在概述2007年至2008年两年间,我国在冶


12、用机械设计/制造的新技术。 回顾过去,2007年和2008年是我国钢铁工业发展的不平凡的两年,也是我国冶金机械及自动化领域发展不平凡的两年,取得了诸多成绩也面临新的形势。伴随着中国钢铁工业的兴盛繁荣和迅猛发展,我国钢铁工业的装备水平进一步提高,我国冶金机械及自动化装备的研制和集成成套及建设开工的能力显著加强,特别是我国冶金机械及自动化2 装备的自主化能力及应用水平都迅速提高。但是,进入2008年下半年,多年持续高速发展的中国钢铁工业,因世界金融危机引发实体经济衰退导致的钢铁产品市场需求下降,开始出现发展减速并可能进入新的发展阶段和发展模式。从2008年底开始酝酿在2009年1月14日国务院常务


14、金,推动钢铁产业技术进步,调整品种结构,提升钢材质量;五要整顿铁矿石进口市场秩序,规范钢材销售制度,建立产销风险共担机制。因此,可以预期,国家将在此次全球性的经济调整周期中,继续并加快实施对于我国钢铁工业的产业结构乃至发展模式的调整,主导和推动我国钢铁产业由大变强。这对于更进一步提高我国钢铁工业的装备水平尤其是我国冶金机械及自动化装备的自主化能力及应用水平,将是一个新的重大机遇。 二、冶金机械及自动化分学科的新进展 首先,在2007-2008年度,我国冶金机械及自动化领域发展的主旋律是,面对强劲的市场需求,国家出台了一系列政策组织实施冶金设备自主化、鼓励采用国产冶金设备及自动控制系统、支持国内

15、企业独立自主进行整条机组/工艺流程的冶金装备集成成套和建设开工,加速推动我国关键冶金装备及自动控制系统的自主化发展和关键冶金机组的成套与开工能力的自主提高。 在2006年中央发布了国务院关于加快振兴装备制造业若干意见,确定了包括以“大型薄板冷热连轧及涂镀层成套设备”为代表的大型冶金装备等16个重大领域作为装备制造业自主创新的目标后,为推动大型冶金装备自主化的进程,国家发展和改革委员会于2007年6月召开了全国冶金装备国产化工作会议并陆续出台系列政策。比如,国3 以下高炉鼓风机及高炉煤气余压余热发电设备、5m及以下轧机油膜轴承和DCS控制系统和关键仪表自主化率要达到80%;而自主化率需达到90%

16、的设备有5.5m及以下侧装煤捣固焦炉机械设备、日产1000t及以下活性石灰成套设备、年产500万t及以下球团生产成套设备、大型转炉煤气干法净化回收装置、大型宽厚板连铸成套设备、大型宽厚板成套轧制设备、大型板带轧制精整生产线设备、大型金属管轧制设备和精整成套生产线设备等。2008年各项政策逐步落实并进一步显现效果。 家出台的国产设备40%抵免所得税、东北和中西部生产型增值税向消费型转变和进口整机和零部件等政策。2007年底,政府主导的大型冶金装备自主化实施方案出台。在该方案中,确定了“十一五”期间冶金装备的自主化目标:大型薄板冷热连轧成套设备、酸洗和退火涂镀层加工成套设备、大型高炉煤气燃气轮机和10万m3及以下大型制氧机自主化率要达到70%;5000m3第二,在2007-2008年度,我国冶金机械及其自动化领域的进展的突出标志是,冶金设备及自动控制系统总体上实现了由仿制向创新的转变,冶金装备自主集成和冶金装备的科学技术研究都取得重要进展。具体表现在: 1)大型冶金装备自主集成与钢铁行业装备技术进


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