2020届高三“皖江名校”决战高考最后一卷 英语试题答案

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《2020届高三“皖江名校”决战高考最后一卷 英语试题答案》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2020届高三“皖江名校”决战高考最后一卷 英语试题答案(6页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、2020“皖江名校联盟”决战高考最后一卷英语参考答案 第 1 页(共 6 页) 2 2020020“皖江名校联盟”决战高考“皖江名校联盟”决战高考最后一卷最后一卷英语英语参考答案参考答案 第一部分: 1-5 ACBCC 6-10 BAABA 11-15 CBCCB 16-20 AAACB 第二部分: 第一节: 21-25 ACCDD 26-30 BCCCB 31-35 DCBAD 第二节: 36-40 GEBDF 第三部分: 第一节: 41-45 BDACB 46-50 ADBDC 51-55 ABDAC 56-60 BDACD 第二节: 61. wider 62. shocks 63. a

2、64. whispered 65. but 66. to focus 67. leaving 68. irrelevant 69. with 70. directly 第四部分: 第一节: Nowadays my schoolwork becomes much heavier than ever before, thus force me to stay up deep into the forcing night. I seldom do sports. For this reason I often felt sleep in class. Bad health caused my poo

3、r memory. Things did sleepy have been changed after I followed my teachers advices. I get up earlier to do morning exercises. During the since advice 10 minutes break I go out the classroom to relax my brain and muscles. At five oclock in the afternoon I minutes of often go to the playground to have

4、 sports. All this makes myself fresh and full of energy. It is sports that improves me improve my health. I have made a rapid progress in my studies. 删除 第二节:Possible version Hi Leslie, Thank you for writing to me! Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) has been around for thousands of years, and doctors

5、 use various practices together with herbal medicine to address health problems. For instance, acupuncture can be used to treat pain and improve overall wellness by inserting thin needles into our body. If you want to know more, there is more information available online. In the most recent battle a

6、gainst COVID-19, TCM has proved its effectiveness in boosting peoples immune system, relieving disease symptoms and preventing mild symptoms from getting worse. Overall, it helped to 2020“皖江名校联盟”决战高考最后一卷英语参考答案 第 2 页(共 6 页) reduce death rate and improved patients chances of recovery. Best wishes to y

7、our family and take care of yourself in the pandemic! Yours, Li Hua 【参考答案解析】 21. A。 细节题。 依据见 Audubon Animated 部分 “Flex (活动) your creative and observational muscles in a “Draw like Audubon” hands-on sketching activity.”一句。 22. C。细节题。依据见 Space Fest 部分“Well be celebrating the many women in space scienc

8、e and their contributions to the field.”一句。 23. C。细节+简单推理。依据见 Bell Summer Camps 部分“Camps go on sale to Bell members on Saturday, February 8, for an exclusive weeks pre-sale and discounts of $30/camp on full-week registration.”一句。这一天 有“on sale”和“discounts of $30” ,所以可以“save money” 。 24. D。主旨加推理题。先读懂文

9、章,了解故事情节,根据情节及文章中人物的行为以及心理活动的描写推 断出答案D。 例如: “pretending to look at a glossy cruise brochure” ,“His sunglasses masked his eyes, but I knew he wasnt looking at the brochure: he hadnt turned a page for the last ten minutes.” , “I moved his saucer and found his tip, along with a card: I am deeply indebt

10、ed to you.” ,和“I now live an honest life, thanks to you. God bless you! Mr. D.”等句子。从这些信息我们推断出,这个神秘男子来这儿的真正目的是“表达感谢” 。 25. D。推理题。 “transformed”意思是“得到改变的,被转变的” 。根据文章主题以及倒数第三自然段可以 推断出这个神秘男子经过这件事由一个劫匪转变成了一个自食其力的人。 26. B。 推理题。 根据倒数第二自然段中 “Seeing human kindness through his heroic gesture turned my life ar

11、ound and brought faith back into my life.”一句可以推断出答案。 27. C。 主旨题。 根据故事内容, 文章大意, 人物行为和情感的描写, 以及故事悬念的设置可以判定 C 项 “一 个神秘的陌生人”为最佳标题,此标题内涵丰富。这个标题本身就是一个悬念,直接吸引住读者循着故事 读到结尾,最后会恍然大悟。 28. C。猜测词义题。根据第一、二自然段的意思,以及第三自然段中 this work should encourage us to think about intelligence not as a “lump of something thats i

12、n our heads,” as the psychologist Joshua Aronson puts it, but as “a transaction among people.” (这项工作应该促使我们去把智力不是作为“我们头颅里面一团什么东 西”来思考,而是作为“人们之间的”来思考。 )一句,可以猜测出“transaction”的意思应该是 “人与所处环境之间的相互作用相互影响” 。 29. C。细节理解题。根据第 7 自然段可以知道答案为 C。 30. B。推理题。文章讲的是 stereotype threat 对人的影响,这种影响主要体现在 stereotype 事先对人设定

13、了 assumption ,这种事先设定的 assumption 会使人产生压力和焦虑,在此语境下,我们来看这四个选项, 这四个选项都是 “ (甚至) 一个人单独在考室时 (Even alone in an exam room) ” 大脑中出现的声音 (voices) , 也就是人的心理活动。A 选项“I am as prepared as I can be.”的意思是“我已经尽可能好地做了准备” 。这个 “voice”里不含有 assumption 或 expectation。B 选项 “I am supposed to do well on this.”的意思是: “这场考 试我应该考好”

14、 。 在理解 “be supposed to do”时, 请不要受到汉语思维的影响, 请看 Oxford Idioms Dictionary 对它的解释“be expected or required to do sth by rules, the law, an agreement, etc”, 它的含义是“在外界的期 2020“皖江名校联盟”决战高考最后一卷英语参考答案 第 3 页(共 6 页) 待(be expected)或要求(be required)下应该如何” ,这个“voice”会增加自我压力和焦虑,影响应试者 考试表现。因此 B 项与文章所讲内容吻合。C 选项“The test

15、ing room is different from my classroom.”的意思 是: “这个考室和我的教室不同” 。这个“voice”是“我”对考室的判断,不含有别人,甚至自己对“我” 的assumption或expectation, 因此不符合文章所讲的内容。 选项D“I am solving the problems faster than the one sitting in front of me.”的意思是: “我比坐在我前面的考生做得快” 。这个“voice”或许是“我”基于某些事 实或迹象做出的判断,也不含有外界的 assumption 或 expectation。总之,根据文章来看,一个“voice”是 否“influence performance on an exam” ,要看它是否有来自外界或环境的“assumption 或 expectation” ,不 能脱离文章语境来判断。 31. D。 推理题。 根据第 5、 6、 7 三个自然段中所讲的实验结论, 以及文中如下句子: the performance of these students suffered becau


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