四年级英语下册 Unit 11 Lesson 61(2)教案 人教新起点.doc

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1、(人教新起点)四年级英语下册教案Unit11Peoples and Countries lesson61一、概述本课是人教版新起点小学英语四年级下Peoples and Countries中的一课。所需一课时学习与国家,城市有关的词汇:United States, France, Japan, Australia, Canada, China, United Kingdom, Los Angeles, Pairs, Tokyo, Sydney, Toronto, London.学习询问并回答某人从哪里来, 住在哪里的交际用语:Where do you come from? I come fro

2、m Where do you live? I live in. 通过学习学生可以了解异国文化。二、学习目标分析 (一)知识与技能1.能够听说读写与国家和城市有关的13个单词(词组)和相关的交际用语。2.能够在模拟的情景下初步运用所学语言与他人进行交流。3.能够仿照范例写出几个关于自己句子。4.通过学习让学生了解几个国家的英文名称,国旗,版图,重要城市, 重要标志物等。5.扩大学生的视野, 了解异国文化,激发热爱祖国的情感和人与人之间的和平友爱是一家的情感。(二)过程与方法通过chant 和图片的展示让学生学习所教的单词。通过小组协作探究,培养问题解决的能力,自主学习能力和协作学习能力,同时提高

3、信息素养。通过写的练习让学生陈述自己的国籍。通过引导学生做游戏找朋友,用英语询问身边的人你来自那个国家和城市,培养学生用英语进行交流的能力,培养良好的英语习惯。(三)情感、态度与价值观通过小组活动,培养团结协助的精神。通过情感教育,让学生激发爱国热情。三、学习者特征分析该主题探究的学习者为辽化五小四年级的学生。学生对一些国家和地名很不熟悉,甚至根本不知道这些国家在那,也不太了解其代表性建筑物。这是本班学生第一次学习该课,学生已经掌握了几个用 “what”提问的句型: Whats your name? My names Where are you from? Im from 另外,据调查,大部分

4、学生对句子都有一定的掌握,对于本课的开展打下基础。四、教学策略课堂讲授策略:通过课堂的常规教学让学生掌握有关国家和城市的英语单词和句子。自主学习策略:。学生通过找朋友的游戏用英语访问身边的老师、朋友各来自哪个国家和城市。协作学习策略:教师让学生小组合作进行单词的巩固等。评价激趣和调控策略:教师事先围绕国家和城市的主题设计三个学习过程,学生在学习过程进行比赛,最后获得胜利的代表队会将会了解教师的秘密。(五)学习任务分析 任务1:学习国家单词和城市单词(通过 chant 呈现各国地图,通过图片出示各个城市,以此来学习单词) 任务2:巩固单词(学习城市和国家的表达方法后,通过游戏来巩固,小组合作培养

5、学生合作精神。) 任务3:调查人们来自的国家和城市(调查身边的人来自的国家和城市,用英语汇报调查的结果)(六)学习资源为本单元学习而设计的课件Peoples and Countries。英语报刊、杂志、录音磁带、光盘。关于国家的地图,城市的图片。(七)实施过程 Learn countries names: A picture (computer), where is it? Yes, its HongWei square in LiaoHua. We live in the same city LiaoYang and the same country China. China is a co

6、untry. Which country do you know? (从我们生活的城市入手过渡到国家的学习,逐步深入,符合学生的学习方式。) Show a map about the world. Listen to the chant twice. Listen and show the countries name (computer ). (地图和chant的整体呈现,给学生创造了直观的学习和初步感知所学单词,这种方式突出的体现了大量输入的原则,利于学生的自主学习。) Read the words in many ways. Make students understand US and

7、 UK. (各种方式的读,讲让学生进一步学习,面向了每一个学生,使其都能掌握新知。) Play the game whats missing? Read the words card and find whats missing? Lets have a match. Stick the cards and spell the words. (游戏的设计进一步巩固所学。) Learn cities names (computer): Tiananmen square is in Beijing. Show the word Beijing for students. The opera hou

8、se is in Sydney. Show the word Sydney for students. (图片的给学生直观的呈现。) Show a riddle about London. Its rainy and foggy. There is big clock in the city. There is a bridge over the river. The Olympic Games will be held in 2012.Which city is it? Show the word London. (谜语的设计培养了学生的阅读能力,扩大知识体系,满足了不同层次的需求。) Ma

9、ke students to know the buildings CN Tower. Then show the word Toronto for students. (视频的播放让学生在学习知识的情况下还了解了异国的风情。) Look the new friend from US. She introduces herself: hello, my names Mary. I come from the United States. I live in Los Angeles. Ask students where she live does? Then show the word Los

10、 Angeles. (多种方式的呈现能过使学习不枯燥,语音的输入让学生注意力集中,同时也体现了自主学习。) Show two pictures cherry blossoms and Eiffel Tower. Teach students they are in Tokyo and Paris. Show the words and read. Play the game which city is it? Lets have a match. Summary: Play a game: rolling a ball and shout out the cities names.Who is

11、 winner? Boys, you will know my secret first. Xxx, please come and look. Read it: My name is Isuzu. I come from Japan. I live in Tokyo.(游戏的设计将国家与城市结合,进一步巩固。秘密的揭露同时过渡到了新句型的学习。) Learn new sentences: Write the sentences like the example. And then say it in pairs. (培养了学生写的能力.) Teacher asks: Whats your n

12、ame? Where do you come from? Where do you live? Show the sentences (computer) to students. And read together. Play a game: find your friends. (学生通过互相提问where do you come from? Where do you live?找到来自相同国家和城市的朋友, 游戏的设计培养了学生合作交流的能力和运用语言的能力。) Summary We come from different countries. But we live in a same world. We are friends. We are family. Sing a song: You and Me. (情感教育,齐唱我和你。)4


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