IMS 终端 Presence相关协议

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《IMS 终端 Presence相关协议》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《IMS 终端 Presence相关协议(61页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Presence协议介绍,内容提要,什么是PRESENCE及用途 PRESENCE实现的基本框架 内容格式及相关的协议介绍 PRESENCE实现的扩展 XCAP 隐私策略 数据的网络同步 群组的管理,什么是PRESENCE,Presence is a means for finding, retrieving, and subscribing to changes in the presence information (e.g. “online” or “offline”) of other users(RFC2779) Presence技术是伴随即时通信业务的发展而出现的 Presence

2、服务指依靠Presence技术反应通信对方的用户状态以及这种状态下该状态下能够提供什么样的通信方式,通信双方通过订阅对方的状态信息,选择最合适的通信方式,提高通信效率和质量.,什么是PRESENCE,QQ,MSN,QQ个性签名,PRESENCE用途,即时通信中双方状态的获取. 会议过程中各个与会代表状态的获取. 目前presence主要用于即时通信系统中,随着通信技术的发展presence的作用已经不仅限于即时通信,包括多种通信方式例如会议等也会运用presence技术.,研究现状,目前研究Presence/IM业务的国际组织有IETF、3GPP、3GPP2、OMA等。 被广泛认可的Prese

3、nce/IM技术标准目前主要有两个:基于SIP扩展的SIMPLE和基于XML的XMPP协议,他们都是由IETF提出来并发展的,有着不同的支持者和用户群。,PRESENCE实现的基本框架,SIMPLE标准依据RFC 2778和RFC 2779规定了Presence服务的模型,PRESENCE实现的基本框架,PRESENCE实现的基本框架,F1 SUBSCRIBE watcher- server SUBSCRIBE sip:resource SIP/2.0 Via: SIP/2.0/TCP ;branch=z9hG4bKnashds7 To: From: ;tag=xfg9 Call-ID: 20

4、10 CSeq: 17766 SUBSCRIBE Max-Forwards: 70 Event: presence Accept: application/pidf+xml Contact: Expires: 600 Content-Length: 0,PRESENCE实现的基本框架,F2 200 OK server-watcher SIP/2.0 200 OK Via: SIP/2.0/TCP ;branch=z9hG4bKnashds7 ;received= To: ;tag=ffd2 From: ;tag=xfg9 Call-ID: 2010 CSeq: 17766 S

5、UBSCRIBE Expires: 600 Contact: sip: Content-Length: 0,PRESENCE实现的基本框架,F3 NOTIFY server- watcher NOTIFY sip:user SIP/2.0 Via: SIP/2.0/TCP ;branch=z9hG4bKna998sk From: ;tag=ffd2 To: ;tag=xfg9 Call-ID: 2010 Event: presence Subscription-State: active;expires=599 Max-Forwards: 70 CSeq: 8775 NOTIFY Contac

6、t: sip: Content-Type: application/pidf+xml Content-Length: . PIDF Document,PRESENCE实现的基本框架,F4 200 OK watcher- server SIP/2.0 200 OK Via: SIP/2.0/TCP ;branch=z9hG4bKna998sk ;received= From: ;tag=ffd2 To: ;tag=xfg9 Call-ID: 2010 CSeq: 8775 NOTIFY Content-Length: 0,PRESENCE实现的基本框架,以上的内容对应 RFC2

7、778,RFC2779 RFC3265 SIP-Specific Event Notification defines the SUBSCRIBE and NOTIFY methods for SIP, forming the core of the SIP event notification framework. RFC 3856 A Presence Event Package for SIP 描述了基于SIP subscribe/noti fication事件框架的presence技术,这是SIPMLE协议的基础,这里更具体的定义了presence概念,内容格式及相关协议,Once a

8、 user has generated a subscription to presence using the core protocol machinery, they will receive notifications (SIP NOTIFY requests) which contain presence information.,内容格式及相关协议,相关的格式规范主要有 RFC3863 PIDF: Presence Information Data Format RFC4479 A Data Model for Presence RFC4480 RPID: Rich Presenc

9、e Extensions to PIDF RFC4481 Timed Presence Extensions to PIDF RFC4482 CIPID: Contact Information for PIDF,内容格式及相关协议-PIDF, open busy home im:someone Dont Disturb Please! Ne derangez pas, sil vous plait 2001-10-27T16:49:29Z open mailto:someone Ill be in Tokyo next week ,内容格式及相关协议RFC4479,按照RFC4479 pre

10、sence data model的描述把presence信息分为三个部分:person,service,devices。,内容格式及相关协议RFC4479,Person 描述一个发布presence信息的用户,person信息主要包含该用户的特征,状态等等,特征可以包括用户的不变信息,比如身高,年龄,以及sipuri别名等等。状态信息是关于用户的动态信息的,比如在什么地方,在做什么,心情怎么样等等。通常情况下每个presentity只能包含一个person属性。 Service:每个presentity可以有多个service属性,每个service 属性描述一种与该用户联系的通信方式,比如可

11、以使传统的电话,点击通,即时消息,短消息等等。 Device:用来模拟service执行的物理环境,比如一个手机,PC,PDA,telephone等等。,内容格式及相关协议RFC4479,Encoding The existing element in the PIDF document is used to represent the service. This specification introduces the element, which can appear as a child to . his specification also introduces the element

12、, which can appear as a child to ., open mac:8asd7d7d70 sip:someone idle mac:8asd7d7d70 ,内容格式及相关协议RPID,RPID(Rich Presence Extensions to the PIDF, 4480) adds additional attributes to the presence document schema, again building upon the model in RFC 4479 allows for indications of activities, moods, p

13、laces and place types, icons, and indications of whether a user is idle or not,内容格式及相关协议RPID,该规范增加的状态有: Activities: 说明一个person正在做什么,如吃饭,开会等 Class: 定义一些标识符用来把presence信息归类 Mood: 描述preson的心情 deviceID: 的标识符,在tuple中引用来,说明某个service跟这个device想关联 place-is: 描述用户周围的环境,比如亮度,噪音等等 place-type: 描述用户所在的地方:比如教室,家。 Pr

14、ivacy: 说明一种联系service是否对别人可见 Service-class: 描述某个service的传输方式:通过电子邮件等等 Sphere: 描述用户当前的的整体环境 Status-icon: 描述一个person或者service的当前状态 Time-offset: 描述用户所在的time zone, User-input: 记录用户输入的或者service,device的使用状态,内容格式及相关协议RPID,内容格式及相关协议RFC4481,4482,接下来的4481,4482定义更多的扩展,包括presence information time status,contact

15、information等等,RFC 4481, Timed Presence Extensions to PIDF , Indicate Status Information for Past and Future Time Intervals adds additional attributes to the presence document schema, again building upon the model in RFC 4479 allows documents to indicate status for the future or the past,CIPID :Conta

16、ct Information for the Presence Information Data Format adds attributes to the presence document schema for contact information, such as a vCard, display name, homepage, icon, or sound (such as the pronunciation of their name) 这一系列的RFC描述了presence信息的描述方法,也扩展了presence这个概念,presence信息可以包含更多有用的信息而不仅仅是在线不在线这一简单概念,PRESENCE实现的扩展,问题:如果有若干个人订阅了你的状态,当你的状态改变后,



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