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1、.,Do you have any pets? Do they have any strange habits?,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,rtriv 金毛猎犬,金毛猎犬(Golden Retriever),在18世纪由英国苏格兰的Lord Twadmouth于苏格兰河近郊Inverness开始繁殖,1920年以前,一直都以金色平毛犬的名字而闻名。别名:黄寻猎犬或俄罗斯猎犬。体格健壮,工作热心,其性格沉稳,充满信心,忠诚,对小孩具有耐心,是理想的家庭犬。,.,拉布拉多寻回犬的英文名为:Labrador Retriever。属较大型类犬。拉布拉多寻回犬性情温和、聪明听话、容易训练、活泼

2、好动、忠实主人、服从指挥,是最受欢迎和最值得信赖的家庭犬。拉布拉多猎犬最明显的特征是:短、致密、防水的被毛;一个水獭似的尾巴;一个轮廓鲜明的后头骨;额段宽阔适中的头部;强健的领部和友好、善意的眼睛。,.,POODLE 贵宾犬(又名贵妇犬,英语:Poodle)起源于非洲,是北非列须鸟犬的后代,由伊比利亚传到欧洲。虽然名字来自德语“Pudel”,大多数人同意它在法国繁育扎根。1936年FCI将法国确认为该品种犬的诞生地。最初该品种犬叫水鸟猎犬,由于在路易十四时期被贵族妇女饲养,改名为贵宾犬(贵妇犬),贵宾犬的性格活泼好动、机警、聪敏、友善。,.,(西伯利亚哈士奇) 五十万年前,此犬种已和亚洲的原始

3、民族有关连. 当时的北极地区比今日温暖,适合狩猎.由於特殊 的地形和气候,需要犬只的帮助.因此西伯利亚的 游牧民族裘克奇族饲养此犬,为了生存,以猎捕海中的哺乳类动物为主,後来才渐渐成为拉雪橇犬.虽然经长距离的拖拉重物後,牠们仍能以稳健的步伐行走,为很有耐力的犬种.所有公犬,除了最佳领导犬只外,全部被阉割,一来可控制犬只的数量,也避免牠们的身材变胖. 1909年传入阿拉斯加後,才开始在北美活跃, 属於尖嘴犬系.无论是纯种的哈士奇,或是与其他雪橇犬的混种,在今日牠们已成为多才多艺的犬只,尤其是公犬,在长距离的送货和拉雪橇比赛时,更展现了牠们最大的耐力和最快的速度.当哈士奇碰上美国的饲养专家後,其正

4、式名字则被改为西伯利亚哈士奇.虽不是很好的守卫犬,却是颇受欢迎的玩伴.因为对工作的热衷,若无充分的运动和严格的管教,牠将变为一只既顽犟固执又很无趣的宠物,更因此成为饲主的负担.牠喜爱生活於寒冷的地区,无须担忧那深厚的雪堆和冰冷的气温.美国犬舍又称其为北极哈士奇,.,边境牧羊犬的英文名为:BorderCollie,又名边境柯利,边境牧羊犬是非常匀称的、中等体型的、外观健壮的狗,是一种非常聪明的犬种。经过验证,边境牧羊犬的服从智商在一百多个犬种中排名第一。,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,西方狗文化,西方世界,享有“Mans best friend ”的狗,在西方具

5、体文化表现中也大多数突显了其较高的地位。 第一,用“dog”来形容人,常常表示对一些人的赞扬,信任,这在汉语中是从未出现的。如a lucky dog(幸运儿)、a big dog (大款,保镖等)、a top dog (一个身居要职的人)。 第二 ,在西方,人们养狗的方式也与东方大相径庭。在一些英美国家,人绝不让狗吃人剩下的残羹冷炙,狗有专门的狗食。在超市, 狗食与人的食品放在一起销售,还有一些专门为狗提供服务的设施和商店,如:狗食店、狗餐厅、狗医院、狗旅社等。另外,还有专门为狗树碑立传、歌功颂德的。因此,狗成了他们的朋友,受到与人平等的尊重。,.,Lesson59 In or out?,To

6、day well listen to a story about a dog who has run away.,.,New words and expressions 生词和短语 Rex reks 雷克斯 bark bk v. 狗叫 press pres v. 按,压 paw p n. 脚爪 latch lt n. 门闩 expert ekspt n. 专家 develop dvelp v. 养成 habit hbt n. 习惯 remove rmuv v. 拆掉,取下 annoyed nd adj. 生气的,恼火的,.,More Questions on the text 1. Why d

7、id the writers husband spend weeks training the dog to open the front gate? Because the dog would sit outside the front gate and bark Every time he wanted to come into the garden until someone opened the gate. And the neighbours complained of the noise. 2. What bad habit has the dog developed? As so

8、on as he lets himself into the gate, into the garden, he begins barking until someone would let him out! 3. What happened when the writers husband removed the gate? The dog got so annoyed that he ran away and never came back.,.,Important phrases,过去常常 每当,每次 抱怨,发牢骚 让.进来/出去 开门的专家 养成了另外一种坏习惯 一.就.; 很生气 外

9、出购物 从那以后,used to every time complain of let.in /out an expert at opening the gate developed another bad habit as soon as 、 get annoyed go out shopping since then,.,Fill in the blanks Our dog, Rex, _ to sit outside our front gate and dark. _ he wanted to come into the garden he _ bark until someone o

10、pened the gate. As the neighbours _ the noise, my husband spent weeks _ him to press his paw on the latch to let himself in. Rex soon became an expert _ opening the gate. _, when I was going out shopping last week, I _ him in the garden near the gate. This time he was barking so that someone would l

11、et him out! _, he has _ another bad habit. _ he opens the gate from the outside, he comes into the garden and waits _ the gate shuts. Then he sits and barks until someone lets him out. After this he _ lets himself in and begins barking again. Yesterday my husband _ the gate and Rex got so _ we have

12、not seen him _.,used,Every time,would,complained of,training,at,However,noticed,developed,Since then,As soon as,until,immediately,removed,annoyed,since,.,Language points,.,Key words expressions,press v. 按, 压 vt.&vi. 按,挤,压 Can you press that button for me please? vt. 催促,敦促,竭力劝说 I dont like to be pres

13、sed. 我不喜欢被人催促。 pressure n. 压, 压力, 电压, 压迫, 强制, 紧迫,.,Key words expressions,paw n. 脚爪 The cats paw was burnt. cats paw 被利用的人 I dont want to be a cats paw. 我才不想被人利用 。,.,Key words expressions,latch n. 门闩 latch n. 门闩(庭院,花园中的门闩) bar n. 门闩(与 latch不同) You cant walk in because the door is on the latch.,.,Key

14、words expressions, expert n. 专家,能手 adj. 熟练的,老练的 an expert in/ at (doing) sth (某方面的)专家/ 能手 be/ become expert in/at (doing) sth.是/成为专家/能手,擅长,.,【译一译】:,1)他是个老练的司机。 He is an expert in/at driving a car. = He is expert in/ at driving a car. 2)They are all experts in this field. 他们都是这个领域的行家。,.,develop v. 养成

15、 develop a habit vt. &vi. 发展,扩展 The village has developed into a town now. developing country 发展中国家 ; developed country 发达国家 boiling water 滚开水 ; boiled water 开水 trained animals 驯化了的动物 abandoned farms 废弃了的农场 落叶_ 正在飘落的树叶_,fallen leaves,falling leaves,.,Key words expressions,habit n. 习惯(指个人习惯) custom n. 风俗,习俗 ; customs n. 海关 ; customer n. 顾客 develop a good habit He slipped into bad habits. He has the habit of staying up late.,.,Key words expressions,remove v. 拆掉, 取下 remove sth. from 从挪走 she saw he had removed his glasses. He removed


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