2013秋新人教版八年级英语上册 Unit 8 How do you make a banana milk shake 全课件

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1、Unit 8 How do you make a banana milk shake?,Section A 1 1a-2d,watermelon,mangoes,apples,cherries,pears,pineapple,grapes,tomatoes,strawberries,oranges,bananas,Whats your favorite fruit?,water,Whats your favorite drink?,fruit juice,green tea,Cola,Sprite,wine,beer,coffee,milk shake,shake,What kind of t

2、he,strawberry shake,mango shake,apple shake,Lead-in,Do you like milk shake?,Can you make a banana milk shake?,blender,ice-cream,banana,knife,milk,What do we need?,How do you make a banana milk shake?,shake【美】【口】 奶昔(由牛奶和冰淇淋 等搅制而成的混合饮料),peel,peel a banana,peel some oranges,peel an apple,peel a pear,剥,

3、削,cut up,cut up the bananas,cut it up,切,put,into,put the bananas and ice-cream into the blender,放在里面,pourinto,pour the water into the cup,pour the milk into the blender,倒,turn on,turn off,turn on/off the blender,turn it on/off,turn on/off the popper,打开,关上,drink,a,cup glass bottle bowl,of,milk shake

4、water milk tea,喝,peel,cut up,putin,pour.into,turn on,drink,Read the new words,Step 1,Peel the bananas.,How do you make a banana milk shake?,Step 2,Cut up the bananas.,Step 3,Put the bananas and ice-cream into the blender.,Step 4,Pour the milk into the blender.,Step 5,Turn on the blender.,Step 6,Drin

5、k it.,1a. Write these words in the blanks.,peel,cut up,put,pour,turn on,drink,_Turn on the blender. _ Cut up the bananas. _ Drink the milk shake. _ Pour the milk into the blender. _ Put the bananas and ice-cream into the blender. _ Peel three bananas.,1,2,3,4,5,6,1b. Listen and put the instructions

6、in order.,Tapescript,A: Im hungry! Lets make a banana milk shake. B: How do you make a banana milk shake? A: Well, first peel three bananas. B: Three bananas? A: Yes. Then cut up the bananas. B: OK, Ive finished. A: Now put the bananas and ice-cream in the blender. Then pour the milk in the blender.

7、 B: Is this enough milk? A: I guess so. Next, turn on the blender. Finally, pour the milk shake in a glass and drink it.,首先 接下来 然后 最后,Translation,First,Next,Then,Finally,A: How do you make a banana milk shake? B: First, peel the bananas. Second, cut up the bananas. Third, put the bananas and ice-cre

8、am in the blender. Next, pour the milk into the blender. Then, turn on the blender. Finally, drink the milk shake.,1c. Pairwork,New words,yogurt,watermelon,honey,spoon,pot,salt,apples,watermelon,honey,oranges,bananas,yogurt,2a. Listen and complete the chart.,honey,watermelon,apples,oranges,2b. Liste

9、n again and fill in the form.,apples,yogurt and orange,honey,bananas,2c. Have a try,A: Lets_ fruit salad. B: OK, good idea. _ do we need? A: One cup. B: And _ do we need? A: Let me think We_ two apples. B: OK, is that all? A: Yeah,lets start.,make,How much,how many,need,2d,Reading,Read the conversat

10、ion and fill in the chart below.,onion, cabbage,carrots,potatoes,tomatoes,beef,Anna: Sam, I want to make Russian soup for a party on Saturday. Can you tell me how? Sam: Sure. First, buy some beef, one cabbage, four carrots, three potatoes, five tomatoes and one onion. Then, cut up the vegetables. An

11、na: Whats next? Sam: Next, put the beef, carrots and potatoes into a pot and add some water. After that, cook them for 30 minutes. Then, add the cabbage, tomatoes and onion and cook for another 10 minutes. Anna: Ok, thats it? Sam: No, one more thing. Finally, dont forget to add some salt.,2d role-pl

12、ay the conversation,美食介绍:罗宋汤,著名的汤羹类美食菜谱。罗宋汤是在俄国和波兰等东欧国家处处可见的一种羹汤,在美国和其他西方国家也很常见。从俄国和波兰等东欧国家移民出来的犹太人是这种汤在世界各地的主地传播者,纽约市北郊一带犹太人居住相对集中的一个区域曾被人们称为罗宋汤带或罗宋汤圈。Borscht 是这种汤在犹太语中的写法,在俄罗斯,这种汤的写法是Borsch,这来源于这种汤的主要成分甜菜(Beet 或 Parsnip)在俄语中的名称-Borsch。 后来经过许多演变,罗宋汤除了主要成分甜菜之外,在汤中通常还加有圆白菜和土豆等其他蔬菜,有的里边还会有肉,其做法更是不拘一格。

13、这是因为这种汤并不是某个大厨师的发明,在过去的俄罗斯,这是普通人糊口的主要食物之一,所以怎么做主要取决于家里有什么东西。通常,是反映所有的东西都放进去。这种汤既可以在冬天热喝,又可以在夏天里冷用。一般在吃之前,要在罗宋汤上面点缀一点泡沫状的酸奶油和莳萝香菜。又酸又甜是种羹汤的一大特点。 俄罗斯的英语为RUSSIA,指的是俄国式的。于是上海的文人把来自俄罗斯的汤音译为“罗宋”。 罗宋汤嘛,是罗宋人(俄罗斯人)常喝的,所以叫罗宋汤。 在十月革命时候,有大批俄国人辗转流落到了上海,他们带来了伏特加,也带来了俄式的西菜,上海第一家西菜社就是俄国人开的。这道汤,就是从俄式红菜汤演变而来,俄式红菜汤辣中带

14、酸,酸甚于甜,上海人并不习惯。后来受原料采办以及本地口味的影响,渐渐地形成了独具海派特色的酸中带甜、甜中飘香、肥而不腻、鲜滑爽口的罗宋汤。,1. How many bananas do we need ? How many 是疑问词, “多少”, 后面跟复数 名词。 询问多少人或物的句型是: How many +复数名词 + 一般疑问句。 如:How many boats can you see? How many apples would you like? How many books are there on the desk?,Language points,2. Turn on th

15、e blender 打开搅拌器。 (1) 这是一个祈使句, 又叫无主句, 表示命令、请求等语气的句子叫做祈使句。其否定形式是在前面加上 dont 构成。,如:Sit down, please. 请坐。 Please dont sit down 请不要坐下。 Put it away, please 请把它拿走。 Please dont put it away 请不要把它拿走。,(2) turn 作动词时, 表示“转 (弯); 翻转”, 后加介词 短语/ 副词 (作状语) 。 常见短语: turn on /off 开/关 (收音机, 电灯等) turn in 交出, 上交 turn.into. (

16、使) 变成, 翻译成 turn over 翻转,如: Please turn on /off the blender. 请打开/关上搅拌器。 Turn in your papers, please. 请把试卷交上来。 Water can turn into ice. 水可变成冰。,3. First cut up three bananas, three apples and a watermelon. Finally mix it all up. 以上两句话中的短语cut up和mix up都是 由“动词 + 副词”构成的。 “动词 + 副词”构成的短语, 若其后所接 宾语为名词, 名词可放在副词之后, 也可 放在动词和


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