高中英语 经典易错题会诊与试题预测 听力总复习.doc

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《高中英语 经典易错题会诊与试题预测 听力总复习.doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《高中英语 经典易错题会诊与试题预测 听力总复习.doc(38页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、高中英语总复习经典易错题会诊与试题预测 听力第一部分 听力 理解对话的主旨和大意 获取对话或独白中的具体信息,尤其是时间、地点、数字、价格等推断出对话发生的背景、地点、说话者身份以及对话者之间的关系理解领会说话者的观点、态度和说话的意图命题角度1 理解对话的主旨和大意1.(典型例题)听力材料 W:Do you know that Michael Owen has won Frances football golden ball prize?M:Not a surprise. He has 20 goals this season.Q:What are the two speakers talk

2、ing about?A. A football player. B. A football team. C. A football match. 考场错解 C 专家把脉 如果只是听到fooball 和20 goals,会误选C项。本题一人说Michael Owen获得了足球赛的大奖。另一个说,没什么稀奇的,这次联赛他得了20分。可推知他们讨论的是一个足球运动员,而不是一次比赛或一个足球队。 对症下药 A 2.(典型例题)听力材料 W:Goodmorning,Mr.Lee.Did you sleep well last night after your long fight?M:Goodmorn

3、ing.Yes,I did.I feel totally rested and now Im ready for our meeting.Q:What do we learn about the man? A. He slept well on the plane. B. He had a long trip. C. He had a meeting.考场错解 A 专家把脉 有的学生听到了flight,以为在飞机上休息,误选A项。只是简单地对号入座,落入了陷阱。尽管在对话中没有出现中心词trip,但只要把握了三个时间,以现在为中心,之前是男声坐飞机后休息,女声说:Did you sleep w

4、ell last night after your long flight?现在是休息完后和女士要进行会谈,男声说:I feel totally rested and nowIm ready for our meeting.要进行会谈是第三个实际。这样可以把long flight转化成He had a long trip,从而得出正确答案。 对症下药 B3.(经典题)听力材料 W:So,how long have you been here?M:Just a couple of days,actuslly,I am on a big joumey.You know, Im traveling

5、a11 the places of interest here. Q:Whats the man doing?A. Hes working in a hotel. B. Hes visiting a young people. C. Hes traveling around. 考场错解 B 专家把脉 本题是一位男子谈论到此地的各个名胜观光的情况,考生需要将听到的零碎信息进行整理和归纳。其中a big joumey,visiting和places of interest here是他谈话的关键,通过对此进行判断就不会误认为是“拜访一个年轻人”了。 对症下药 C专家会诊理解对话的主旨和大意要求考生

6、对听到的内容有一个整体的把握和全面的领会。清楚说话者在说什么,体会说话者的语气,听懂关键词,要从整个语篇层面来理解。任何一段对话或独白都是围绕一个中心展开的,有时主旨大意较明显,有时则需要归纳、概括。这类试题通常提问的方式有: What are the speakers talking about?What are the speakers discussing about?What is the discusssiontalk mainly about?What is the main idea of the talk?Whats the manwoman doing?命题角度2 获取对话或

7、独白中的具伟信息,尤其是的间、地点、数字、价格等 1.(典型例题)听力材料 M:Great.This supermarket has everything. I hope this comes to under 75 dollars because I dont have monev left. W:That comes to 75 dollars and 5 cents.Q:How much should the man pay?A. 5 dollars B. 75 dllars C. 75.05 dollars考场错解 B 专家把脉 对话中出现了两个数字。男声是I hope this co

8、mes to under 75 dollars.只是希望,那么女声, That comes to 75 dollars and 5 cents.才是正确的。 2.( 典型例题国 ) 听力材料 Youll be sure to improve your ability to helt) others to realize their goals and to deal with difficuh tasks on Ihe difficult conditions. The 12-day program will be in July. If you like, you can use part

9、of your twenty day paid holi- days. Theres no charge tot this progTam. If youre interested, please write your name on this piece of paper after the meeting. Thank you. Q:How hmg will the program last? A. 8 days. B. 12 days. C. 20 days.考场易错 C专家把脉 材料中有 if you like, you can use part of your twenty day

10、paid holidays 一句, 可能造成混淆 。本题考查对于所听独白中有关时间内容细节的把握。靠近结尾,组织者交待了The12-day program will be in July.与选项B 相符。虽然可以听到12-day program 这一信息,但与本题题干所问并非原样重复,因此对于一些缺乏信息转换能力的考生来说,仍有一定难度。3.(经典题) 听力材料 M:The plane for chicago lett 15 minutes ago.W:Thats right. Now its already five to twelve.Q:When did the plane take o

11、ff? A. 12:05 B. 11:55 C. 11:40 考场错解 B专家把脉 本题问的是飞机起飞的时间。按照对话中男声The plane for Chicago left 15 minutes ago 和女声Now its already five to twelve ,那么飞机应该是11:40起飞的。对症下药 C专家会诊准确地理解英语口语、获取具体信息是一项十分重要的语言技能。为了说明和解释主旨,对话或独白中需要一些具体信息,如时间、地点、人物、年代、价钱数量、原因、目的、结果等,这些信息对理解对话、把握对话主旨是不可缺少的内容,咀在试题中占相当大的比例。这类题要求考生在听清、听懂信息

12、的同时,还要对所听到的信息做简单的处理,有的也需要考生进行简单的数字运算、时间比较、内容筛选、同义转换、因果关系、深层推理等。 单独听数字可能不难分辨,但混杂在纷繁的信息(即特定语境)之中时,却可能成为难题。关于时间等方面的细节内容往往也正是这类日常活动安排中的重要信息,需要通过较为充分有效的专门训练来提高听辨数字的能力。关于这类问题,考生要注意以下几点: (1)根据表示时间的关联词来判断事件发生的时间,如:before ,after,then, until,later,immediately等到。(2)听清楚有关数字和数字之间的关系,然后进行简单的计算,实际上是对数字的再次确认。这种趋势是符

13、合生活实际的。例如: The long distance bus from jinan to Qingdao usually takes 4hours,but yesterday it took me two hour more because of the heavy traffic.Q;How long did it take him to get to Qingdao yesterday?(3)掌握年、月、星期的表达方法。注意一些表示时间的词汇,如:quarter,a couple of days,eve,dawn,daybreak.这类试题通常提问的方式有:What/When/Wher

14、e/Which/Why/?How many/How much?How long/often/soon ?What does the woman/ man want the man/woman to do?命题角度3 推断出对话发生的背景、地点、说话者身份以及对话者之间的关系 1.(典型例题)听力材料 M:Wow!Well cerainly stay hereag again next time were passing through. W:Cood.Do 1et us know in advance.And well try to get you the same room.M:That w

15、ill be lovely.It maybe quite soon in fact. W:Oh.How is that?M:Well.Were driving to the south of Spain in the next couple of days.And we may come back this way.W:Do give us a ring if you decide to.I hope you have a pleasant trip. Q:Where does the conversation take place?A. In a hotel. B. At a booding office. C. At a friends house.考场错解 B 专家把脉 对话的主体谈论较多的是旅行安排,根本就没有提到hotel,所以有的学生就选了订票处。另外,较快的语速可能会妨碍学生听懂



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