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1、2007年重庆市中考词汇表重点词汇详解A1. a/an a用于元音音标开头的词前,a useful book,用于辅音音标开头的词前。an hour, an honest boy. the:定指2. able联想:be able to =can 能够3. above 反: below 联想:on(接触表面) over(正上方)above(高于某物位置,但不一定正上方)4. accident, 联想:have an accident 发生以外、事故5. across 表面横穿 through空间中穿过6. act-actor/actress7. advice :建议()give sb some

2、advice给某人建议ask sb for advice:向某人征求意见8. afraid害怕,联想:be afraid of sth/ be afrad to do /Im afraid so/not9. after :反:before;作介词:+v-ing 作连词:用相应时态的结构10. in the afternoon; on Sunday afternoon11. two years ago :用于过去时12. agree with sb; agree to do sth13. by air=by planeon a plane14. all:三者都,反:none; both:两者都,

3、反:neither (这些词用于be之后,行为动词之前)15. allow sb to do允许某人做.; allow doing 允许做.16. alone=by oneself独自17. go/walk along .沿着走18. already:用于现在完成时,改否定或疑问句时改为:yet19. also:也(句中)联想:too:肯定句末 either:否定句末尾20. always=all the time总是,一直21. American:形:美国的;He is American名:美国人He is an American.22. among:多个中 between:两个中23. a

4、nd: 肯定句中连接两个并立成分or:否定句中连接两个并立成分24. be angry with :生.的气25. another: 多个中的另一个(泛指)the other:两个中的另一个(定指)another two apples=two more apples.再要两个苹果26. the answer to the question问题的答案。联想:the key to the door; the way to.27. any : 用于否定、疑问句中some :用于肯定句或表请求、建议的问句中。联想:anything/anybody/anyone 用法同any ;something/so

5、mebody/someone 用法同some。Any用于肯定句中表示“任何一个”28. around=all over;遍及around=about:大约29. arrive at: 小地点/arrive in:大地点get to sp =reach sp 若地点为副词则不用介词。30. 肯定:asas:与一样;否定:not as/so.as :不如.怎么样31. ask sb (not)to do; ask sb about sth; ask sb for sth32. at:时间点,in:年、月、时间段;on:具体某天及某天上下午等.如:at 2:30; in 1993,on May 2.

6、33. in spring/summer/autumn/winter在春、夏、秋、冬34. be away from:延续leave:瞬间B35. bad-worse-worst36. play basketball:打篮球 play with a baketball:玩篮球37. beat(beat,beaten):打败对手 win(won,won):赢比赛或奖项38. 不能连用:because-so; although/though-but 39. begin to do= begin doing 40. a little+不可数名词(表肯定); little+不可数名词(表否定),a f

7、ew+可数名词复数(表肯定),few+可数名词复数(表否定)41. a little/a bit +adj ;a little = a bit of +N. ; not a little=very, not a bit = not at all42. blow-blew-blown 联想: It blew strongly last night= It was quite windy last night= There was a strong wind last night.昨晚风很大43. be born in sp;be born on 某天44. borrow sth from sb从

8、.借.; lend sb sth= lend sth to sb把.借给.; keep sth for +时段:借.好久45. take: 带走bring:带来 carry:搬(无方向,负重)46. have breakfast/lunch/supper;have a big breakfast/lunch/supper(有形容词修饰时三餐前加a/an.47. be busy doing;be busy with忙于.48. buy :反:sell;buy的延续性动词:have; buy sb sth= buy sth for sb为.买.49. walk to sp= go to sp on

9、 foot步行去; fly to sp= go to sp by air/by plane/on a plane坐飞机去;drive to sp= go to sp by car/in ones car开车去; ride to sp= go to sp by bike/one ones bike骑自行车去;take/catch a bus to sp =go to sp by bus/on a bus坐公共汽车去.C50. call sb= ring sb up = phone sb打电话给.51. be careful= look out当心52. Certainly=Of course=S

10、ure当然,一定53. changeinto= turninto把.变成.54. child-children(复数)55. Chinese-Chinese(复数)56. choose-chose-chosen57. clothes:本身就是复数58. sb spend money on/inbuying sth=sb pay money for sth= sb buy sth for money= sth cost sb money.花钱买59. be covered with sth由覆盖60. cross= go across穿过61. cut/put/hit/hurt/cost/let

11、/read三形一体62. danger(名)-dangerous(形); be in danger:处于危险中 be dangerous:是危险的。63. die(动)-death(名)-dead(形): die(瞬间) -be dead(延续)64. decide to do sth= make a decision to do sth决定做 .65. different(形)-difference(名)66. difficult(形)- difficulty(名)67. do:行为动词:做;助动词:构成否定或疑问句.68. draw-drew-drawn69. be in=be dress

12、ed in: 穿(状态)wear:穿/戴衣服/饰品put on:穿上(动作) dress:(穿,动作+人作宾语70. drink-drank-drunk71. drive-drove-driven72. during the vacation在假期间E73. We each have a book= Each of us has a book 我们每个人都有一本书74. eat-ate-eaten75. either:连词: Either you or I am right; 代词:Either of us is right;76. empty-full(反)77. at the end of

13、.在.尽头; in the end=finally= at last最后78. enjoy oneself= have fun=have a good time玩得高兴; enjoy+v-ing喜欢做79. adj/adv.+enough足够80. even +-er更加81. ever/already/yet/ever/never/before/just:用于现在完成时82. besides: 除了(包括在内)except:(不包括)83. exercise:1)练习:可数2)锻炼:(不可数)3)操:只用复数84. The book is expensive/cheap= The price

14、 of the book is high/low:这本书贵/这本书价格高F85. fail to do sth; fail (in)the exam:考试不及格86. fall-fell-fallen; fall asleep=get to sleep=go to sleep入睡87. be famous for:因.而著名; be famous as作为而著名88. Bread is my favourite= I like bread best.我最喜欢面包89. feel/look/taste/sound/keep:联系动词+形(作表语)90. be filled with= be fu

15、ll of满是装满91. I found it interesting to learn English(宾语+宾补)=I found (that)it was interesting to learn English(宾语从句)92. finish +v-ing93. fish-fish(一条条鱼)/fishes(种类)94. fly-flew-flown95. forget/remember to do忘记要做;forget/remember doing忘记做了 96. four四-fourteen十四-forty四十97. be free= have time有空98. be friendly to sb对友好99. from.to.从到100. have fun +v-ing; 做什么What fun it is to play basketball


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