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1、1. 备份数据库进入T-code DB13备份在线数据库去DB12可以看进度查看日志这是成功了2备份数据库归档文件执行DB13的TCODE,创建计划,设定计划时间,选择redolog backup. 利用命令备份:brarchive -u / -c force -p -sdZzxc报错,说Function中写的BRARCHIVE出错了,所以这里要用 -sd这样就可以了,去DB14中查看日志备份状态成功了备份更改路径3SAP数据恢复在运行中输入sqlplus /nolog打开cmd界面,登陆oracleWindows切换为devadm用户登录关闭数据库服务Linux下备份

2、数据库使用rdvadm用户登录用chmod R 777 /oracle 给权限修改/oracle/RDV/102_64/dbs/initRDV.sap备份日志文件路径备份数据库时报错解决方法:rootvm # su - oracleoraclevm $ cd $ORACLE_HOME/binoraclevm bin$ chmod +s oracleoraclevm bin$ ll oracle-rwsrwsr-x 1 oracle oinstall 152028761 Aug 30 19:06 oracleoraclevm bin$关于s权限的说明: s表示setUID 和setGID 。位于

3、user和group权限组的第三位置。如果在user权限组中设置了s权限。那么当该文件被执行时,是以文件所有者的GID,而不是用户的GID执行文件,因此可执行的文件搭配这个权限,便能得到特权,任意存取该文件的所有者能使用全部系统资源NOTE: 776505Symptom1. BRARCHIVE, BRBACKUP, and BRCONNECT - started with the user adm when using the OPS$ connection (option -u /) - terminate on Linux or Solaris 11 with the following

4、error messages:BR0301E SQL error -1017 at location BrDbConnect-2ORA-01017: invalid username/password; logon deniedBR0310E Connect to database instance QO1 failed2. BRBACKUP or BRARCHIVE backup with RMAN - started with the user adm - fails on Linux or Solaris 11 with the following error messages:BR02

5、78E Command output of SHELL=/bin/sh /oracle/I20/920_32/bin/rmannocatalog:Recovery Manager: Release - ProductionCopyright (c) 1995, 2002, Oracle Corporation.All rights reserved.RMANRMAN connect target /;RMAN-00571: =RMAN-00569: = ERROR MESSAGE STACK FOLLOWS =RMAN-00571: =ORA-01031: insuffic

6、ient privilegesRMAN *end-of-file*3. BRBACKUP or BRARCHIVE fail with ORA-01031 during an attempt to connect to the database using the SYSOPER authorization, for example:BR0301E SQL error -1031 at location BrInitOraCreate-2, SQL statement:CONNECT / AT PROF_CONN IN SYSOPER MODEORA-01031: insufficient p

7、rivilegesBR0303E Determination of Oracle version failedOther TermsBR*ToolsReason and PrerequisitesThe BR executables are assigned an s-bit. The problem is related to the special processing of the s-bit by Linux and Solaris 11 operating systems.1. The problem does not occur if the BR*Tools are called

8、 with the SYSTEM database user, for example:brbackup -u SYSTEM/ -q2+3. The problem occurs for every database user if the backup was started with the OS user adm.Solution1. Although the BR*Tools are called with the OS adm, the relevant database user for the OPS$ connection must be called OPS$ORA. If

9、it does not exist yet, create it as follows:sqlplus /nologSQL connect / as sysdbaSQL create user ops$ora identified externally temporary tablespace psaptemp;SQL grant sapdba to ops$ora;2+3. To solve the problem, set the SGID bit for the brarchive, brbackup, and brconnect executables (they must belon

10、g to ora):su - rootcd /usr/sap/SYS/exe/run改变文件所有者为orachown ora brarchive brbackup brconnect改变所属用户组为 dbachgrp dba brarchive brbackup brconnect改变文件权限为6754chmod 6754 brarchive brbackup brconnect These commands should result in the following file authorizations:-rwsr-sr- 1 oradba 9325374 2012-12-19 04:5

11、2 brarchive-rwsr-sr- 1 oradba 9443223 2012-12-19 04:52 brbackupLS -rwsr-sr- 1 oradba11333756 2012-12-19 04:55 brconnect-rwxr-xr-x 1 adm sapsys9893702 2012-12-19 04:56 brrecover-rwxr-xr-x 1 adm sapsys6203096 2012-12-19 04:56 brrestore-rwxr-xr-x 1 adm sapsys 11766827 2012-12-19 04:58 brspace-rwxr-xr-x

12、 1 adm sapsys6797524 2012-12-19 04:58 brtoolsThe authorization *4 should prevent just anybody from being able to perform an offline backup, which could disrupt the availability of the SAP system.Header DataReleased On27.07.2015 14:33:10Release StatusReleased for CustomerComponentBC-DB-ORA-DBA Databa

13、se Administration with OraclePriorityCorrection with medium priorityCategoryHelp for error analysisValidityThis document is not restricted to a software component or software component versionReferencesThis document refers to:SAP Notes1882181Corrections in BR*Tools 7.20 Patch 33 / 7.40 Patch 3361641Creating OPS$ users on UNIX113747Owners and authorizations for BR*ToolsThis document is referenced by:SAP Notes (3)113747Owners and authorizations for BR*Tools361641Creating OPS$ users on UNIX1882181Corrections in BR*Tools 7.20 Patch 33 / 7.40 Patch 3Linux下恢复数据库 恢复数据文件su o



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