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1、Unit 2 Working the land,漫 画 欣 赏,画 面 描 述,寓 意 理 解,你能否对此加以扩展,写一篇120词左右的小短文?,A boy is absorbed in fishing.Three other boys are leaving,emptyhanded,though therere many fish in the water.,Success calls for patience.If we stick to what we are doing,well achieve our goal in time.,短文填空 根据课文A PIONEER FOR ALL

2、PEOPLE完成下列短文。 Dr Yuan Longping was a pioneer of agriculture in China. He (graduate) from Southwest Agricultural College in 1953. Since then he devoted his life _ finding ways to grow more rice. The rice farmers are now producing harvest twice _ large as before _ using his kind of rice. _ he was not

3、satisfied with his work. Although now he leads a rich life,,graduated,to,as,by,But,he _ insists on his work to develop his rice. I think his work is really important to the world. Because of his hard work,the production of food (improve). And the problem of (hungry) can be solved. to Yuan Longpings

4、great work,millions of people can benefit . his extraordinary work.3,still,has been improved,hunger,Thanks,from,.单词拼写 1In three years he will _(毕业) from Beijing University. 2The sitting room is _(两倍) as big as the bedroom. 3She is _(满意) with her sons progress. 4He doesnt _(在乎) about anything we may

5、say. 5When I said some people were stupid,I wasnt _(指的是) to you.,graduate,twice,satisfied,care,referring,6Its always difficult being in a foreign country,e . if you dont speak the language. 7The news that Liu Xiang won the 110 metres hurdles c throughout the country. 8Walls have e . 9Scientists are

6、still s for a cure to the common cold. 10Prices have risen steadily during the past d .,specially,irculated,ars,earching,ecade,.短语填空 1All the pressure _ and he was off work for weeks with stress. 2There is no doubt that stress can _ physical illness. 3Further measures will be taken to _ our streets

7、_ crime. 4Many experts think that schools should not simply _ exam results.,built up,lead to,rid,focus on,of,5She usually _ the table _ dust by putting a cover over it. 6She _ her father all through his long illness. 7Scientists are still a cure for this terrible disease. 8I fail than cheat in the e

8、xamination. 9Nowadays increasing numbers of people _ environmental issues. 10It was all a great success_ a lot of hard work.,keeps,free from,cared,for,searching for,would rather,care about,thanks to,.完成句子 1Indeed,he believes that a person with too much money has more (而不是更少) troubles.(rather) 2Using

9、 his hybrid rice farmers are producing harvests (是以前的两倍)(twice) 3It seems a strange name since all crops are organic (不管怎么生产的)(how),rather than fewer,twice as large as before,no matter how they are produced,核心词汇梳理,1rid vt. 免除;清除;使摆脱 搭配 rid.of.使摆脱掉或清除掉 get/be rid of.摆脱;丢掉 完成句子 (1)该是我们把这些旧玩具全部扔掉的时候了。

10、Its time we _ all these old toys. (2)他走了,我很高兴不再受他纠缠。 Hes gone,and Im glad to _. (3)她正在努力戒除毒瘾。 She is trying to _ a dependence on drugs,got rid of,be rid of him,rid herself of,联想 remind sb. of sth.提醒某人某事 inform sb. of sth.通知某人某事 rob sb. of sth.抢劫 accuse sb. of.指控 cure sb. of.治愈,2.struggle n. 斗争;努力;奋斗

11、 vi.努力;奋斗;搏斗;挣扎;艰 难地行进 (1)我争取自由。 I _ get free. (2)我们为截住罪犯进行了一场搏斗。 We to stop the criminal. (3)为独立而进行的斗争是长期而艰苦的。 The struggle _ independence was long and hard.,struggled to,had a struggle,for,搭配 struggle against/with与作斗争;向搏斗struggle along挣扎着生活下去 struggle for为而斗争 struggle on拼命活下去;竭力支持下去;继续努力,3.equip v

12、. 装备,配备;训练;准备行装 搭配 be equipped for准备好;对有准备 be equipped with装/配备;安装 equip for为装备;为作装备 equip sb./sth. with用装备某人(物) equip oneself整装;预备行装;装备自己,提示 (1)equip的名词形式为equipment(注意;不双写p),意思“设备,装备”,为不可数名词。 (2)equip的宾语多是人或地方。 (1)接受一定的教育能使你具备就业的能力。 Proper education will _ one _ a job. (2)我们使孩子们受到良好的教育。 We .,equip,

13、for,equip our children with a good education,4export vt. 输出,出口 n出口 The islands export sugar and fruit.这些岛屿出口糖和水果。 Wool is one of the chief exports of Australia. 羊毛是澳大利亚的主要出口物资之一。 拓展 (反)import进口 完成句子 (1)The country (进口大量的原料) (2)_(黄金出口) is forbidden.,imported lots of materials,The export of gold,5.reg

14、ret v. 为感到遗憾;后悔 句型 regret doing/having done.后悔做了某事 regret to say/tell you/inform you that.很遗憾地说/告诉你/通知 你 We regret to inform you that the train will be late. 我们遗憾地通知诸位火车将会晚点。 n遗憾;悔恨;抱歉;歉意 识记 to ones regret令某人感到可惜的是;令某人觉得遗憾的是,(1)非常遗憾,我们不能参加你们的婚礼。 ,we will be unable to attend your wedding. (2)她为自己发了脾气而深感后悔。 She deeply regretted . (3)他很快就开始后悔从家里出走。 He soon began to regret from home.,Much to our regret,losing her temper,having run away,6reduce vt. 减少;缩减;简化 搭配 reduce.by.减少了多少;降低了多少 reduce to.减少到vt. 使成为;使变为 句型 reduce sb.to (doing) sth.使某人沦为;使不得不做 be reduced to (doing) sth.被迫做某事,完成


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