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1、William Shakespeare (1564-1616),The Merchant of Venice Hamlet sonnets,Popular Ballads,Two types of ballads Old English Ballads Literary Ballads Flourished in 15th c. Poems of simplicity and dramatic intensity from the common peoples point of view. “Babes in Wood” tells the law of causation and retri

2、bution. (因果报应),Renaissance,Rebirth of art and literature of ancient Greek learning in Europe after the dark Middle Ages Background After the dark Middle Ages, roughly 14-16th c Politically, power centralization Religiously, Reformation Geographical discovery Rising bourgeois class,English Renaissanc

3、e,Late of 15th c to 16th c. 1485, end of the Wars of the Roses 1534, Anglican Church Bourgeois parliament 1588, sea victory over the Spanish Armada,Spirit of the Renaissance literature,Man over god Reason over religion Praise of man with his infinite capabilities Earthly life over the afterlife Revi

4、val of science and art after the Middle Ages,Representatives,In drama Christopher Marlow马洛, William Shakespeare 莎士比亚 In poetry Spenser, John Milton弥尔顿 In Essay Francis Bacon培根,Rise of play,1576, 1st public theatre. Growth of english drama molded modern English.,pictures,William Shakespeare(1564-1616

5、),Birth place: Stratford-at-Avon Family: father, rich merchant; 18, married Career: 22, left to London; actor, playwright in a leading playing companyLord Chamberlaines Men,Position and achievements,The most influential writer in all of English literature, the worlds pre-eminent dramatist. The three

6、 sources of English literature: the Bible, Greek and Roman Myths, Shakespeare. “He was not of an age, but for all time”Ben Johnson,37 plays, 2 narrative poems, and 154 sonnets. 4 stages of dramatic writing: History plays: Henry VI, IV, Richard II, III (Concerned with shifting power relations, humani

7、zing the heroes, the kings.) comedies: A Midsummer Nights Dream Tragedies: Hamlet, Othello, King Lear, Macbeth Tragi-Comedies: Cymbeline, The Tempest,Sense of responsibility: The purpose of playing was and is to hold, as it were, the mirror up to nature: to show virtue her own feature, scorn her own

8、 image, and the very age and body of the time his form and pressure.,His art: Characterization: dialog, soliloquy, psychological exploration good mastery of English language: Incisive insight in life Eg: All the worlds a stage And all the men and women merely players (As you like it) What is a man,/

9、 If his chief aood and market of his time/Be but to sleep and feed?/A beast, no more.,quotes,A fool thinks himself to be wise, but a wise man knows himself to be a fool. A man loves the meat in his youth that he cannot endure in his age. An overflow of good converts to bad. Be not afraid of greatnes

10、s: some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon them. Better a witty fool than a foolish wit. Better three hours too soon than a minute too late. Brevity is the soul of wit.,The Merchant of Venice,Please analyze the character of Shylock? what kind of man is Antoni

11、o?,Hamlet,Blank verse Unrhymed but regular verse with iambic pentameter Eg. The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune For who would bear the whips and scorns of time Soliloquy Dramatic device whereby a character relates his thoughts and feelings to him without addressing any listener.,Questions on

12、 Hamlet,What is the soliloquy about? How do you define Hamlet? Why does he hesitate?,Sonnet,A poem of 14 lines following one of several sets of rhyme scheme. Italian or Petrarchan sonnet Octave rhyming abba, abba; Sestet rhyming cdecde or cdedce English or Shakespearan sonnet 3 quatrains (each with

13、a rhyme scheme of its own, usu. rhyming alternate lines) and a rhymed couplet. Abab, cdcd, efef, gg Spencerian sonnet (abab, bcbc, cdcd, ee),appendix,Shylock:我的意思已经向殿下告禀过了;我也已经指着我们的圣安息日起誓,一定要照约执行处罚;要是殿下不准许我的请求,那就是蔑视宪章,我要到 京城里去上告,要求撤销贵邦的特权。您要是问我为什么不愿接受三千块钱,宁愿拿一块腐烂的臭肉,那我可没有什么理由可以回答您,我只能说我欢喜这样,这是 不是一个回

14、答?要是我的屋子里有了耗子,我高兴出一万块钱叫人把它们赶掉,谁管得了我?这不是回答了您吗?有的人不爱看张开嘴的猪,有的人瞧见一头猫就要 发脾气,还有人听见人家吹风笛的声音,就忍不住要小便;因为一个人的感情完全受着喜恶的支配,谁也做不了自己的主。现在我就这样回答您:为什么有人受不住 一头张开嘴的猪,有人受不住一头有益无害的猫,还有人受不住咿咿唔唔的风笛的声音,这些都是毫无充分的理由的,只是因为天生的癖性,使他们一受到刺激,就 会情不自禁地现出丑相来;所以我不能举什么理由,也不愿举什么理由,除了因为我对于安东尼奥抱着久积的仇恨和深刻的反感,所以才会向他进行这一场对于我自 己并没有好处的诉讼。现在您

15、不是已经得到我的回答了吗?,我又不干错事,怕什么刑罚?你们买了许多奴隶,把他们当作驴狗骡马一样看待,叫他们做种种卑贱的工作,因为他们是你们出钱买来的。我可 不可以对你们说,让他们自由,叫他们跟你们的子女结婚?为什么他们要在重担之下流着血汗?让他们的床铺得跟你们的床同样柔软,让他们的舌头也尝尝你们所吃 的东西吧,你们会回答说:“这些奴隶是我们所有的。”所以我也可以回答你们:我向他要求的这一磅肉,是我出了很大的代价买来的;它是属于我的,我一定要把 它拿到手里。您要是拒绝了我,那么你们的法律去见鬼吧!威尼斯城的法令等于一纸空文。我现在等候着判决,请快些回答我,我可不可以拿到这一磅肉?,慈悲不是出于勉

16、强,它是像甘霖一样从天上降下尘世;它不但给幸福于受施的人,也同样给幸福于施与的人;它有超乎一切的无上威力,比皇冠 更足以显出一个帝王的高贵:御杖不过象征着俗世的威权,使人民对于君上的尊严凛然生畏;慈悲的力量却高出于权力之上,它深藏在帝王的内心,是一种属于上帝 的德性,执法的人倘能把慈悲调剂着公道,人间的权力就和上帝的神力没有差别。所以,犹太人,虽然你所要求的是公道,可是请你想一想,要是真的按照公道执行 起赏罚来,谁也没有死后得救的希望;我们既然祈祷着上帝的慈悲,就应该按照祈祷的指点,自己做一些慈悲的事。我说了这一番话,为的是希望你能够从你的法律 的立场上作几分让步;可是如果你坚持着原来的要求,那么威尼斯的法庭是执法无私的,只好把那商人宣判定罪了。,To be, or not to be: that is the question: Whether tis nobler in the mind to suffer The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune, Or to take arms against a se



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