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1、浙江大学硕士毕业论文 中国电视频道VI管理的品牌化解读硕 士 学 位 论 文论文题目 中国电视频道VI管理的品牌化解读 作者姓名 指导教师 副教授 学科(专业) 传播学 所在学院 传媒与国际文化学院 提交日期 2007年5月 目 录摘要 3Abstract 4前言 5第一章 中国电视频道VI管理的终极品牌形象之争 9一 电视频道品牌建设必要性分析 9 二 解读电视频道品牌 12三 电视频道品牌形象与频道VI 15 第二章 电视频道VI管理的解构 17一 电视频道VI管理的原动力 17二 电视频道VI管理的内涵 18三 电视频道VI构成分析 20第三章 去品牌化-中国电视频道VI管理现状和症结

2、23一 历史溯源 23二 中国电视频道VI管理品牌化的阻力因素 24三 中国电视频道VI管理去品牌化的具体表现 27(一)定位模糊,偏离品牌核心价值 27(二)生态失衡,品牌形象离散 29(三)流于表象,文化内涵不足 30(四)断层发展,品牌创新乏力 31(五)同质严重,品牌个性缺失 32(六)管理缺位,执行力不足 33第四章 问题的解决-中国电视频道VI管理的品牌化 34一 提升品牌竞争力频道VI管理品牌化的全新视角 34二 六管齐下频道VI管理品牌化的全程攻略 35(一) 清晰定位,提升品牌核心力 35(二) 整合协调,增强品牌聚合力 39(三) 以人为本,培养品牌忠诚力 43(四) 以文

3、为源,提高品牌文化力 45(五) 求新求异,增进品牌创新力 47(六) “体”“制”重构,加强品牌执行力 50结语 54参考文献 55后记 57摘 要频道品牌化经营已成为国内电视发展的趋势。频道间的竞争,不仅是节目品质的较量,也是品牌传播的角力。频道包装是美化电视屏幕,吸引观众最重要的渠道。但由于包装概念缺乏系统性和规范性,操作时又有脱离品牌核心的趋势。因此本文以VI管理来重新概括以电视屏幕中非内容性的视觉元素来建构电视品牌形象的行为,统一性和规范性是其最大特征。作为频道品牌建构的重要一环,频道VI理应在频道品牌塑造中发挥更大作用,但由于国内电视媒体行政身份、节目制片人制等隐性因素所产生的阻力


5、的频道VI管理可促成VI传播效力的最大发挥,反过来提升频道核心竞争力,推动频道品牌资产的扩充。本文的主要价值是探讨频道VI管理的有效模式,将品牌概念引入频道VI管理,不仅是理论发展的内在延伸,也可修正国内频道VI在发展过程中出现的问题,力求为国内频道VI管理的探索提供有益的参考。关键词:频道品牌、频道VI、品牌化管理、品牌竞争力ABSTRACTAt present, brand management of TV channel has become a trend , the battle among TV channels is not only focused on the quality

6、 of TV programs, but also focused on the brand of TV channel. Channel package is the important way to beautify the TV screen, attract the audiences and so on. However, because of lacking of system and criterion of the concept of package, there is a trend to deviate the core value of brand in operati

7、on. Therefore, this paper introduces the concept of management of TV channels VI, whose traits are its system and criterion, to summarize the behavior that to build the brand image of TV channel with the visual elements beyond the content of the program.As the important part of brand Building, TV ch

8、annels VI is supposed to execute an important influence on the construction of TV Channel brand ,however, because of the resistance caused by the latent conditions such as the administrational ID of TV channel and the system of program producer, there is a trend of deviating the brand in the develop

9、ment of domestic TV channels VI ,which not only betrays the initial aim, but also is a waste of money .Therefore, it is a chief concern that to build the management mode of channel VI in the VI construction of TV channel in China. Li guangdou, who is an expert on marketing, first put forward the the

10、ory of the competitiveness of brand which is to fulfill full and systematic brand management by enhancing the Sub-elements of the competitiveness of brand within the core value of brand. To introduce this concept into the management of TV channel provides an angle of view to the research of it. The

11、branding management of TV channels VI is focused on the competitiveness of brand and to enhance the effectiveness of the Sub-elements of it. And also, it is necessary to build TV channel VI with the demands of the Sub-elements of it in order to put the TV channel VI into the framework of brand manag

12、ement and magnify the effectiveness of it; At the same time, the branding management of TV channels VI can promote the communication effectiveness of the channels VI, in reverse, enhance the core competitiveness of TV channel and magnify the brand capital of TV channel.Keywords: The brand of TV channel, Channels VI, Brand management, The competitiveness of brand中国电视频道VI管理的品牌化解读前言1问题的提出2005年底,央视10套全面改版,在这场



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