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1、常用词汇、词组辨析本部分将常用易混词和词组归纳为127例,进行详细的辨析,并举例说明,以便于考生掌握使用。以下这些词大部分出现在大纲词表上,考生应在学习中特别注意加以区分。 (1)abroad adv. /aboard adv. /board n.&v. 前两个词是副词,词形相近,容易记混。这两个词的意思差异很大。abroad意为“在国外”;而aboard的意思是“登(机),上(车船等)”,与动词go搭配来表示登机等;最后一个词board常用来表示“登机,上船”,是动词。例:I have decided to study abroad next year. 我已决定明年去国外读书。It is

2、time to go aboard. 现在该登机了。We are asked to board half an hour before departure time. 起飞前半小时之内,我们必须登机。(2)absorb v. /concentrate v. absorb原义为“吸收”,引申词义为“吸引(注意力,精力等)”,常用于be absorbed in sth. 表示“被吸引住,专注于”;concentrate的意思是“集中精神,全神贯注,聚精会神”,多与on或upon连用。例:The picture absorbed my attention. 我被这幅画迷住了。He found his

3、 brother absorbed in the watching of the match. 他发现弟弟在聚精会神地看比赛。She tried to concentrate on her work in the university. 她试图专心致志地在大学里工作。(3)accomplish vt. /complete vt.&a. /achieve vt. accomplish的词义是“成功地完成每项任务”,尤其指经过一定努力后完成;complete主要指“全部完成了,没有剩下”,另外complete也是形容词,意为“完整的,完全的”;achieve与accomplish相近,指“经过努力

4、最终达到预期的目标”。例:I knew that I had accomplished something during my first year in Beijing. 我知道在北京的第一年我已经取得了一些成就。I have just completed the revision of this report. 我刚刚完成对报告的修订。He went to London without having achieved any success. 他一事无成便去了伦敦。(4)accurate a. /correct a. /exact a. accurate的意思是“精确的,准确的”;corr

5、ect的意思是“正确的,没有错误的”;exact的意思是“确切的,正好的”。例:I need an accurate figure on what we have lost in the battle. 我需要有关战事损失的准确数字。This is not the correct answer to that question. 这不是那个问题的正确答案。These are the exact tools those people used several thousand years ago. 这些人几千年前用的就是这种工具。(5)acquire v. /require v. /inquir

6、e v. 这几个词词形、发音相近,容易记混。acquire的意思是“经过自己的努力获得,习得”;require的意思是“要求”;inquire的意思是“调查,询问,打听”。例:She has acquired a new set of interests. 她现在又有了一些新的爱好。The rules require us all to be present. 按规定我们都要出席。Why dont you inquire by telephone?你为什么不打电话询问一下呢?(6)actual a. /genuine a. /original a. /real a. /practical a.

7、 actual指“实际上”、“事实上”存在或发生的事情,或人所共知的客观事实;genuine指与真实情况“一模一样”,“名符其实”,“真心的”;original指信息或消息等“原原本本”的情况,见解等“独到而非抄袭别人”;real指“真实存在的,不是假的或捏造的;practical指从实践、实用角度讲“实事求是的,可行的,有实际经验的”。例:The actual cost of repairs was a lot less than we had expected.实际的修理费用比我们预期的要低得多。This ring is genuine gold. 这枚戒指是真金的。This is an

8、original play, not an adaptation.这是一本原创剧本,不是改编而成的。He is just a recent graduate experiencing the real world for the first time.他只是一个刚毕业首次体验现实世界的毕业生。This kind of product is worthless for all practical purposes.这种产品毫无实用价值。(7)adapt v. /adopt v. 这两个词拼写只差一个字母,非常容易记混。adapt的意思是“改编,改作用,适应”;adopt是“收养,采用,采纳”。例

9、:I suggest that he should adapt himself to new conditions. 我建议他要适应新的环境。This play has been skillfully adapted from the original novel. 改编者很熟练地将原小说改编成一部戏剧。We can adapt this old house for use as a garage. 我们可以将这座旧房改造成一个车库。Her mother had adopted a disapproving attitude. 她母亲采取了不赞成的态度。They have decided to

10、 adopt me as their own daughter. 他们已决定收养我做女儿。(8)adequate a. /sufficient a. adequate常用来表示“充足的,完备的,完善的,胜任的”;sufficient则表示“在数量上是足够的,多的”。在表示充足的含义上前者更强调足够用来做某事,而后者则表示多,不缺乏。例:His wages are adequate to support these people。他的收入足以养活这些人。Two pounds of orange will be sufficient for the party,dont buy more. 两磅柑

11、桔就够聚会用的了,不必再多买了。(9)administration n. /management n. 这两个名词都是与管理有关的名词。administration的主要含义是“行政管理,政府等”,而management比前者的含义广,它可以指“包括企业管理在内的各种管理,经营”,也可以指“行政管理”。例:An executive should be experienced in administration. 一个管理者应有行政管理的经验。Nothing was done by the last administration. 上届政府什么事也没干。The management of the

12、 business has been done very well. 这个企业管理得很好。She is going to report the whole thing to the management. 她将向领导做全面汇报。(10)admit v. /allow v. /permit v. /approve v. 这几个词都有“同意,批准,允许”的意思,要注意区别运用。admit的意思是“同意进入,允许进入”(常与to连用);allow泛指“一般的同意,允许”;permit常用来表示“上下级之间的允许,批准”;approve的主要意思是“批准(条文,协议等),赞同”(常与of连用)。例:T

13、his ticket will admit two to the opening ceremony of the exhibition. 这张展览会开幕式的入场券可允许两人入场。His mother didnt allow him to watch TV before he finished his homework. 不做完作业,他母亲不许他看电视。This state permits the sale of alcoholic beverages. 本州允许销售酒精类饮料。Do you think my father would permit this?你认为我父亲会同意这样做吗?Cong

14、ress approved the budget. 国会批准了该预算。I do not approve at all of his moral character. 我根本不赞同他的道德品格。(11)advantage n. /merit n. /virtue n. advantage的主要意思是“优势,好处”,为可数名词,常用于短语take advantage of sth.;merit的主要意思是“优点,长处,好处,可取之处”,是可数名词,也是不可数名词;virtue的主要意思是“美德,品德,优点”,主要从事物的品质或价值的角度讲优点。例:I said we could see certa

15、in advantages in a change. 我是说我们可以在改变中看到其优势。He knew the merit of his work. 他了解他的工作的优点。One of his virtues is that he never gets angry. 他的美德之一就是他从不生气。(12)affair n. /event n. /incident n. affair的意思是“有关的事,事务,活动等”,如foreign affairs(外事),也常指婚外恋;event指“每日里发生的事件,事或活动,比赛项目”;incident同event意思相近,指“事件,事”,尤指较重大的、有影响的政治事件等。例:They have no right to interfere in the domestic affairs of Iran. 他们无权干涉伊朗的内政。The affair remained a complete mystery. 那件事至今还是个谜。The important event of the week was the big storm. 那一周中的大事就是那场大暴风雪。Coming events in the village include a dance-show and a treat


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