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1、2010届高考二轮英语复习专项训练:完形填空(十五)Passage 15What sounds or impressions are you making on the people around you? Think about it. Your words, phrases, even your message may soon be forgotten but believe me, good or 1 , your melody music.An odd choice of phrase? Not really. The dictionary 2 melody? as a succes

2、sion of sounds, and what is life other than the combining and blending of a succession of movements and sounds.Just as a musical composition affects the moods and emotions of people who hear it, so too does the way you live your 3 .Think of your life as a 4 sheet of manuscript paper. Only the rhythm

3、 is there -it is 5 to you to create the harmony. Naturally you will want your composition to be a 6 , a chart buster even a Symphony - something to be remembered with pleasure.So where to 7 ? YOU MUST BEGIN WITH YOURSELF. Have the right 8 , enjoy life, - and most importantly, be optimistic about the

4、 future.Be really 9 in other people. Make a conscience effort to bring peace and happiness into other peoples lives. 10 situations that generate excessive ambition, envy, anger and pride. They are all 11 of peace and will play ruin with your harmony. 12 has been said that if these emotions or feelin

5、gs were forgotten, the world would live in permanent peace. Well, to banish(消除) them from the world is probably aiming a bit high but it shouldnt be too 13 to rid them from your own life.Develop features such as smart, social, and sensitivity. These attributes are invaluable in enhancing not only yo

6、ur own life but the lives of those around you.Everything you do has an 14 on those around you. The way you move, whether you 15 or frown. You are capable of making someones day bright or miserable.Take time to 16 other people. If there are too many discords & not enough harmony in their lives, 17 th

7、em to have a brighter outlook.Throughout the world most people are striving for 18 .From the family unit 19 around the dinner table to world leaders at the conference table, the name of the game is the pursuit of peace.So, let us all play our part in composing the rhythm of life by consciously choos

8、ing peace and harmony in our daily lives to 20 a harmonious Universe.( ) 1. A. wrong B. false C. bad D. harmful( ) 2. A. defines B. thinks C. regards D. acts( ) 3. B. school B. home C. life D. college( ) 4. A. blank B. used C. full D. deserted( ) 5. A. ready B. decided C. possible D. up( ) 6. A. fai

9、lure B. success C. model D. mess( ) 7. A. do B. write C. make D. begin( ) 8. A. attitude B. type C. mood D. opinion( ) 9. A. enthusiastic B. mild C. interested D. cautious( ) 10. A. Choose B. Discover C. Avoid D. Design( ) 11. A. enemies B. friends C. conditions D. helps( ) 12. A. Which B. It C. Wha

10、t D. These( ) 13. A. easy B. willing C. difficult D. terrifying( ) 14. A. effort B. mark C. damage D. effect( ) 15. A. smile B. cry C. shout D. talk( ) 16. A. attack B. listen to C. change D. interview( ) 17. A. encourage B. defeat C. train D. stop( ) 18. A. war B. peace C. fight D. talk( ) 19. A. a

11、rranged B. reached C. seated D. loaded( ) 20. A. create B. invent C. seek D. protect答案及解析本文说明的是快乐交际,幸福生活。完成本文要结合生活实际。1. C无论好坏,前面是good,后面自然是Bad,坏,而不是wrong:错,harmful:有害。2. A 字典对这个词的定义是动听的声音,define:定义,think:认为,regard:认为,act:扮演。3. C live ones life 是固定结构,意思是:过的生活。4. A 稿纸自然是空白的,也就是blank, used:旧的,full:满的,d

12、eserted:抛弃的,这些不合适。5. D你生活的曲调就取决于你的行为。取决于,就是be up to sb.,准备好(ready),决定(decide),可能(possible),不合适宜6. B 实际上你想让自己表现得很好。表现的好,就是成功的人士,故success,而不是失败(failure),模特(model),和一团糟(mess).7. D 既然出现了问题,要解决问题,从哪开始(begin: 开始)呢?,do:行动,做,write:写, make:制作,明显不行。8. A 后面无论是享受,还是乐观,都是对生活的态度:attitude,类型:type,情绪:mood,观点:opinio

13、n,都不合适。9. C 有交往就得对别人感兴趣(interested),而不是热烈的:enthusiastic,太强烈了,mild: 温和的,太柔了,cautious:小心的,就更不合适了。10. C 后面的骄傲,嫉妒等等都是负面情绪,当然得避免(avoid)了,而不是choose:选择,discover:发现,design:设计。11. A 上述的那些不良情绪都是你和人相处的大敌(enemy),而不是朋友(friends),条件(condition),更不是帮助(help)。12. B据说如果人类消除了这些情绪,世界就会永远和平。It be said that +主语从句:据说,别的无法构成

14、这样的句型。13. C避免这些情绪应该不会太难(difficult),而不是easy :容易,willing:自愿,terrifying:令人害怕。14. D你做的每件事都会在周围人有影响(have an effect on),而不是effort:努力,mark:记号,damage:损害。15. A是喜笑颜开(smile)还是怒气冲冲?都会影响到别人是开心还是难过,cry:哭喊,shout:大叫,talk:谈话,显得不行。16. B 花些时间去倾听(listen to ),而不是攻击(attack),改变(change),采访(interview)。17. A如果他们的生活中有太多的矛盾和别扭

15、,鼓励(encourage)他们用乐观的态度去面对,根本不是打败(defeat),培训(train),停止(stop)。18. B 全世界大多数人都在为和平(peace)而奋斗,而不是为了战争(war),争斗(fight),谈判(talk)。19. C 无论是一家人围坐(seated)在饭桌前,还是国家级领导人围坐着会议桌前,他们的目的是一样的追求和平,总不能被安排(arranged),被达到(reached),被装上(loaded)吧。20. A所以,让我们每个人拿和平,和谐为基调来开创(create)我们的生活乐章吧!像发明(invent),寻找(seek),保护(protect)等等明显不行。- 3 -



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