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1、Unit 6 Civility and Good Manners: Keys to the exercisesWords in Action 2 In the box below are some of the words you have learned in this unit. Complete the following sentences with them. Change the form wherenecessary.1) The car crash wasnt an accident; it was a(n)deliberateattempt to kill him!2) Sh

2、e became cautious when she was led into a(n)desertedside street.3) The government would be unwise toignorethe growing dissatisfaction with its economic policies.4) Sheadjustedher mirror and then edged the car out of its parking bay.5) After years ofneglect, the museum is open to the public again.6)

3、When marchers gathered on a third day of protest,violencebroke out and buildings were burned.7) Due to the depression, our share of the market hasdecreasedsharply this year.8) He has a very good memory and can still remember everyincidentthat happened 20 years ago in great detail.9) Dont ask me; fol

4、low yourinstinctsand do what you think is right.10) Oneswingof the axe is enough to fell(砍倒)the tree.11) She refused to confront theinescapablefact that she would have to sell the house.12) I was too sleepy to beawarehow cold it was.3 In the boxes below are some of the expressions you have learned i

5、n this unit. Do you understand their meanings? Do you know how to use them in the proper context? Now check for yourself by doing the blank-filling exercise. Change the form where necessary.1) The incident seems to show the companyin a bad light.2) Could we take a walk? Ifeel likehaving a little exe

6、rcise.3)Cooped upin a small dark cell, the prisoner hasnt seen daylight for five years.4) Wed better get rid of these boxes of yours theyare taking up / take uptoo much space.5) The village is far away from the town,tucked awaybehind the hills.6) He is a nice person. Ive never seen him get annoyed o

7、rlose his temper.7) Being afraid that he was going to tell the newspapers, the company offered him ?,1000 toshuthimup.8) They layside by sideon the grass, not talking, just looking into thesky and enjoying the gentle spring breeze.9) Our application was rejected, but the council didntgive a good rea

8、son forits decision.10) It is reported that youth crime has beenon the risein recent years.11) Mankind mustput an end towar or war willput an end tomankind.12) Summers in the south of France arefor the most partdry and sunny.Increasing Your Word Power1 Many words in English can be used both as nouns

9、 and as verbs. Use either thenoun form or the verb form of the words given in the box below to complete allthe sentences. Change the form where necessary.1) I have nothing butscornfor people who are cruel to animals.2) We all breathed asighof relief when we heard they were safe.3) Irespecthis views,

10、 although I do not agree with them.4) The park was overgrown and littered from years ofneglect.5) Qualified staff are leaving and standards aredeclining.6) Several leading officers have quite openlyscornedthe peace talks.7) Feed plants and they grow,neglectthem and they suffer.8) The first signs of

11、economicdeclinedidnt become visible until acouple of months later.9) Oneswingof the hammer was all it took to drive the nail throughthe board.10) Investment levels have fallen, while the number of business failureshas risen.11) Many of us are not happy with the recent sharprisein gas price.12) Weve

12、had adecreasein the number of students enrolling in theschool.13) His voice was warm with friendship andrespect.14) I lay on my back, listening to the sound of the windsighingin thetrees.15) By exercising often, you candecreaseyour chance of developingheart disease.16) She sat on the edge of the tab

13、le,swingingher legs.2 Complete the following sentences with “behaviour”, “manners”, or both. Changethe form where necessary.1) Its not goodmannersto stare at people.2) Her lack ofmannersis quite appalling.3) He had his jail term cut for goodbehaviour.4) Didnt your parents teach you anymanners?5) Im

14、sorry, I was forgetting mymanners. Can I offer you a drink?6) Animals in zoos often display disturbedbehaviour.7) Parents can influence thebehaviour / mannersof their children.8) He attacked the food as quickly as decent tablemannersallowed.9) He could at least have had themannersto answer my letter

15、.10) The headmaster does not tolerate badbehaviour / manners.All the words in the following table can form acceptable collocations with thetarget words in italics. Cross out the word that is not similar in meaning fromthe rest in every group.1) proper 2) due 3) utmost4) grudgingrespect1) apologetic 2) sheepish 3) rueful4) reassuringsmile1) colloquial2) offensive 3) strong 4) crudelanguage1) insolent2) soothing 3) cheerful 4) fruityvoice1) lax 2) carefree 3) casual4) ambivalentattitudes1) obscene 2) rude3) theatrical4) defiantgesture4 Did


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